Feb 18, 2014 22:37
11 yrs ago
Latvian term


Latvian to English Medical Medical (general) clinical recommendation
Zobārstniecības rezidentūras ārste vairākkārt piedalījās paraugdemonstrējumos studentu nodarbības.


Proposed translations

1 hr


I'd keep it simple: gave demonstrations or demos

Wikipedia explains this as follows:
Demonstration involves showing by reason or proof, explaining or making clear by use of examples or experiments. Put more simply, demonstration means to clearly show.[1] In teaching through demonstration, students are set up to potentially conceptualize class material more effectively as shown in a study which specifically focuses on chemistry demonstrations presented by teachers.[2] Demonstrations often occur when students have a hard time connecting theories to actual practice or when students are unable to understand application of theories.

For example:
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agree vita z
12 hrs
agree Doroteja
2 days 15 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "paldies! "
54 mins

master class

gave several master classes to students

Note added at 10 hrs (2014-02-19 09:36:33 GMT)

A master class is a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline—... where skills are being developed.

Therefore, demonstration does not include the teaching process + it can be misunderstood.
Peer comment(s):

neutral vita z : Jautājums ir par paraugdemonstrējumiem, nevis meistarklasēm (kurās bieži notiek arī paraugdemonstrējumi).
20 hrs
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