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Apr 24, 2009 11:51
15 yrs ago
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Serbian term


Serbian to English Other Real Estate cadastre
U posedovnom listu piše Br. parcele, plan, potes itd. a onda kultura -klasa. U toj rubrici je napisano kuća-zgrada i dvorište. Nisam sigurna na šta se ovo kultura odnosi. Kako da to prevedem?
Proposed translations (English)
5 +1 culture


zoe1 (asker) Apr 24, 2009:
kultura Da, odnosi se na poljoprivredno zemljište. Pitala sam u Geodetskom zavodu i rekli su da je to klasifikacija poljoprivrednog zemljišta, a može biti njiva ili livada a upisana je kuća jer je nelagalizovano sagrađena. Miro zahvaljujem vam se n a pomoći. Hvala i ostalim kolegama!
Mira Stepanovic Apr 24, 2009:
Možda će vam ovo pomoći
a osnovu kupoprodajnog ugovora upisan sam u posjedovni list Službe za katastar kao sukorisnik parcele (kultura-njiva) koja je društvena svojina, u delu 7/33 dok je 26/33 upisan prodavac.Još 3 ugovora sa kupcima postoje ali ostali kupci-sukorisnici nisu preneli svoja prava u katastru, jedan je samo preneo u zemljišnim knjigama.
Po ovome bi to značilo da li je u pitanju šuma, njiva ili sl., a klasa se odnosi na to
Milena Chkripeska Apr 24, 2009:
Topografski termin I used to do sport orienteering for about 6 years, and I was lucky enough to see the way of drawing maps in practice. Professionals used the term "culture" to refer to the details of a map which do not represent natural features. Please see the definitions that I've provided.
Natasa Djurovic Apr 24, 2009:
kultura I ja bih rekla da se pre odnosi na kulturu koja se uzgaja.
Mira Stepanovic Apr 24, 2009:
Poljoprivredna kultura Zorice, da li se to možda odnosi na poljoprivrednu kulturu koja se eventualno uzgaja na predmetnoj parceli ukoliko se radi o poljoprivrednom zemljištu?

Proposed translations

20 mins


Definitions are give below:

1. Domain: Building and public works, Life sciences

- a feature of the terrain that has been constructed by man. Included are such items as roads, buildings, and canals; boundary lines, and, in a broad sense, all names and legends on a map

Ref. NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions,1984

2. Domain: TRANSPORT, Building and public works, Land transport

- all features constructed on the surface of the earth by man, such as cities, railways, canals, etc.

3. (Cartography) Those details of a map, collectively, which do not represent natural features of the area delineated, as names and the symbols for towns, roads, houses, bridges, meridians, and parallels. (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.)

Note added at 23 mins (2009-04-24 12:14:41 GMT)

Sorry for the slip of the typewriting...
Definitions were GIVEN!
Peer comment(s):

agree Aleksandar Skobic
7 hrs
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