Mar 8, 2013 19:04
11 yrs ago
24 viewers *
Spanish term

Demanda de juicio verbal de desahucio por falta de pago

Homework / test Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Undecided as yet.
Title of an Argentinian legal document I need to translate exactly, in order to understand the context of the document.

The next line of the document is:

Followed by:
'DOÑA ..., Procuradora de los Tribunales y de [CLIENTE], según acredito con copia del poder que acompaño...'

Thank You!

Proposed translations

2 mins

Claim for eviction as a result of default in payment by oral hearing.


Note added at 19 mins (2013-03-08 19:23:41 GMT)

or, at the end, "by oral procedure".
Peer comment(s):

agree Henry Hinds : Claim or Suit.
1 hr
Yes, depending on the brand of English. Thanks Henry.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks again Bill. I went with 'Complaint by Oral Proceedings for Eviction based on Non-Payment of Rent'."
2 hrs

small claims eviction action for non-payment of rent

In Spain - whose legal system was a great influence on the Argentine Civil Code - a "juicio oral" is different to a "juicio verbal". The first is the "Período decisivo del proceso penal en que, después de terminado el sumario, se practican directamente las pruebas y alegaciones ante el tribunal sentenciador", while a "juicio verbal" es "un declarativo de grado inferior, que se sigue ante la justicia municipal" (Definitions from DRAE). So the first is a penal action, the second is a civil action. See posts 4 and 5 at the following link:

A "juicio verbal" in Spain is reserved for civil actions worth less than 6,000€, much as in English-speaking countries an action can only be brought in the small claims court when the value of the suit is below a stipulated level:
"El juicio verbal se reserva para pleitos hasta 6.000 euros o para determinadas materias, desglosadas en el artículo 250 LEC. Se trata de un proceso mucho más concentrado que el ordinario, ya que la contestación a la demanda, la proposición de las pruebas y la práctica de las mismas se llevan a cabo en unidad de acto y de forma oral. ... En el caso de los juicios por desahucio, se apercibirá al demandado para que en el plazo de diez días desaloje el inmueble, pague al actor o enerve (si es posible) de acuerdo con el artículo 22 LEC. "

"On August 21, 2009, Rose filed a pro se small claims eviction action against Jordan, characterizing her as a tenant rather than a purchaser. The small claims court entered an order of eviction and possession against Jordan, to be effective on September 30, 2009." INCO 2...

"How do I file a small claims action?
What is it you are suing for? Small claims can be used for the following:
a. Eviction actions, regardless of the amount claimed. ..." Center/Clerk of Circui...

Now we just need an Argentine legal specialist to weigh in! Good luck with it :)
Peer comment(s):

agree Sandro Tomasi
15 hrs
Thanks, Sandro :)
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20 hrs

Eviction Lawsuit for Lack of Payment

It seems to me that most if not all evictions are small claims so nowhere I looked did I find the words "claim" to an eviction. Eviction says it all. I did find several examples of the word lawsuit with eviction (demanda). Spanish has a way of using more words than English to convey the same thing.
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21 hrs

(Arg.) Application for a fast-track eviction (repossession) order for arrears

Are we sure it's a tenancy vs. a mortgage repossession (foreclosure/'mortgage execution'). The asker doesn't specify.

Arrears could be of rent or mortgage instalments.

Oddly Tom West III's glossary entry of juicio verbal for Spain is fast-track whereas Jenny W.'s value-weighted answer is more accurate.

In Argentina, it is both oral and expedited. Also see Butterworth's ES>EN legal dictionary.

In the UK,the application is for an order rather than a hearing.

Note added at 22 hrs (2013-03-09 17:16:29 GMT)
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