Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Portuguese translation:

Efeito de halo

Mar 9, 2010 18:54
14 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term


GBK English to Portuguese Art/Literary Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Definition from Neenah Paper, Inc.:
In photography, a blurred effect, resembling a halo, usually occurring in the highlight areas or around bright objects.
Example sentences:
Use your wide-open CA test shot, and examine the branches. If they have a translucent look, it’s probably due to halation. (Colours Magazine)
Halation creates secondary ghost images in the film, which to photographers is bad because they are a by-product of unintentional light and film interaction. (anbstudio)
To combat halation, film manufacturers treat the base of the film to reduce or nullify reflections. Grey base is a film base permanently dyed a low density grey colour, this reduces reflection back into the emulsion and light-piping within the base. (National Film and Sound Archive)
Proposed translations (Portuguese)
3 +4 Efeito de halo
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Proposed translations

3 days 7 hrs

Efeito de halo

Definition from own experience or research:
Trying to remember the photography classes I took years ago, the most familiar term it comes to my mind is &#039;halo,&#039; which corresponds to the second meaning of halation in the Online Merriam-Webster Dictionary (<b><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></b> <br /><br />ha•la•tion n. <br />1. A blurring or spreading of light around bright areas on a photographic image.<br />2. A glow around a bright object on a television screen.<br /><br />In some cases, instead of &#039;halo,&#039; it is possible to use &#039;auréola,&#039; both terms relating to rounded light/ optical effects. The Portuguese definition of &#039;halo&#039; can be found at Priberam&#039;s Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa (<b><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></b><br /><br />halo <br />(latim halos, -o, do grego latim hálos, -o, eira, grão na eira, disco do Sol ou da Lua) <br />s. m.<br />1. Círculo luminoso que às vezes se nota em volta do Sol e de alguns planetas devido a certo estado da atmosfera.<br />2. Círculo que rodeia o mamilo.<br />3. Fig. Auréola.<br />4. Brilho<br />5. Prestígio, glória.<br /><br />I came across a few options to translate halation as a technical photography term:<br /><br />1) First, it is possible to keep the original term in English, although most of the occurrences I found of this use actually refer to &#039;anti-halation&#039; (backing or coating) and not to the word &#039;halation&#039; alone<br />2) The Dicionário Editora de Português-Inglês (Porto Editora, 2009) translates halation as &#039;halação,&#039; but gives no examples and no further explanation (<b><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">ção</a></b> )<br />3) Professor Enio Leite Alves, from Sao Paulo University (Usp), mentions &#039;halo,&#039; &#039;ofuscamento,&#039; and &#039;efeito de neblina luminosa&#039; on his &#039;Glossário Fotográfico&#039; (<b><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></b><br />4) Finally, the most common Portuguese terms used in reference to halation seem to be &#039;halo&#039; (again) and &#039;efeito de halo.&#039; The latter is also used in psychological studies, I believe, as well as in graphic arts (referring to the printing process) but it appears quite frequently in photography.
Example sentences:
"Finalmente, ligada à base de acetato por mais uma camada de adesivo, vem a camada anti-halo, que tem por finalidade evitar que os raios de luz que atravessam a emulsão sejam refletidos e causem halos nas partes claras da fotografia." (Girafamania)
"Uma diferença quase imperceptível na grossura da gelatina pode resultar, dependendo da iluminação da cena, num ponto ou numa faixa difusa no material projetado; numa área mais clara dentro do enquadramento; numa área opaca; ou num efeito de halo." (Mnemocine)
Peer comment(s):

agree Filippe Vasconcellos de Freitas Guimarães : Excellent research work.
6 days
agree Carolina Sampaio
6 days
agree Milana Penavski : Concordo, é um termo compreensível também para profissionais que lidam com tratamento de imagem digital.
6 days
agree Carlos Quandt
6 days
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