Apr 8, 2014 07:59
10 yrs ago
Lithuanian term

Kai aš ką nors darau, galiu išlaikyti mintis apie tai.

Lithuanian to English Medical Medical: Health Care Medical questionnaire
Tai teiginys iš tam tikro klausimyno. Pacientas turi parodyti, iki kokio laipsnio sutinka su teiginiu. Kai išverstumėte tą teiginį?


Valters Feists Apr 11, 2014:
Focus/concentration vs. remembering/memory Keeping focus on the things that one does WHILE doing those things seems more logical and more probably the author's intention than retaining memories. Memories come later. That's how I came up with "When doing something, I am able to keep my mind on it." (or "can").

And the original forward translation (into Lithuanian) might have been unidiomatic and a bit imprecise.
Arturas Bakanauskas Apr 10, 2014:
disregard my answer I found the construction strange, but thought it had to do with retaining memories, as clearly pointed out in my answer. With the rest of the context, obviously my idea was wrong and the author just wanted a synonym for 'focus' as Lithuanians are taught that is good writing in all situations. Please disregard my answer.
Gintautas Kaminskas (asker) Apr 10, 2014:
Artūrai, there are three more questions about concentration, none about memory.

Mano mintys lengvai nuklysta.
Aš galiu gana gerai susikaupti.
Reikia labai daug pastangų, kad galėčiau kam nors susikaupti.

The rest are about other things, e.g.
Aš jaučiuosi sveikas(-a)
Aš jaučiuosi fiziškai galintis(-i) nedaug ką nuveikti.
Aš jaučiuosi labai aktyvus(-i).
Aš jaučiuosi galintis(-i) užsiimti įvairia malonia veikla.
Aš jaučiuosi pavargęs(-usi).
Aš manau, kad per dieną daug nuveikiu.
Aš galiu fiziškai daug nuveikti.
Aš baiminuosi, kai man reikia ką nors padaryti.
Aš manau, kad per dieną mažai ką nuveikiu.
Aš esu pailsėjęs(-usi).
Aš jaučiuosi blogos fizinės būklės.
Aš turiu daug planų.
Aš greitai pavargstu.
Aš mažai ką nuveikiu.
Aš nemanau, kad nieko neveikiu.
Aš jaučiuosi puikios fizinės būklės.
Arturas Bakanauskas Apr 10, 2014:
context How about the context? What are the other questions about? Are they about maintaining focus or about remembering what happened?
Gintautas Kaminskas (asker) Apr 10, 2014:
Valters, I am starting to think the question might be about focus/attention (rather than memory), but the text is a back translation from English, and if the original English was about attention/concentration, I wonder why the LT translator didn't use the verb „susikaupti“? But without guessing the original English, do you think the words „išlaikyti mintis“ are about focus/attention (rather than memory)?
Gintautas Kaminskas (asker) Apr 10, 2014:
"Retain thoughts about it" or "keep my mind on it" That's why I asked this question. I wasn't sure whether „Kai aš ką nors darau, galiu išlaikyti mintis apie tai.“ means "Retain thoughts about it" or "keep my mind on it". Any more comments? This is a question in a medical questionnaire. The original was in English, the LT sentence quoted is a translation.Is „mintis išlaikyti“ idiomatic Lithuanian? What does it mean: to focus on something (keep one's attention on it) or to remember something after you've done it (to remember that you have done it)?
Gintautas Kaminskas (asker) Apr 8, 2014:
Thanks. The phrase "retain thoughts about it" sounds reasonable.

Proposed translations

2 days 6 hrs

When doing something, I can keep my mind on it.

The question might be about focus/attention.

Macmillan Dictionary:
mind =
[1 a]... your attention or thoughts
keep your mind on something:
[example] I can't keep my mind on work when it's so sunny outside.

Note added at 2 days10 hrs (2014-04-10 18:16:05 GMT)

When doing something, I am able to keep my mind on it.
Example sentence:

Cognitive control - which is essentially the ability to keep your mind on one chosen thing and resist other temptations... http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6373273

I can't keep my mind on a project for any length of time... http://www.patient.co.uk/forums/discuss/cognitive-psychological-side-effects-of-taking-levothyroxine-21340

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks."
48 mins

When I do something, I can retain thoughts about it.

Sounds like Alzheimer's or the like. My mother is old enough to suffer from just the age question. You ask her what she had for lunch and she has absolutely no recollection of eating.
Peer comment(s):

agree Inga Jokubauske : (...) I am able to continue thinking about it. Man gal šitame kontekste norėtųsi "can" keisti į "am able to".
1 day 1 hr
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