English term
Nanuet Mall...
It's the translation of a legal document for a lawyer's deposition. Do you think we should translate the English term "Mall" for the Spanish witness or we should leave it in English?
Many of these legal translation projects and oral legal depositions are done for Hispanic people with a very low education level and they speak very little English.
Thanks for your help.
5 +2 | Nanuet Mall / centro comercial Nanuet Mall | Guillermo Urbina Valdés |
Non-PRO (1): Sandro Tomasi
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Proposed translations
Nanuet Mall / centro comercial Nanuet Mall
Note added at 1 hr (2014-08-10 08:29:45 GMT)
I think that would be overkill. It's a proper name and shouldn't be translated. Besides, in my experience, most Hispanic people in the US are familiar with words like "mall" regardless of educational attainment.
Mr. Urbina,Thanks. These people in the depositions are very low educated and that's why we were using always Spanish terms. What do you think Centro Comercial de Nanuet? |
Thanks Mr. Urbina. |
agree |
Jessica Noyes
: I like your second suggestion in this case
6 hrs
agree |
Mónica Algazi
: With Jessica.
7 hrs
Thanks again for your help.
The other reason is accuracy. Nanuet is the name of a town in New York. I haven't been there but how can we really be sure this is the only mall there?
I'll give you an example. When I lived in Orlando, I shopped at a mall called "Florida Mall". If I had to translate that, I would never use "centro comercial de la Florida" because I'd be skipping an essential part of the name and losing a lot of accuracy in doing so.
I also think the same but Mr. Guillermo Urbina from The UK believes that we should not translate "Mall because is a proper name.