Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

suppressed voltage rating (SVR)

French translation:

Tension supprimée nominale

Added to glossary by Anne Parent
Jun 18, 2013 01:36
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

suppressed voltage rating (SVR)

Non-PRO English to French Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng Electrical device/power center
This is in the specifications of a power center for use with TVs and accessories. It is followed by L-N 400V. I was able to get information about it, but no translation of it. Niveau de protection was in the TM, but I have doubts about it. I also found Tension de limitation, and my collegue suggested Tension de blocage nominale.

What do you think?

Thank you so much for your help!
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (2): Tony M, FX Fraipont (X)

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Cyril B. Jun 20, 2013:
'tension supprimée notation'?
Tony M Jun 18, 2013:
@ Cyril Because that doesn't fit with the rest of the context; one simply would not describe a 'cut-out voltage' as a 'suppressed voltage', hence why I wanted to find out if this is proper English (i.e. we can rely on the precision of the use of terminology) or not.
It's very important to guard against over-simplifying here, until we have enough context to go on — I'm pretty sure there's more to this than meets the eye, and so we must be careful not to jump to expedient conclusions.
Cyril B. Jun 18, 2013:
Quite simple actually, the circuit will break at 400V for security reasons. What's the problem with this?
Tony M Jun 18, 2013:
Context Please tell us more about your text.

This is not a very familiar term, and I am wondering if your text was written by a non-native EN speaker, in which case it's easy enough to guess what they probably wanted to say!

If you are unable to judge for yourself, please give us enough extra context for us to be able to see if there are any other 'odd' usages to confirm my suspicions or not.

Proposed translations

1 day 10 hrs

Tension supprimé nominale

IEV ref 702-06-24
en suppressed carrier
pertaining to a transmission or emission with amplitude modulation where the power of the sinusoidal carrier component is reduced to a level such that it generally cannot be reconstituted and used for demodulation
fr à porteuse supprimée
qualifie une transmission ou une émission à modulation d'amplitude où la composante porteuse sinusoïdale est trop affaiblie pour qu'on puisse en général la reconstituer et l'utiliser pour la démodulation

Clamping voltage
Also known as the let-through voltage. This specifies what spike voltage will cause the protective components inside a surge protector to divert unwanted energy from the protected line.[2] A lower clamping voltage indicates better protection, but can sometimes result in a shorter life expectancy for the overall protective system. The lowest three levels of protection defined in the UL rating are 330 V, 400 V and 500 V. The standard let-through voltage for 120 V AC devices is 330 volts.[3] The theoretical lowest limit possible let-through voltage for 120 volt power lines was 180 volts. New technology high quality surge suppressors can now clamp voltage at 130 volts.
Underwriters Laboratories (UL),[4] a global independent safety science company, defines how a protector may be used safely. UL 1449, 3rd edition became compliance mandatory in September 2009 to increase safety compared to products conforming to 2nd edition. A Measured Limiting Voltage test, using six times higher current (and energy), defines a Voltage Protection Rating (VPR). For a specific protector, this voltage may be higher compared to a Suppressed Voltage Ratings (SVR) in previous editions that measured let-through voltage with less current. Due to non-linear characteristics of protectors, let-through voltages defined by 2nd edition and 3rd edition testing are not comparable.[

UL Suppressed Voltage Rating (L-N) 330V
Valeur de tension en UL supprimée (L-N ) 330 V

The suppressed voltage rating is located on the device nameplate and is measured 6 inches from the device terminals, according to UL®1449 Second Edition.
Suppressed Voltage Rating
Tension supprimé nominale$File/ema_bulletin.pdf

Note added at 2 days8 hrs (2013-06-20 09:58:36 GMT) Post-grading

Il était difficile, de copier sur la site Schneider lettre à lettre. Donc une lettre perdu. Le dernier "e". Lire donc "Suppressed Voltage Rating = Tension supprimée nominale."

Je met le lien interrompu entre parenthèses afin de prévenir la corruption:
" Voltage Ra...
Peer comment(s):

disagree FX Fraipont (X) : vous citez des sources qui ne sont pas du français "Conviennent à un circuit pouvant au maximum 200 000A efficaces symétriques, à 240V maximum/ Ma référence vient de Schneider, et elle au moins est en français. Et "je me soutient" ? Vraiment?
17 hrs
Je me soutiens plutôt à la société Schneider, très connue en France. Suppressed Voltage Rating = Tension supprimée nominale.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Wouldn't "supprimé" be feminine? Thank you very much for your help!"
4 hrs

tension nominale d'interruption

suppresseur de surtensions

"Types de dispositifs I-Line, valeurs nominales d'interruption et valeur nominale de courant continu"
EMA : Suppresseurs de surtensions modulaires ... HWA : Suppresseurs de surtensions avec embout de montage .... Trousse de monteur/MEO Surgelogic.‎Translate this page

"Surgelogic Surge Protection Device - LynTec
Each surge suppression mode is individually fused and uses circuitry ... UL Suppression Voltage Rating (SVR) ..... Dispositif de Protection contre les Surtensions."
Note from asker:
Merci beaucoup. Étant donné le contexte, j'ai dû choisir "Tension supprimée nominale". Mais vos suggestions m'ont guidée, alors je vous en remercie!
Peer comment(s):

agree Daryo
14 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr

niveau de protection

ou 'protection surtension'

Note added at 1 hr (2013-06-18 02:50:40 GMT)

'suppression de surtension"

Note added at 1 hr (2013-06-18 03:02:30 GMT)

'tension de blocage' indeed :)

Note added at 4 hrs (2013-06-18 06:05:09 GMT)

'suppression de surtension 400V'
L'appareil dispose d'une fonction de suppression des surtensions à partir de 400V
Note from asker:
Merci beaucoup! Vos suggestions sont excellentes, et je crois que dans ce contexte, Tension de blocage aurait été correcte, mais j'ai dû choisir Tension supprimée nominale.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Tony M : Wouldn't really make sense in the context
1 hr
all of them?
Something went wrong...
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