Aug 28, 2009 20:16
15 yrs ago
11 viewers *
Croatian term
otkupni blok
Croatian to English
"otkupni blok i primka" Imate li neku ideju kako bih prevela ova dva izraza. Hvala na svakoj sugestiji
Proposed translations
2 | sales/purchase coupon | Andreja Ciković |
Proposed translations
2 days 23 hrs
sales/purchase coupon
Jedna od ideja - budući da je ovaj pojam karakterističan za naše prostore čisto sumnjam da je moguće naći "doslovan" prijevod igdje na netu. Zanimljivu raspravu na temu našla sam na web-stranicama foruma o pčelarskom savezu.
Reference comments
2 hrs
Cini mi se da je problem u tome sto nije jasno na koga se ovo "otkupni" odnosi, tj. da li se ta xxx firma tu pojavljuje kao kupac ili prodavac necega, bolje receno tko izdaje taj otkupni blok. Sto god da je, evo nekih prijedloga i linkova pa ako netko ima jos ideja.... ja bas i nemam vise :)
goods receipt
Official document issued by a port, shed, warehouse or shipping terminal operator to acknowledge receipt of items listed in it under customary or specified terms and conditions.
Goods Received Notes
Goods received notes are used to record receiving of goods purchased. Please take note that the function of Goods Received Notes (GRNs) is different compared to that of the Delivery Orders an entity received from its’ suppliers. Just imagine this – if the entity receives goods from different suppliers, lets say on average of 20 in a day, what would happened if it does not have a systematic way of recording the receiving of goods? HAVOC! However, for many small entities that have minimal purchase transactions, GRNs may not be used as each incident of receiving goods could still be monitored easily. For good control purposes, a receiving logbook is used to record the details of receiving goods (Date, Name of Supplier, Delivery Order Number, Description of goods).
otkupni blok
purchase order
Buyer-generated document that authorizes a purchase transaction. It sets forth the descriptions, quantities, prices, discounts, payment terms, date of performance or shipment, other associated terms and conditions, and identifies a specific seller. When accepted by the seller, it becomes a contract binding on both parties. Also called order.
Definition of Sales Invoice
A sales invoice is the way of recording the sale of goods or services from a vendor to a customer in your accounting software.
A bill of sale is a legal document made by a 'seller' to a purchaser, reporting that on a specific date, at a specific locality, and for a particular sum of money or other "value received", the seller sold to the purchaser a specific item of personal, or parcel of real, property of which he had ...
bill of sale
A document that transfers title of an asset from a seller to a buyer.
goods receipt
Official document issued by a port, shed, warehouse or shipping terminal operator to acknowledge receipt of items listed in it under customary or specified terms and conditions.
Goods Received Notes
Goods received notes are used to record receiving of goods purchased. Please take note that the function of Goods Received Notes (GRNs) is different compared to that of the Delivery Orders an entity received from its’ suppliers. Just imagine this – if the entity receives goods from different suppliers, lets say on average of 20 in a day, what would happened if it does not have a systematic way of recording the receiving of goods? HAVOC! However, for many small entities that have minimal purchase transactions, GRNs may not be used as each incident of receiving goods could still be monitored easily. For good control purposes, a receiving logbook is used to record the details of receiving goods (Date, Name of Supplier, Delivery Order Number, Description of goods).
otkupni blok
purchase order
Buyer-generated document that authorizes a purchase transaction. It sets forth the descriptions, quantities, prices, discounts, payment terms, date of performance or shipment, other associated terms and conditions, and identifies a specific seller. When accepted by the seller, it becomes a contract binding on both parties. Also called order.
Definition of Sales Invoice
A sales invoice is the way of recording the sale of goods or services from a vendor to a customer in your accounting software.
A bill of sale is a legal document made by a 'seller' to a purchaser, reporting that on a specific date, at a specific locality, and for a particular sum of money or other "value received", the seller sold to the purchaser a specific item of personal, or parcel of real, property of which he had ...
bill of sale
A document that transfers title of an asset from a seller to a buyer.
Peer comments on this reference comment:
agree |
: ma otkupni blok ti je neka čudna tvorevina, kao tobož nije račun, njega izdaje prodavatelj koji nije obveznik poreza na dohodak (recimo kad seljak proda salatu restoranu za keš); ima i tu paragon blok, to je pa opet nešto treće:)))...a sve računi, hehe
7 hrs
Ovdje u BiH to zovu paragon blok ali nemam ideju sta bi to bilo u ostatku svijeta :) anyway hvala