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Added to glossary by Ratko Rebic
Sep 24, 2013 17:41
11 yrs ago
33 viewers *
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English to Serbian Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Tajni podaci
Imam problem kako da u prevodu na srpski jezik napravim razliku izmedju "nationality" i "citizenship", a prakticno se odnosi na pripadnost drugoj drzavi.

U SAD prave sledecu razliku:
All U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals, but there are some who are U.S. nationals but are not U.S. citizens.
U.S. national is a person born in or having ties with "an outlying possession of the United States" which is as of 2005, only American Samoa and Swains Island.

Kako prevesti recimo "non-citizen nationality"?
Change log

Oct 8, 2013 04:03: Ratko Rebic Created KOG entry


Daryo Sep 25, 2013:
"non-citizen nationality" je zapravo pitanje?

Proposed translations

16 mins



Građanstvo- Citizenship of the European Union

Note added at 22 mins (2013-09-24 18:03:44 GMT)

Ne mora svaki građanin neke zemlje ujedno biti i te nacionalnosti.
Peer comment(s):

agree macimovic
2 hrs
Hvala Milice!
agree Vuk Vujosevic
10 hrs
Hvala Vuk!
agree Sladjana Spaic
13 hrs
Hvala Sladjana!
agree majadina
19 hrs
Hvala Majadina!
neutral Daryo : "Ne mora svaki građanin neke zemlje ujedno biti i te nacionalnosti." nacionalnost u tom smislu je "specifičnost" t.j. izmišljotina" SFRJ i nije ni "nationality" niti "citizenship"
1 day 59 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 hr


nationality - националност
citizenship - држављанство

По националности можете бити Србин, а немати држављанство Републике Србије.
Peer comment(s):

agree macimovic
44 mins
agree Vuk Vujosevic
8 hrs
agree Bogdan Petrovic
9 hrs
agree Sladjana Spaic
11 hrs
disagree Daryo : u ovom konkretnom slučaju Samoanci nisu "državljani SAD" niti se osećaju kao da im je "nacionalna pripadnost" (NE "nationality") Amerikanac
1 day 1 hr
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4 hrs


Nationality je najpre državljanstvo, a onda sve ostalo, pa i nacionalnost. Pogledajte rečnike, pa ćete videti, ovo delimično spada u kategoriju lažnih parova - na kraju, postoji dual nationality a to teško je dvostruka nacionalnost. Za vašu dilemu predlažem da za citizen koristite - građanin. Potvrdu ćete naći u širem značenju reči građanin i građanstvo u odnosu na određenu zemlju, a ne kao demografskog pojma. U toj kombinaciji gotovo da postižemo razlikovanje koje postoji u engleskom između nationality ("puko" državljanstvo) i citizenship (državljanstvo sa svim pravima). Zanimljiv je i link u prilogu o građanstvu EU.

Oxford Advanced:

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 8th edition


BrE / næʃənæləti /

NAmE / næʃənæləti /


( pl. na • tion • al • ities )

1 [ uncountable ,  countable ] the legal right of belonging to a particular nation

to take/have/hold French nationality

All applicants will be considered regardless of age, sex, religion or nationality.

The college attracts students of all nationalities.

She has dual nationality (= is a citizen of two countries) .

2 [ countable ] a group of people with the same language, culture and history who form part of a political nation

Kazakhstan alone contains more than a hundred nationalities.đanstvo_Evropske_unije
Peer comment(s):

agree Vuk Vujosevic
6 hrs
neutral Daryo : pravo pitanje (kosketina) je zapravo "non-citizen nationality" of American Samoans; jeste vrsta "državljanstva", nije pogrešno ali je samo deo rešenja. Da li je moguće dati pravi odgovor na pogrešno / nepotpuno pitanje?
21 hrs
Postovani kolega, pravila KudoZa su jasna - rec koja se trazi je "nationality" i to ce uci u glosar; ono sto vi citirate jesu kontekst/prakticne dileme koje je koleginica navela, a ostatak samo vasa vrlo slobodna interpretacija pitanja.
agree Jelica Milutinović : Za praktične kontekste sa kojima mi obično radimo, nationality je državljanstvo. Otvorite prvu stranu pasoša i pogledajte šta piše.
2270 days
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Reference comments

1 day 2 hrs

Citizenship in the United States - the case of American Samoa


People born in American Samoa – including those born on Swains Island – are American nationals,[23] but are not American citizens unless one of their parents is a U.S. citizen. As U.S. nationals, American Samoans may not vote in U.S. presidential elections.[23] However, American Samoans are entitled to free and unrestricted entry into the United States.[23]

Samoans are entitled to elect one non-voting delegate to the United States House of Representatives.[23] Their delegate since 1989 has been Democrat Eni Faleomavaega. They also send delegates to the Democratic and Republican National Conventions.

See also: United States nationality law

United States citizenship confers the right to acquire a U.S. passport.

Citizenship in the United States is a legal marker denoting political membership in the United States that entails specific rights, privileges, and duties. Citizenship is understood as a "right to have rights" since it serves as a foundation for a bundle of subsequent rights, such as the right to live and work in the United States and to receive federal assistance.[2]

There are two primary sources of citizenship: birthright citizenship, in which a person is presumed to be a citizen provided that he is born within the territorial limits of the United States,[3] and naturalization, a process in which an immigrant applies for citizenship and is accepted. These two pathways to citizenship are specified in the Citizenship Clause of the Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment which reads:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
—from the Fourteenth Amendment.

National citizenship signifies membership in the country as a whole; state citizenship, in contrast, signifies a relation between a person and a particular state and has application generally limited to domestic matters. State citizenship may affect (1) tax decisions and (2) eligibility for some state-provided benefits such as higher education and (3) eligibility for state political posts such as U.S. Senator.

United States nationality law
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This article is about laws regarding US citizenship. For citizenship in general, see Citizenship in the United States.
Physicist Albert Einstein receiving his certificate of American citizenship from Judge Phillip Forman in 1940. He also retained his Swiss citizenship.[1]

Article I, section 8, clause 4 of the United States Constitution expressly gives the United States Congress the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 sets forth the legal requirements for the acquisition of, and divestiture from, citizenship of the United States. The requirements have become more explicit since the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, with the most recent changes to statutory law having been made by the United States Congress in 2001.
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