Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


English answer:

million (us)

Added to glossary by pcovs
May 5, 2003 17:06
21 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term


English Bus/Financial
What is MM short for in the following: "Reduced annual distribution costs from $51.1 to $50.7 MM"
4 +8 millions


4 mins


This is an American English text. 'M' is used for million, and I guess 'MM' then means millions (plural). Hope this helps.

Note added at 2003-05-05 17:12:21 (GMT)

I meant to say that American English uses \'M\' and British English uses \'m\' - as a general rule.
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agree Dr. Stephan Pietzko : see also
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Cheers! :o) This is a great link, thank you.
agree Chinoise
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agree asusisu (X)
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agree Jacqueline van der Spek
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agree jerrie
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Thanks a bundle :o)
agree Empty Whiskey Glass
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agree NancyLynn
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agree A.Đapo
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