Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

constructive initiative VS productive initiative

English answer:


Added to glossary by Lara Barnett
Aug 10, 2013 17:46
11 yrs ago
English term

constructive initiative VS productive initiative

English Marketing Sports / Fitness / Recreation Publicity for sports company
I am a bit worried about using the right word here. I would prefer "constructive" as it is more in line with the term I have translated from Italian, which is related to concrete. Would productive be the correct term here? or am I fine using "concrete".

"Supporting youth sports is a **constructive/productive** initiative designed to encourage future generations to make physical activity part of their lives.
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Non-PRO (1): Yvonne Gallagher

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Lara Barnett (asker) Aug 11, 2013:
@ Tana Thank you for your comments. I used English forum for a specific reason as I do not need help with the translation, simply on the subtle task of English usage. // i.e. the use of good connotations.
I appreciate your comment about "a". However, in this instance I feel that either way would go:"make it part of your life...
Taña Dalglish Aug 10, 2013:
@ Lara Your posting, IMO, is confusing! If you are translating from Italian to English, you are better off posting in that forum. You haven't provided the original context, so it is hard to say whether "constructive" or "productive" or "concrete" (you have mentioned three terms!) is the right choice. Furthermore, from an English point of view, I believe you need "a" before "part of their lives" "Supporting youth sports is a **constructive/productive** initiative designed to encourage future generations to make physical activity ***a *** part of their lives."


2 mins


If the choice is between the two, "constructive" would be the better choice. "Productive" just doesn't mean very much in this sentence.
Peer comment(s):

agree Yvonne Gallagher : not concrete or productive anyway...
35 mins
agree Tina Vonhof (X) : No telling if it will be productive but it is constructive.
8 hrs
agree Phong Le
1 day 9 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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