Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:


English translation:

hues, shades

Added to glossary by cynthiatesser
Dec 9, 2013 12:49
10 yrs ago
12 viewers *
Italian term


Italian to English Other Cosmetics, Beauty Acconciature
I have a text containing the terms riflessi and colpi di sole in the same sentence. I believe both are usually translated as highlights. Any ideas as to how to differentiate between them? Here are the sentences in question from the source text:
Intensificare i riflessi e tonalizzare i colpi di sole.
Perfetto tra una colorazione e l'altra per ravvivare i riflessi e ripigmentare le lunghezze sbiadite. Ottimo per tonalizzare colpi di sole e meches.

The term riflessi is also used at various other points in the text:
Colore e riflessi intensi e luminosi.
RAVVIVARE, IDRATARE, ILLUMINARE E DISTRICARE i tuoi capelli con riflessi intensi e brillanti.
Il risultato finale dipenderà dal vostro colore naturale di partenza, più la base sarà chiara, più evidenti saranno i riflessi.
Pettinare uniformemente e lasciare in posa da 5 a 20 min. a seconda della porosità del capello e dell’intensità del riflesso desiderato.

Thanks in advance for any help or ideas.
Change log

Dec 17, 2013 14:39: cynthiatesser Created KOG entry

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Hilary Bruce (asker) Dec 17, 2013:
Thanks Thanks to all for your input.

Proposed translations

16 mins



Note added at 19 mins (2013-12-09 13:08:23 GMT)

Riflessi is different from highlights. Highlights are marked stripes of a different colour, whereas riflessi is an overall tint that just gives your jus a shade of a different colour

Note added at 19 mins (2013-12-09 13:08:34 GMT)

shade is another possibile translation

Note added at 19 mins (2013-12-09 13:09:03 GMT)

correction: just gives your hair

Note added at 23 mins (2013-12-09 13:12:52 GMT)

It is a very light tint, which you can only see under bright light and that does not change your hair colour that much

Note added at 24 mins (2013-12-09 13:14:02 GMT)

Il riflessante (poco forte e poco aggressivo) si lava via con una decina di shampoo e non può cambiarti il colore. Con la tinta puoi passare anche da castana a nera, e ha una durata maggiore.

Note added at 8 days (2013-12-17 14:40:06 GMT) Post-grading

Thank you!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you and sorry for the delay in closing this. "
14 mins


3 ( sfumatura di colore) tint, hue: i suoi capelli hanno riflessi dorati, her hair has golden tints
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38 mins


This is another commonly used term for highlights in UK.

If you don’t have time to listen to your friend’s long, involved story, you might say, "Just give me the highlights." Highlight can also mean "a lightness or a bright area." If someone puts highlights in their hair, they are adding BRIGHT STREAKS to their hair. When used as a verb, highlight means "to emphasize." You may want to highlight the best grades on a report card while downplaying the lesser ones."
Example sentence:

"Uniformity is definitely not the trend. STREAKS are back in style and right now, they add a lot of interest to the hair styles of celebrities. We show you how the stars wear streaked hair and fill you in on the ways to use highlights, lowlights and ..."

"Adding subtle highlights or bold STREAKS to your hair doesn't require an expensive trip to the hair salon. All you need is bleach, dye, patience and a sense of adventure."

Peer comment(s):

disagree cynthiatesser : riflessi are not highlights
1 hr
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10 hrs

(light) reflections

or shine/lustre

shiny reflections

lustrous reflections

probably from using a colour rinse/tint or treatment
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