Feb 11, 2011 17:13
13 yrs ago
2 viewers *
French term

se disait-il en conscience

French to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature Near-death experience
Jacques s’était assis à sa table de cuisine. Pour que l’attente fût moins longue, il s’était mis à méditer. Après être parvenu à faire le « vide intérieur », il se téléporta mentalement près d’un pont qui lui sembla familier : « On aurait dit celui de Valbonne ! », ******se disait-il en conscience****** alors qu’il « survolait » l’ouvrage.
En bas, au-dessous de lui, une Alfa Roméo rouge décapotée roulait à vive allure, quand soudain la vision claire et nette du cabriolet se confondit avec des bruits ...


This term has appeared on KudoZ before (although I can't find it right now!), but in any case, the answers were irrelevant for this context.

Jacques was expecting a visit from his friend - she of the red Alfa Romeo - and decided to do some meditation to while away the wait. They had both in the past been through NDEs, and during this passage, Jacques was able to transport himself above her and warn his friend (telepathically) of an imminent accident - so she could take evasive action. At this point, he had recognised (telepathically!) the bridge where the accident nearly took place.

'Conscience' is translated in this context as 'consciousness' and not 'conscience', but I have no idea how to express 'en conscience' in the context of telepathic transportation!.
Any help would be most welcome! Thanks!


Carol Gullidge (asker) Feb 18, 2011:
Sorry for the delay in grading this! I'm still waiting for clarification from the author, who, hopefully, knows some English experts in the topic. Thanks for all your patience!
Wendy Streitparth Feb 12, 2011:
he said in full consciousness
Carol Gullidge (asker) Feb 11, 2011:
but thanks for your input!
Carol Gullidge (asker) Feb 11, 2011:
Hi Wendy It's nothing to do with the subconscious - if anything, it's more a sort of super consciousness, or maybe a sort of astral plane - although I have yet to research this possibility properly, ie, find out what it is! It all seems to be connected with astrophysics and even quantum physics (wormholes, black holes and white holes)! Needless to say, I know nothing about any of these, although my meagre knowledge is growing exponentially!
Wendy Streitparth Feb 11, 2011:
I know this isn't what the French says, but my first reaction was to say "subconsciously", which to me makes more sense.

Proposed translations

57 mins

said his conscious self

Peer comment(s):

agree Rachel Fell : got to be, I'd have thought :-)
1 hr
thanks Rachel :-)
agree Catherine Gilsenan : Yes, "conscious self"
2 hrs
thanks Catherine :-)
agree B D Finch
18 hrs
thanks Barbara :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
9 mins

he said to himself, realizing that....

thats how I understand it
Note from asker:
thanks Wendy, although I'm really looking for something that reflects the fact that he is outside his earthly body and in his consciousness. I just don't know the proper way to express this! Probably didn't make that clear!
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11 mins

in his conscious mind he said to himself:.....

while his other body self was floating over the bridge
Note from asker:
Thanks polyglot! Not sure that this really works, but I'll ponder it further...
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11 mins

He said to himself, he thought, he reflected..

That is also how I understand it. He is viewing the bridge in his mind, and thinking.
Note from asker:
Thanks Alidad - although I'm really looking for something that reflects the fact that he is outside his earthly body and in his consciousness. I just don't know the proper way to express this! Probably didn't make that clear
Peer comment(s):

agree Kirsten Bodart : That's also how I understand it
1 hr
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25 mins

in full awareness

Bonsoir Carol,
D'après votre échantillon, il semble que ce passage fasse référence à des états de conscience plus ou moins clairs, permettant ces "voyages" dans le temps et une perception paranormale.
Je me demande si l'auteur n'a pas emprunté le terme à la psychologie humaniste, par exemple Jacques Salomé. Dans ce cas, il signifie le contraire de "inconsciemment", avec en plus la nuance "avec un effort de conscientisation".
Voir le lien.
Voir aussi l'autre lien, intéressant, qui traite des états de conscience dans la NDE et intitulé "Learning Astral Terms". On y trouve "in full awareness" dans un contexte similaire au vôtre.

Note added at 30 minutes (2011-02-11 17:43:52 GMT)

so the rendering could be "In full awareness, he was thinking :"...."
Note from asker:
thanks laure! I don't think 'in full awareness' is quite right, BUT your helpful links, whilst not providing a definitive translation as such, do provide clues. As a result of this, I'm beginning to think that the literal translation - extremely strange though it may seem - is perhaps the correct one (in consciousness)! But without your help, I wouldn't have been able to find this - believe me, I did already explore this avenue! So merci encore une fois!
Peer comment(s):

neutral Natasha Dupuy : i don't think you can say "full awareness", since that is "nirvana". Perhaps a stated of heightened awareness? That is what is achieved through meditation / or "current state of awareness"?
1 hr
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21 mins

he thought, consciously

I think that these are his thoughts.... given breath

Note added at 52 mins (2011-02-11 18:05:29 GMT)

Sorry Carole? I thought that this was his "aware" side, whilst the subconscience was alert to the horrible convertible. What exactly is YOUR experience of this? Isn't this a "give us a break" scenario?!! All Best
Note from asker:
thanks fourth, but I don't think this is really the case. He is actually in a sort of trance, outside his own body, having teleported himself to a place above where his friend is driving (near the bridge). What I'm looking for is the meaning of "en conscience" in terms of telepathy/teletransportation, out-of-body experiences, etc
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53 mins

he told his subconscience

Example sentence:

existing or operating in the mind beneath or beyond consciousness: the subconscious self.

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5 hrs

he had the sudden precognition/premonition/extra-sensory perception...

I'd change the text order a bit, something like the following...

meditation...after stilling (emptying) the mind...In this state of heightened awareness [Natasha is correct, meditation does not put someone in a trance but heightens their awareness] he astrally projected himself to a bridge which seemed somewhat familiar to him. He had << the sudden preognition/premonition/sixth sense/extra-sensory perception>>

that this was the Valbonne bridge (OR go straight into "of an accident on the the Valbonne bridge") ...

a bit further you have "la vision claire" which could possibly be translated as "clairvoyance"

or "assiduous consciousness" is something else that meditation can give

or "body-mind awareness"

Main Entry: telepathy
some Synonyms: ESP, clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, insight, mind-reading, parapsychology, premonition, presentiment, second sight, sixth sense, spiritualism, telepathic transmission, telesthesia, thought transference

Notes: clairvoyance is a form of ESP, precognition is seeing into the future, and telepathy is mind training and thought transference

Main Entry: clairvoyance
Definition: intuition
Synonyms: ESP, acumen, discernment, feeling, foreknowledge, insight, omen, penetration, perception, precognition, premonition, psyche, sixth sense, telepathy

...telepathy Definition: ability to know another's thoughts. Synonyms: ESP, clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, insight, ...

thesaurus.com/browse/telepathy - Cached

Note added at 20 hrs (2011-02-12 13:41:55 GMT)

"in this state of highly-charged consciousness he had..." might also work
Note from asker:
thanks gallagy! I have to get my head around this, but I certainly think this is more along the lines of what I had in mind
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