Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

joint and several liability

Hebrew translation:

אחריות ביחד ולחוד

May 21, 2009 13:13
15 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term

joint and several liability

GBK English to Hebrew Law/Patents Law (general)
Definition from
Where parties act together in a contract as partners they have joint and several liability. In addition to all the partners being responsible together, each partner is also liable individually for the entire contract - so a creditor could recover a whole debt from any one of them individually, leaving that person to recover their shares from the rest of the partners.
Example sentences:
It has become apparent in our industrialized society that this doctrine [the common law doctrine of joint and several liability] has produced inequitable and unfair results that have had a detrimental impact on businesses. (
Judgment against a teaching hospital in a medical malpractice suit shall be based on the percentage of fault and not Joint and Several Liability. (
Joint and several liability can also apply to rent arrears on joint tenancies, arrears on joint mortgages, Council Tax payments and water charges on properties that have been jointly occupied. (Payplan Ltd. )
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May 21, 2009 13:03: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

May 21, 2009 13:13: Enrique Cavalitto changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

May 24, 2009 13:56: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jul 20, 2009 13:43: Enrique Cavalitto

Jul 20, 2009 16:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

8 days

אחריות ביחד ולחוד

Definition from own experience or research:
בדיני נזיקין ובמשפט פלילי, כאשר נמצאים מספר מעוולים, כל אחד מהם נחשב אחראי, והגורם החשוב ביותר הוא שניזוק יקבל את מלוא הפיצויים שנפסקו לו. כלומר לא משנה אם מלוא הפיצויים נלקחים מאחד המעוולים, או מכולם ביחד, אלא שהניזוק יקבל את הכל. שאלת החלוקה בין המעוולים היא משנית.
Example sentences:
הנהג נסע במהירות מופרזת והעירייה לא הציבה שלט "עצור" בצומת המסוכנת, לכן הנהג והעירייה יהיו אחראים ביחד ולחוד לפצות את הניזוק בתאונת הדרכים. (I'm a law student)
Peer comment(s):

agree Nasrin Khill-Lyle : זה תרגום נכון
43 days
agree Yehuda Lior
51 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
4 hrs

ריבוי מעוולים

Definition from Wikipedia:
ריבוי מעוולים או מעוולים יחד הוא מושג משפטי המתייחס למצב בו נגרם לאדם נזק על ידי יותר מגורם אחד שהנו (באופן עקרוני) בר תביעה.
Example sentences:
יוצא מכך, כי חיובו של מבטח אחד להשיב דמי השתתפות למבטח אחר בגין ביטוח כפל הינו זכות שביושר והוא זהה במהותו לחיוב הקיים בין שני מעוולים במקרה של מעוולים ביחד ולחוד. במקרים (Court info Israeli govnmt.)
Note from asker:
jointly and severally is "ביחד ולחוד". The legal terms means that torteasors share liability together and separately. If tortfeasor A is liable 20% and B is liable 80% the injured may requst the full amount from either A or B then they can get reimbursed. This is the legal point of jointly and severally. However, your translation was "ריבוי מעוולים" which literally means "multiple tortfeasors" and as such does is not accurate. It merely means that there is more than one tortfeasor. The legal difinition of Jointly and Severally makes big difference.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Nasrin Khill-Lyle : זה תרגום לא נכון
51 days
Thank you! Good that you think that. Kindly explain why.
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