Oct 19, 2013 00:18
11 yrs ago
German term


German to English Medical Medical (general)
Ergotherapieasessment ***JDN***
HLT - 4 Gegenstaende auf Tisch merken und in richtiger Reihenfolge wiedergeben klappt gut, 4 gedachte Gegenstaende wiedergeben auch gut, 4 gedachte Gegenstaende in richtiger Reihenfolge wiedergeben ist zu schwer, selbst in Geschichte verpackt noch zu schwer!
Kraftuebungen und Gleichgewicht im Stehen, halten am Toilettenstuhl, Umsetzung der Uebungen gut moeglich. KW.

Any suggestions? It is probably obvious but I can't figure it out.


Ramey Rieger (X) Oct 20, 2013:
Hello Johanna as you say, assessment of the patient's abilities. At some point the patient must be mentioned, either as XXX or 'the patient'. If, as you say, possibly therapy orientation, which one? It would really help to have the asker's input.
Johanna Timm, PhD Oct 19, 2013:
Ramey how I read it
HLT (Hirnleistungstraining), followed by the assessment of the patient’s mental/memorizing abilities
JDN (abbrev. for a certain type of therapy) followed by the assessment of the patient’s strength and balance
KW (Körperwahrnehmung), followed -presumably - by another assessment (of the patient’s muscle coordination or sim.)
same for the title: Ergotherapieassessment (JDN:abbreviation denoting a particular therapy orientation)

Ramey Rieger (X) Oct 19, 2013:
Gut, auch gut, zu schwer, gut möglich for who?
Ramey Rieger (X) Oct 19, 2013:
Hi Johanna Exactly, the patient is being assessed in these areas. It most certainly READS like a patient assessment. I'd be happy to be convinced otherwise.
Johanna Timm, PhD Oct 19, 2013:
most likely not initials since HLT Hirnleistungstraining, KW Körperwahrnehmung
Ramey Rieger (X) Oct 19, 2013:
Hi David That makes no sense to me! Maybe I've got a twist in my brain (no comment from the peanut gallery, please), but this looks like the person being assessed has been given two exercises. If it is NOT a person, what is being assessed? Surely not the exercises? These are standard ergo (occupational) therapy exercises, at least the first one is known to me.
David Moore (X) Oct 19, 2013:
Hi Sonja, I'd love some more context here (wouldn't we all...), since it's not impossible that Ramey's on the right tack. However, the fact that 'JDN' appears twice does suggest to me that it's an abbreviation of '(für) jeden' (as in an instruction to be followed by each participant), and the 'HLT' are the initials of one of the persons taking part in this assessment.
Ramey Rieger (X) Oct 19, 2013:
A proper name This seems to me to clearly be an assessment of a particular person whose initials are JDN. In this case, do not translate.

Proposed translations

11 hrs

Proper name, do not translate

This is an ASSESSMENT, not of the exercises, but of a person with the initials JDN.
Peer comment(s):

neutral David Moore (X) : Very doubtful...
1 hr
Why? After each exercise is an evaluation.
agree Ela Hoffman
3 hrs
Thanks Elemele, so you so it this way, too? That's a relief!
agree Anne Schulz : Likely. (Sonja should be able to tell from the layout of her source text.)
21 hrs
Thank you Anne, we're still waiting on more context.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks! Your answer makes he most sense."
5 hrs

somebody, someone

Maybe just as simple as 'jemanden'?
Otherwise, probably more context could help..
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8 hrs


Most likely to be short for everybody (i.e. all members of group)
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9 hrs

applicable to each one

It is Jemanden, but the translation should reffer to the context. It is more likely that the assement is a type of assement that is (attribute) or should be (requirement) applicable to each one in the reference group.
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