This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Sep 11, 2003 23:07
21 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term
English to Italian
Amministrazione dipendenti, impiegati, etc., relativamente a retribuzione, tasse, assistenza sanitaria,. etc
Proposed translations
5 +2 | vs | Massimo Gaido |
Proposed translations
56 mins
Write a program to compute the weekly pay for a number of employees
whose information will be input one at a time. You do not know the number
of employees in advance. Each type of employee has its own paycode (and
this will be the rst piece of input for each employee whose pay you are
to calculate): Managers have paycode 1, hourly workers have paycode 2,
commission workers have paycode 3, and pieceworkers have paycode 4.
Lo lascerei in inglese tra " " con spiegazione in italiano tra ( )
"paycode" (codice di pagamento)
COMP sta sicuramente per "compensation".
Ci vorrebbe più contesto per essere sicuri sulla traduzione
Note added at 2003-09-12 00:09:35 (GMT)
COMP (continua)
Compensation si potrebbe tradurre con retribuzione, remunerazione, compenso.
Write a program to compute the weekly pay for a number of employees
whose information will be input one at a time. You do not know the number
of employees in advance. Each type of employee has its own paycode (and
this will be the rst piece of input for each employee whose pay you are
to calculate): Managers have paycode 1, hourly workers have paycode 2,
commission workers have paycode 3, and pieceworkers have paycode 4.
Lo lascerei in inglese tra " " con spiegazione in italiano tra ( )
"paycode" (codice di pagamento)
COMP sta sicuramente per "compensation".
Ci vorrebbe più contesto per essere sicuri sulla traduzione
Note added at 2003-09-12 00:09:35 (GMT)
COMP (continua)
Compensation si potrebbe tradurre con retribuzione, remunerazione, compenso.
Comment: "Spiancente, ma ho trovato unalternativa tra le mie fonti.
Paycode è "Codice Retribuzione"
Grazie Comunque"