Feb 17, 2003 18:26
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

dieta hipossódica

English to Portuguese Medical
Alguém sabe a expressão equivalente em inglês?

Proposed translations

2 mins

hyposodic diet


Note added at 2003-02-17 18:30:35 (GMT)

... However, in the absence of controlled clinical studies, at the moment no indication exists for the maintaining an extended lying position. Hyposodic Diet. ...

www.leadershipmedica.com/scientifico/scieapr02/ scientificaing/4bernae/4berning.htm

Note added at 2003-02-17 18:31:49 (GMT)

American College of Phlebology Compression Abstracts -
... Treatment: patient education, anti-stasis postures, exercise (walking 20-30 blocks/day),hyposodic diet, a single daily dressing: neutral soap lavage, zync ...

Peer comment(s):

agree Mayura Silveira
2 mins
agree Clauwolf
17 mins
agree Alda Maria Durães
19 mins
disagree Tomás Rosa Bueno : Out of 13 hits for "hyposodic diet" in Google, 12 were by Italian-, Portuguese- or Spanish-speaking authors. The 13th one was a snake oil ad.
19 mins
Mr. Tomas 'Brain Damage' Bueno, I think, is not entitled to any comment, is he?
disagree Elisabeth Ghysels : I'm not really sure as to the meaning of the above comment, but I'm sure that Tomás Bueno is 100% right
42 mins
pfffff, in that case...:-)))))))
disagree António Ribeiro : Infelizmente o João esta hoje com problemas em admitir alguns erros.
2 hrs
: -) Não, caro António, não se trata disso, só gostaria de saber de qual erro se trata
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
5 mins

low-salt diet

é isso.

Note added at 2003-02-17 18:37:08 (GMT)

This one has 32,000 hits in Mr. Google
Peer comment(s):

neutral João Carlos Pijnappel : Hmmm, could be, but hyposodic is the scientific (medial) name, so it will depend on the target reader
12 mins
right, then!!
agree Tomás Rosa Bueno : This is the correct term. "Hyposodic" is a latinism, not used by English-speaking authors.
18 mins
Thanks, Tomás
agree Forna (X)
1 hr
obrigada Forna
agree Jane Elizabeth : Best for English speakers.
1962 days
Something went wrong...
5 mins

low-sodium diet

mais de 10.000 hits na Internet
Peer comment(s):

disagree João Carlos Pijnappel : hits na Internet, infelizmente, não são prova de tradução correta
13 mins
McKinley Health Center - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
agree Elisabeth Ghysels : this one is the most typical rendering
17 mins
agree Tomás Rosa Bueno : This, or "low-salt", is the correct term. "Hyposodic" is a latinism, not used by English-speaking authors.
19 mins
agree rhandler
21 mins
agree António Ribeiro
2 hrs
agree Kathleen Goldsmith-Killing
2 days 17 hrs
Something went wrong...
8 mins

Hipossódica diet



1? Hipossódica diet

What it is?

It is a diet with small amount of sodium, that is a present mineral of course in

foods, however are found in bigger amount in the salt of kitchen (sodium chloride) and in

industrialized foods.

So that it serves?

By means of a hipossódica diet it is possible to diminish the?pressão of the blood? until values more

next to the normal one.


It prevents:

· Saltcellar in the table.

· Tinned and conserves (pea, maize, sardine, palmito, olive); inlaid (sausage, sausage);

colds (ham, mortadela, salame...); salty cheeses (plate, mussarela, parmesão...); salgadinho

s (of cheese, bacon, ham...); temperos ready (in dust, cubes); ready gravies (English,

catchup, mustard, of soy...).; ready soups; toucinhos; cod; dry meat.

· Saccharin sweetener artificial of sodium and/or ciclamato of sodium, and dietary products

that they contain them (cooling, candies).

It prefers:

· Little salt in the preparation of foods.

· Temperos natural, as garlic, onion, salsinha, chive, salsão, basil, manjerona, sálvia, rosemary, orégano, cominho, ginger, coentro, páprica, pepper, lemon.

· Sweeteners to the aspartame base.

Has care with alcoholic beverage that, when in excess, it will be able to increase the weight, beyond

to raise the pressure.

NOTE : Its pressure will be able to increase if you to interrupt the hipossódica diet again.


What it is?

It is a diet that it looks to substitute the harmful fats to the heart for the fats I polished and monoinsaturadas, that diminish the formation of the cholesterol.

So that it serves?

With a diet with low text of cholesterol and saturated fat it is possible to diminish the cholesterol

of the blood for values next to the normal one.


Cholesterol : it is a fat manufactured in the organism and that also it is present in foods.

Saturated fat : it is a type of fat that increases the formation of the cholesterol. It is found mainly in foods of animal origin. However, it exists in some vegetal products, as

in the coconut and the butter of cacao (chocolate).

Insaturada fat : it is a type of fat that diminishes the formation of the cholesterol. It is found in

foods of vegetal origin and can be of two types: monoinsaturada and polinsaturada.



It prevents:

· Milk and integral yoghurts, milk cream.

· Greasy cheeses (silver, parmesão, requeijão, provolone, casting, mussarela...).

· Colds (salame, ham, pantry, mortadela); inlaid (salsinha, sausage); fat meats;

small (kidney, marrow, liver and heart); fruits of the sea (shrimp, lobster).

· Egg egg yolk (to consume up to 3 the 4 units for week), maionese.

· Butter.

· It bathes, bacon, hidrogenada vegetal fat.

· Creamy ices cream, biscuits of cream, folhada mass, mousses, puddings, cakes, quindim,


· Preparations you fry, empanadas milanesas or.

It prefers:

· Skimmed milk type?C? (boiled and coado) or skimmed yoghurt.

· Cool cheese or ricota.

· Fish, chicken or Peru without skin, lean meat of ox (to eliminate the visible fats before


· Clear of egg.

· Vegetal creamy Margarina.

· Vegetal oil: soy, maize, sunflower, oliva or canola.

· Picolés of fruit (except coconut), candies to the fruit base, cakes (facts with oil or margarina e

clear instead of egg yolk).

· Grilled, baked preparations, cozidas, soggy or braised.

It does not leave to lack staple fibres in its daily feeding. They are important also for the reduction

of the cholesterol.

You it will be able to still reformulate prescriptions of its favourite plates by means of the following substitutions:

· 1 cup of milk cream for 1 skimmed yoghurt cup;

· 1 entire egg for 2 clear ones;

· 1 soup spoon of butter for 1 soup spoon of margarina or 1 and ½ spoons of

vegetal oil dessert;

· 1 integral milk cup for 1 skimmed milk cup or type?C, boiled and coado;

· 1 maisena soup spoon (it can be added to give to consistency the definitive preparations).

NOTE: Its cholesterol will be able to increase if you to interrupt the diet again.


What it is?

It is a diet with few calories, therefore the amounts of foods will be controlled more


So that it serves?

With the hipocalórica diet it is possible to diminish the weight until the next value to the?ideal? he is that one that

it is adjusted for the height, the age and the sex of the person.


· Sugar, honey, candies in general way, cooling, alcoholic beverages, melado and rapadura.

· Rice, potatoes, flours, breads, will cará, torrada, big cookies, cassava, maize, oats, inhame, garbanzo bean, pea, lentiha.

· Fruits, therefore also contain sugar.

· Milanesas preparations, you fry or empanadas.


· Artificial, cooling sweeteners and dietary candies, but do not exaggerate in amount e

consumption frequency.

· Vegetables, vegetables, lean meats, fish or chicken.

· Cozidas, baked, soggy or grilled preparations.

It does not stop to follow the hipocalórica diet until reaching the desired weight. When to arrive in the weight

?ideal? you it will have to follow a maintenance diet that has calories in amount

intermediate between the hipocalórica diet and the old feeding that the increase provoked of


It is important that the loss of weight is slow, respecting the rhythm of emagrecimento of each

one and looking for always to keep healthful alimentary habits.

Beyond the control of the feeding, the practical one of some type of physical activity is very valid. It is

necessary to ask to its doctor which the best exercise that will help it to spend more calories.


What it is?

It is a diet with little amount of sugar.

So that it serves?

By means of a hipoglicídica diet it is possible to diminish the glucose (that it is the sugar of the blood) in

cases of diabetes or hiperglicemia and triglicerídeos (another type of fat in the blood).



· Sugar, honey, candies in general way, cooling, alcoholic beverages, melado and rapadura.

· Rice, potatoes, flours, breads, cassava, maize, oats, inhame, will cará, torrada, big cookie of

water and salt, beans, lentil, garbanzo bean and pea.

· Fruits, therefore also contain sugar (frutose).


· Artificial sweetener (ex.aspartame) and products that contain it (cooling and candies

dietary), but it does not exaggerate in the amount and the frequency of consumption.

· Vegetables and vegetables in bigger amount.

NOTE : It does not stop to make the hipoglicídica diet, contrary case its glucose and/or its

triglicérides will increase again.


Since the birth, so soon the baby starts to be suckled, the act of being fed goes itself associating with the affection

maternal. When the child already is bigger, the mother prepares its meal and alone she feels to have played well its role when

the accepted child the feeding and demonstrates pleasure. In this way, we get used to also use it the feeding as

form to express our feelings. We invite the friends to make meals with us, we presenteamos people

wanted with bonbons and, in all the occasions special, we look?COMEMORAR.


In our culture the word diet very is associated the restriction, regimen, something tax or prescribed for somebody, that in limits them or deprives of some prazeres.Esse feeling to be submitted something restrictive and desconfortável it makes with that let us face the transitory diet as something, that, so soon our objective is reached, will be able to discard.

However, the word diet comes of the?díaita Greek, that it means?gênero of life. It is of this form that the necessary diet to be faced: something that must be incorporated our sort of life, a definitive change of habits, without that the person loses the pleasure to eat.


The foods supply to all the necessary nutrients to the organism. The nutrients are divided in three categories:


They are the proteins that construct and repair the body, being joined in meats, eggs, milk and derivatives, beans, pea,

soy, lentil and garbanzo bean.


They are fats and carboidratos, that supply the energy. The fats help in the exploitation of vitamins, d, and and K, e

they give flavor to foods. They can be of vegetal origin, as the found ones in vegetal oils, the margarina, the avocado,

or still of animal origin, as the fats of the meats, the butter and the lard, that they can be harmful to the heart.

The carboidratos meet in the sugar, the honey, in candies, breads, masses, cereals, potatoes and cassava, among others.


They are the vitamins and you leave them minerals, that complete the functioning of the body. We find them in the fruits, in vegetables

e in vegetables. Moreover, these foods are rich in staple fibres, that assist in the good functioning of the intestine.

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Note added at 2003-02-17 18:37:11 (GMT)

Sorry I didn´t mean to send all the site....It was a mistake...sorry,I just want to send the first part.

Note added at 2003-02-17 18:48:11 (GMT)

Peer comment(s):

neutral BrazBiz : Good you are sorry, there are thousands of mistakes in it!!!! Good Grief!!!!Who translated (or tried) those sites!?
4 mins
I am human and I just surf the web for this result,I did not have time to worry about any word I read.
disagree João Carlos Pijnappel : ???????
5 mins
It was a big mistake ,forget it!
neutral Forna (X) : Mayura, devagar com o andor que o santo é de barro.
1 hr
disagree António Ribeiro : Interessante a falta de senso comum tanto na resposta dada como no comentario ao "disagree" da BrazBiz.
2 hrs
tens razão.sorry
Something went wrong...
1 hr

for future users

just to make it clear that in this case a plainly wrong answer was chosen, may be for personal reasons or what so ever.
The most frequently used expression (colloquial or scientific language alike) is "low sodium diet", followed at some distance by "low salt diet". (if you have doubts: Google frequency isn't all that counts, but it can give a hint to what is very improbable.)
Peer comment(s):

agree João Carlos Pijnappel : you are right, Google is not the best source for a good translation
3 hrs
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