Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

rest in peace

Latvian translation:

dusi saldi

Mar 13, 2003 00:17
21 yrs ago
English term

rest in peace

Non-PRO English to Latvian Tech/Engineering
for a funeral

Proposed translations

5 mins

Dusi saldi

and that's that, my condolances :(
Peer comment(s):

agree Will Matter
59 mins
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "All the answers provided were very good and helpful. The simplest answer was chosen as the best as very little information was provided by me to respond to. "Dusi Saldi" is most often used as the translation for "rest in peace" by older Latvians living in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. Thankyou to all respondants."
14 hrs

dusi Dieva mierā

dusi Dieva miera
Peer comment(s):

agree Vents Villers
5 hrs
disagree Jana Teteris : I would be wary of including the reference to God in this instance, especially as the asker did not specify this in his question.
1 day 22 hrs
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20 hrs

dusi nu svētīgā mierā



Šis vīrs bij vecais Oļiņš, kurš tagad pa pusotra gada laiku izskatījās vecāks un nespēcīgāks nekā agrāk par veselu gadu desmitu. Kādu brīdi viņš stāvēja vēl klusu, acis arvienu lakatiņā slaucīdams, tad nometās jaunajās kapa smiltīs ceļos, atspieda savu kailo galvu uz krusta pret abām rokām un sāka runāt lēnā balsī šos vārdus: "Tu, mīļais, nelaimīgais bērns, XXXXXXX dusi nu svētīgā mierā XXXXXXX līdz jaunai dienai, un lai Dievs saņem tavu nevainīgi, bet grūti savainoto dvēseli žēlīgi savās rokās. Es nezinu un arī gan laikam nedabūšu zināt, kas ir tavi vecāki, bet mīlējis tevi esmu ar tēva mīlestību, un tu man paklausījusi ar bērna padevību. Dievs lai tiesā mani pēc savas taisnības, bet pie tā ļaunuma, kas ir izgājis no mana nama pat līdz šejienei, es neesmu nekad biedrojies, bet viņu atturēt man nav bijis spēka. Mani pašu, nabagu, vajā un spiež grūti grēki: uz manas sirds guļ tuvāka nams, kura gan neesmu iekārojis, bet tomēr pieņēmis. Es padodos Dieva žēlastībai un ilgojos pēc miera - pēc tā miera, kas tevīm ir, tu labais bērns!" Aiz asarām viņš nespēja tāļāk runāt.
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2 days 13 hrs

Dusi mierā

As mentioned above, I would avoid including the reference to God - as this was not specified by the asker.
Peer comment(s):

agree Vents Villers
18 hrs
agree Kristīne Biezā
1 day 21 hrs
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6 days

Lai tev vieglas smiltis

This is another one used for funerals. Though its litteral meaning is "May the sand (of the grave) be light to you", its pragmatic use is quite the same as the one "rest in peace" or "requiescat in pace".
In Latvia this is a very oftenly used phrase for that purpose. Personally, I would say it is even more useful than the loan-translations from Latin/German. HTH
Peer comment(s):

agree Vents Villers
1 hr
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