Jul 30, 2012 07:32
12 yrs ago
Greek term

αλλοδαπός Κύπριος

Greek to English Law/Patents Law (general)
αλλοδαπός Κύπριος σημαίνει πρόσωπον μη πολίτην της Κυπρ. Δημοκρατίας γεννηθέν εν Κύπρω καθ' ον χρόνον οι γονείς αυτού είχαν την διαμονήν αυτών εν Κύπρω...
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 alien Cypriot
4 -1 non cypriot national


transphy Aug 3, 2012:
I must be!!! I have Cypriot I.D.Card, the original one, as well, issued by the British, a kosher Cypriot you might say, but hold British Nationality(always have because I had it before 1960 and never revoked it) and I am a resident of the UK, have been so for 55 years. To the eyes of Cyprus Law I am a Cypriot, but having a non Cypriot Nationality I must be an Alien; an Alien Cypriot.
ELLEN, THE LAW SAYS, '.......or whose father was born in Cyprus....' How do you explain that??!! My son was born in London, when young he lived in Cyprus from his 6-11yrs. old, lives and has family in England BUT HE IS LIABLE FOR NATIONAL SERVICE IN CYPRUS. So, him AND I are both Alien Cypriots!!!! I am going to ring my friends in Cyprus, to hear what they have to say. Interesting subject!!!
Ellen Kraus Aug 3, 2012:
no, transphy, your status definitely differs from that of the person . yin question because your family was all cypriot, but the parents of the other one were not.
transphy Aug 3, 2012:
I wonder if they are talking of 'ME'!!!!!I am a Cypriot by birth, all my family are Cypriot BUT I HAVE BRITISH NATIONALITY. AM I AN 'ALIEN CYPRIOT' and I did not know it!!!!! But should that NOT BE AN 'EXPATRIATE CYPRIOT'??? It has now dawned on me that 'Expatriate' (take notice Dave) means just living in another Country, but having a different Nationality. Therefore you are an 'expatriate' of that Country you originated FROM! BINGO!!!!!! I AM AN 'ALIEN CYPRIOT',
daira (asker) Aug 3, 2012:
But it does not say "of a Cypriot father", only "parents residing in Cyprus". They could just as well be Chinese.
Dave Bindon Aug 2, 2012:
Rolls eyes... "Transyphy" - do you really expect laws about nationality to be logical?!

Side-tracking a bit... I still have documentary evidence from the Cypriot authorities that I was an ALIEN (from when I lived there, pre EU days).
transphy Aug 2, 2012:
Can anybody make sense of the Term, 'Alien Cypriot'??? How can he/she be "Cypriot' if 'Alien'. And isn't International Convention that ...anybody born in the Country takes the Nationality of that Country???
And if the FATHER( not the mother) was born in Cyprus, he is a Cypriot and so are all his siblings. To me 'Alien Cypriot' is a contradiction in terms. I am a Cypriot, my son was born in London. If he were to go to Cyprus he would be conscripted into the Cyprus Forces. This is because I, myself, am Cypriot(I am a British National) and by right, he can take up Cypriot Nationality, although he was born in England and therefore British. So 'Alien'= foreigner= αλλοδαπός Does NOT make sense to me!!!!!!NOW IF THAT PERSON was born in Cyprus, of a father who domiciles in Cyprus BUT HAS NO CYPRIOT NATIONALITY, then I can understand it. However, the Cyprus Gvnt. wording, as quoted, speaks clearly 'BORN IN CYPRUS OF CYPRIOT FATHER'. A great fallacy to me!!!!!
Ellen Kraus Jul 30, 2012:
but the article gives no information whatsoever with regard to the status of the Cyprus-born person, and it does not result from the text that both or one of the parents were cypriots or held cypriot citizenship.that´s why it is risky to call the peson involved an alien cypriot.
Dave Bindon Jul 30, 2012:
I suppose ....that is more correct, to avoid any confusion with Cypriot nationality/citizenship.
daira (asker) Jul 30, 2012:
Not Cypriot by birth, born in Cyprus.
Dave Bindon Jul 30, 2012:
Re: I can´t follow you because αλλοδαπός Κύπριος σ It also says γεννηθέν εν Κύπρω i.e. someone who is Cypriot by birth.

Proposed translations

1 hr

alien Cypriot

"alien Cypriot" means a person, not being a citizen of the
Republic, who was born in Cyprus while his parents were ordinarily resident in Cyprus or whose father was born in Cyprus while the
parents of the said father were ordinarily resident in Cyprus and
includes an alien wife of an alien Cypriot not being separated from her husband under a decree of a competent court;

Peer comment(s):

agree Assimina Vavoula : http://www.mfa.gov.cy/mfa/mfa2006.nsf/All/A4686910E5D2ADEBC2...
1 hr
agree Nadia-Anastasia Fahmi
19 hrs
agree Dave Bindon : We can't argue with the Cypriot government (even if the term and definition make little logical sense!)
3 days 11 hrs
There are many types of "alien persons". See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(law)
agree transphy : It seems I AM ONE, MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!
3 days 23 hrs
Absolutely not! This status does not apply in your case; alien status is more or less explained here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(law)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
21 mins

non cypriot national

Residency in Cyprus for EU Citizens
ukincyprus.fco.gov.uk/.../eu-citizens-registration23 Apr 2012 – "Identity Cards are no longer issued to non Cypriot nationals, i.e. EU citizens or third country nationals legally residing in the Republic of Cyprus ...

Note added at 22 Min. (2012-07-30 07:55:14 GMT)

but Cypriot should be capitalized
Peer comment(s):

disagree Dave Bindon : If I were in Cyprus I'd be a 'non Cypriot national', but I would not be a αλλοδαπός Κύπριος because I wasn't born there.
39 mins
I can´t follow you because αλλοδαπός Κύπριος σημαίνει πρόσωπον μη πολίτην της Κυπρ
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