Swedish term
"Huset låg vid en insjö i naturreservatet Doornendijk i det flandriska flodlandet Meetjesland, en dryg mil norr om Gent."
3 | flat lowlands | Deane Goltermann |
4 +2 | floodplains | Lene Johansen |
4 | creek area | Norskpro |
2 | flooded area | rajagopalan sampatkumar |
1 | flood lands | Roger Vaughn |
Proposed translations
flat lowlands
Note added at 1 hr (2013-06-13 21:55:31 GMT)
Did you find this one? No not the hippo, but farther down...
Note added at 6 days (2013-06-20 08:28:56 GMT) Post-grading
Good one! I'll remember it. Thanks for the points...
the flat lowlands of Meetjesland
flood lands
Might this term then be a reference to well-known local history, rather than a specific feature of the landscape i.e. it defines a general area?
Quote: "During a great storm more than 6 centuries ago, the salty water of the Westerscheldt inundated the land. That terrible catastrophy in that November 1377 night has been called the Elisabeth Flood. "
And much of what follows is a very watery tale, by and large.
This general area is likely to be more or less the same area as the flood plain, I suppose.
creek area
agree |
Anna Herbst
: SAOB säger: "lågland som ligger omkring flod l. mellan floder"
5 hrs
agree |
Cynthia Coan
: Makes sense.
2 days 23 hrs
1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meetjesland
3) http://www.isc-cie.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=art...