Apr 30, 2013 11:22
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Romanian term

"Sa ma crucesc, nu alta!"

Romanian to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
Exprimare tipic romaneasca in fata unui soc, a unei intamplari sau aparitii incredibile: pentru moment singura solutie care imi vine minte este "I'll be damned!", dar mi se pare cam prozaic...

Va multumesc frumos pentru sugestii!
Proposed translations (English)
4 +5 Cor blimey (UK)
4 +2 (Oh) my gosh! (US)
4 +2 Crickey!
5 Or...


Nina Iordache Apr 30, 2013:
Multumim, Ovidiu!
Ovidiu Martin Jurj Apr 30, 2013:
Ba există şi la persoana I Într-adevăr, cel mai des întâlnită pare a fi expresia la persoana a II-a singular, dar se întâlneşte şi la persoana I singular, "să mă (tot) crucesc", sau am mai întâlnit şi o altă formă, cu "omul", la persoana a III-a singular: "să se (tot) crucească omul"; de multe ori apare şi un "tot" de întărire, iar după se poate să apară "nu alta" sau "şi mai multe nu" etc.
Nina Iordache Apr 30, 2013:
@Ilona Nu este absolut nici o problema! Pur si simplu nu am mai intalnit expresia in felul acesta.
Ilona Roberts (asker) Apr 30, 2013:
@Nina Nu cred ca e atat de important; probabil ar fi trebuit sa precizez, totusi, ca asa apare in textul meu (adica "Sa ma..."). Multumesc!
Nina Iordache Apr 30, 2013:
parca totusi, expresia romaneasca uzitata ar fi: "Sa te crucesti, nu alta!"
Alexandranow Apr 30, 2013:
to cross myself, not else.......cât de bună e ideea, nu știu

Proposed translations

44 mins

Cor blimey (UK)

Formulă binecunoscută din excelentul serial britanic Hustle :-)

An exclamation of surprise.

Note added at 1 hr (2013-04-30 12:34:34 GMT)

Se foloseşte şi varianta scurtă "Blimey!".
Peer comment(s):

agree Daniel Gray
28 mins
agree Nina Iordache : http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=1652957
39 mins
Mulţumesc, Nina!
agree Ovidiu Martin Jurj
2 hrs
Mulţumesc pentru confirmare!
agree MMFORREST : Aşa este, acum se foloseşte varianta scurtă. Este uzitată de londonezii din est, East Enders. Socrul meu era de acolo şi adesea exclama chiar varianta lungă.
6 hrs
Mulţumesc pentru completare! Eu o cunoşteam doar din filme şi mi s-a părut chiar amuzantă :-)
agree Ioana Costache : "blimey" simplu works just fine :)
1 day 6 hrs
Mulţumesc pentru confirmare :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 hr
Romanian term (edited): \"Sa ma crucesc, nu alta!\"

(Oh) my gosh! (US)

Other alternatives:


"Good grief!"

"Gee!" (US)
Peer comment(s):

agree Ovidiu Martin Jurj
1 hr
agree Alexandranow
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
6 hrs


"Holy cow!"
"Good heavens/ gracious!"
"Sweet Jesus!"
"Oh, dear!"
"Darn it!"
"For crying out loud!" (this is my favorite :))
Something went wrong...
25 mins


1. crickey
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236 up, 44 down
an explicitive to express ones surprise or happiness
crickey mate your pants are on fire
buy crickey mugs & shirts
by Nick Jun 10, 2003 add a video
2. crickey
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237 up, 72 down
a beloved word used by Steve Irwin on several occasions
"Crickey she's a beaut!"
buy crickey mugs & shirts
steve irwin crocodile hunter beaut
by lizzzzy Sep 5, 2006 add a video
3. crickey
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48 up, 116 down
This word originates from using "Christ" as an exclamation
Crickey, that was a terrible accident
buy crickey mugs & shirts
by Kate Oct 27, 2003 add a video

Note added at 26 mins (2013-04-30 11:48:57 GMT)

Se foloseşte foarte des la noi, în Anglia!

Note added at 6 hrs (2013-04-30 18:17:19 GMT)

Nu este specifică unei zone, ci o expresie generală :folosită peste tot.

Note added at 1 day21 hrs (2013-05-02 09:08:57 GMT)

Pentru ambele variante de ortografie a se vedea:

Note added at 1 day21 hrs (2013-05-02 09:11:49 GMT)

Etymology (Meaning of Words)/English Aussie Slang?


Expert: Ted Nesbitt - 6/16/2005

I have an English friend (London) and an Aussie friend, who both use the phrase "Crickey" or "krichie" as a mild explative.
Yet neither one can spell it for me (those are my attempts).
Can you elucidate on its meaning, and provide an accepted spelling?
Thank you.
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It's spelled so many different ways, I'm not going to attempt listing them all. The most widely accepted form is "Crikey" or "crikey."

The word is frequently used in Australia, but it did not originate there. According to "The Oxford English Dictionary" [OED] -- the multi-volume, "bible" of the world of etymology -- it is a "swear word," meant to replace the actual name of Jesus. It is used in place of "Christ!" or "For Christ's Sake!"

The first WRITTEN usage was in 1838. Of course, it would have been SPOKEN many years before that time.

Here is the entry from the OED:

[As this alliterates with Christ, or L. Christe! it was perhaps originally one of the alliterative or assonant substitutes for sacred names, used to avoid the appearance of profanity.]

An exclamation of astonishment.

1838 Actors by Daylight I. 24 Crikey, oh crikey! How very flat, stale and abominable Seem to me all the acting of this world. 1842 BARHAM Ingol. Leg., Auto-da-fé, It would make you exclaim..if an Englishman, Crikey! 1884 Harper's Mag. Oct. 693/1 Cricky! didn't she go it, though! 1922 JOYCE Ulysses 223 Crickey, is there nothing for us to eat? 1924 D. H. LAWRENCE & SKINNER Boy in Bush 85 Crickey! Stop up another night! It'ud make ye sawney. 1960 J. RAE Custard Boys I. i. 16 Crikey, I thought, he's tough.


Carla --

I have found the word "Crikey" in several slang dictionaries, and some list the variant spellings.
There is a new book called, I think, "Aussie Slanguage," which we do not own. However, if you search the internet for "crikey" and "aussie," you'll get many hits.

The word ORIGINATED in Great Britain. The Australians adopted it:


Crikey! : an exclamation of surprise at something
Cripes! : exclamation of shock or surprise

Ted Nesbitt
Questioner's Rating
Rating(1-10) Knowledgeability = 10 Clarity of Response = 10 Politeness = 10
Comment Absolutely wonderful dedication to answering questions! I will be sharing all this information with my family. Thank you!!!
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrea Muzsi
38 mins
Mulţumesc, Andrea!
agree Ovidiu Martin Jurj
2 hrs
Mulţumesc, Ovidiu!
neutral Cristina Crişan : Corect e "crikey", aşa apare în OED!
17 hrs
Mulţumesc, MCristy, pentru precizarea celălaltei variante de ortografie! Te rog să vezi mai sus notele. Circulând mai mult oral sigur că există variaţuni scrise!
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