Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Italian term or phrase:
English translation:
woven roving / stuoia weaving
Added to glossary by
Massimo Gaido
Apr 23, 2003 16:32
21 yrs ago
19 viewers *
Italian term
Italian to English
si tratta di un particolare tessuto per giacche, gonne, ecc
Proposed translations
5 | stuoia weaving | Massimo Gaido |
Proposed translations
14 mins
stuoia weaving
The smooth or "a stuoia" weaving (the oldest and least elaborate method): a vertical loom is used and the cloth is woven in a smooth uniform fashion. The decorative motifs are represented by the alternating of the coloured yarns used; the finished product is extremely compact and hard-wearing;
Note added at 2003-04-23 16:47:54 (GMT) Post-grading
woven roving
La raccorderia e i pezzi speciali sono realizzati mediante stratificazione manuale (Hand Lay Up), impiegando feltri di fibra tagliata (chopped strand mat) e di stuoia (woven roving) impregnati o per stratificazione mediante fibra tagliata (chopped strand) impregnata oppure per saldatura di segmenti di tubazioni e fittings (spools).
Note added at 2003-04-23 16:47:54 (GMT) Post-grading
woven roving
La raccorderia e i pezzi speciali sono realizzati mediante stratificazione manuale (Hand Lay Up), impiegando feltri di fibra tagliata (chopped strand mat) e di stuoia (woven roving) impregnati o per stratificazione mediante fibra tagliata (chopped strand) impregnata oppure per saldatura di segmenti di tubazioni e fittings (spools).
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