This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Aug 10, 2012 08:23
12 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Science Archaeology Excavation report
I'm having trouble finding how to translate "amortización" in an archaeological context. I've given three examples to give an idea of the context in which it is used in the paper I'm translating, which is a report on an archaeological dig in Spain. From other papers I've found on the internet, it seems to refer to levelling, reuse or filling of an occupational layer. At the moment, I think it's probably the latter, but I'd be grateful if someone could confirm, and perhaps give the correct term in English. Thanks in advance.

"...las interfacies de *amortización* y arrasamiento..."
"...coincide con la definitiva *amortización* de las áreas..."
" ha identificado la *amortización* de alguna de las estructuras..."
Proposed translations (English)
2 +1 overlay


Neil Ashby Sep 29, 2014:
Denise Thanks for sharing that info., I've been banging my head against the wall to figure out a meaning for "amortizar" that fits in with my arch. context, but now I've got it. Thank you! ;@)
Denise Phelps (asker) Aug 15, 2012:
With apologies to Liz, who did so much work on this term, I'm closing this question without grading. Following extensive searches and consultation with a Proz member, translator and archaeologist, *amortización* can be defined as when a structure ceases to exist in its original state because it has collapsed, been built over, filled in, spoliated or demolished. No such generic term appears to exist in English: rather, it is necessary to specify exactly what occurred in each case.
Denise Phelps (asker) Aug 10, 2012:
I finally found a definition of amortización in Spanish. Could it be as simple as decay?
"En este caso nos estamos refiriendo -tras el abandono de la ocupación humana- al *proceso de amortización y colmatación* de unas estructuras, en las que la techumbre y los muros se han degradado, tienen una caída espontánea y generan un material -de origen constructivo- que entremezclado puntualmente con desechos domésticos (cerámicas, huesos, etc...) es transportado por los agentes naturales en los que la erosión eólica y fluvial cuentan con un papel relevante en la sedimentación. A partir de ahí, el material se dispondrá en estratos según las condiciones naturales de deposición. Sin olvidar, por supuesto, la actividad humana que puede modificar el depósito mediante diversas actividades como fosas de expolio, vertederos, cimentaciones, enterramientos, etc."

Proposed translations

18 mins

overlay | Papers in Archaeology - Translate this page
The cultural layers can be associated with the phases of the fortifications. On the ..... de correlación artefactual entre estratos de amortización discontinuos” y se ...
Stratigraphy at the Roman Baths
... Slope of Vesuvius. Archaeology, Volcanology, Palaeobotany beyond Pompeii and Herculaneum. ... Unit B is overlain by a stratified deposit (C1 to C3). ... The coarse-ashlayer F is discontinuous, with abundant lithic fragments. Finally, the ...
WoW Dig Site - Warcraft Archaeology » Archaeology Helper Addon
Archaeology Helper is the perfect compliment to Archy. ... Making sure not to move until after marking is important to increase the accuracy of the overlay zones.

Note added at 22 mins (2012-08-10 08:45:23 GMT)

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To understand the context of archaeological material found at Hickory Bluff, ... inside the treeline, the humus and rootmat constituted Stratum A. ... an irregular, discontinuous, linear deposit of accumulated surface sediments that appeared to ...

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de fortificación) y el IV (amortización de aquellas) los más significativos. Los restos excavados forman parte de la cerca amuralla- da que en época ... dios mecánicos de los niveles superficiales de época con-. 302. (entre Regional de ... As for strata there re five archaeologlcal levels documented, being the second (stage of ...

Note added at 29 mins (2012-08-10 08:52:44 GMT)
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by M Martin - Cited by 3 - Related articles
the site of extremely significant archaeological finds in the 1980s. Generally .... Fitzhardinge, an environmental consultant and Jake Gillen, an arid zone ecologist. .... and adventurers provided discontinuous, but nonetheless snapshot historical records of ...... in situ, with the latest stratum being the overlay following the dig.



Note added at 10 hrs (2012-08-10 18:46:03 GMT)

hi again

here (poorish translation) =
abandonment rests

i.e. abandoned remains

Note added at 10 hrs (2012-08-10 19:01:51 GMT)

see here


Note added at 10 hrs (2012-08-10 19:03:21 GMT)

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documentar en el área los primeros niveles de derrumbe, amortización de todas las estructuras y distintas fosas de expolio. Los materiales asociados a los ...
Otilia Requejo Pagés, José Avelino Gutiérrez González - Translate this page
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by OR Pagés
como el nivel de derrumbe y amortización de las estructura. Nivel III derrumbe de las estructuras (siglos IX-X) suelo de ocupación altomedieval, fase 2 (siglos ...

Note added at 10 hrs (2012-08-10 19:04:06 GMT)

El "foro provincial" de Augusta Emerita: un conjunto monumental de ... - Google Books Result Mateos Cruz - 2006 - History - 439 pages
Restos. La amortización definitiva de este espacio como zona habitacional está documentada en un nivel de derrumbe (ue 1054) de la estructura muraria 1048, .

Note added at 10 hrs (2012-08-10 19:07:00 GMT)
The quantity of the material is impressive and suggests that the structure collapsed shortly before or after its abandonment as few of the artifacts show signs of ...
The Kuwaiti-British Archaeological Expedition to As-Sabiyah: report ...
The Kuwaiti-British Archaeological Expedition to As-Sabiyah: report on the third .... of the collapse and abandonment of the buildings, and partial burial beneath .



is a very distinct possibility
Note from asker:
Thanks Liz. I finally found a definition of amortización, which I've posted in the discussion box. Your help's been very useful, but I don't think it's exactly the term I'm looking for. Sadly, even though I now know what the term means in Spanish, I still can't find a way to translate it into English.
Hi Liz, I've closed this question without grading, and given my reasons in the discussion box. Thanks for all your help.
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agree Carthaginian
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