May 31, 2001 06:42
23 yrs ago
English term
Do you have any health problems? What form of contraception are you using?
English to Czech
Czech patients registeering with a UK doctor
Proposed translations
7 hrs
Máte nějaké zdravotní problémy? Jaký druh antikoncepce pouíváte?
The translation is given in the usual form of address used in questionaries, forms, etc.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement."
23 hrs
Mate nejake zdravotni problemy? Jaky druh ochrany pred otehotnenim pouzivate?
Contraception = not only "the pills" but all kinds of protection
In Czech = ochrana pred otehotnenim
In Czech = ochrana pred otehotnenim
Peer comment(s):
Dana (X)
: The second sentence is a little "stiff" and doesn't flow naturally due to the use of the term "ochrana pred otehotnenim"
4 days
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