Jun 2, 2010 17:59
14 yrs ago
English term


GBK English to Latvian Science Fisheries
Definition from Fisheries Glossary:
Part of a catch of a fishing unit taken incidentally in addition to the target species towards which fishing effort is directed.
Example sentences:
Known as bycatch, the incidental capture of these so-called "non-target species" is a major fisheries management problem, wasting fishermen's time and hundreds of millions of dollars in damaged gear and inefficient fishing methods. (WWF)
The scale of this mortality is such that bycatch in some fisheries may affect the structure and function of marine systems at the population, community and ecosystem levels. (Greenpeace)
The standard mandates minimizing bycatch to the extent practicable and minimizing mortality of unavoidable bycatch. (Louisiana Fisheries)
Proposed translations (Latvian)
4 piezveja
Change log

Jun 2, 2010 17:39: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Jun 2, 2010 17:59: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Jun 5, 2010 18:57: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jun 12, 2010 18:56:

Jul 2, 2010 18:56:

Aug 1, 2010 18:56:

Proposed translations

4 days


Piezveja ir visa jūras radība, kas nav zvejas mērķsuga. Piezveja biežāk notiek gadījumos, kad netiek izmantoti selektīvie zvejas rīki. Par piezvejas upuriem visbiežāk kļūst jūras zīdītāji - pelēkie un pogainie roņi, kā arī putni – visbiežāk nirējpīles. [...] + Tomēr citas sugas, kā, piemēram, Stellera pūkpīle (Polysticta stelleri), ir ļoti retas un stingri aizsargājamas. Tām katra piezvejā nonākusi pīle ir kā maza traģēdija visai vēl atlikušajai populācijai.
Example sentences:
EN by-catch, bycatch Definition: that part of the catch which is not the targeted species but which may be retained for sale FR: prises accessoires; capture accessoire DE: Beifänge LV: piezveja (Eurovoc, 4.2)
Daudzos gadījumos ir noteikts minimālais procentuālais piezvejas apjoms no kopējās nozvejas, kuru ir atļauts paturēt uz kuģa, jo no nejaušas piezvejas pilnībā izvairīties nav iespējams. (Valsts zivsaimniecības pārvalde)
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