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Apr 3, 2009 15:41
15 yrs ago
23 viewers *
French term


French to English Bus/Financial Law: Contract(s) equipment rental
I know this term comes up in many different guises in the glossaries, but none of them seem to fit this particular context:

Dans le cas où de la location ou de **l'immobilisation** de matériel serait décidée par le Maître d'Oeuvre auprès de l'Entrepreneur, il sera fait application des dispositions prévues au présent article.

I'm wondering whether this could possibly mean leasing in this context, i.e. a more permanent form of rental? The heading for this section is simply LOCATION de MATERIEL.

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this.

Many thanks,



MatthewLaSon Apr 6, 2009:
I enjoyed the question, too. I am just very confused, but I don't want you to go against the client's wishes. I am, though, going to investigate this further for curiosity purposes. Have a great day!
Claire Cox (asker) Apr 6, 2009:
Hi Matthew,

yes, I know.... but this is for a direct client so I have to go with their interpretation. I've pointed out that I had misgivings about the use of this term, but none of the usual options really made sense here. Thanks again - I really appreciate everyone taking the trouble to respond!
MatthewLaSon Apr 6, 2009:
Thanks for the update, Clair. That's hard to believe that's what it really means, but... At any rate, that's what the client says, but I find it strange how you get just "leasing for a particular task" out of "immobilisation." Very interesting...
Claire Cox (asker) Apr 6, 2009:
Thanks Thanks to all for your suggestions. I queried it with the client in the end and she explained it thus, after checking with the report author:

Je pense qu'immobilisation veut dire le fait que des machines soient utilisées pour une seule tâche par un contractant.

On that basis, I've stayed with leasing - I imagine it means things like cranes which are leased for the duration of a particular task.

tradu-grace Apr 4, 2009:
Agree Hi Claire, I agree with your doubts and of course with Metthew,
rKillings and Simon. Accounting or financial terms don't apply here.
Claire Cox (asker) Apr 3, 2009:
Another instance in which this term comes up:

Les prix s'appliquent à la durée effective d'utilisation, de fonctionnement ou d'immobilisation, constatée et relevée sur les attachements dûment visés par le représentant du Maitre d'Oeuvre.

This is what makes me disinclined to think it means "fixed assets" in the usual sense
MatthewLaSon Apr 3, 2009:
I agree with rkillings. I don't think it's an accounting term, but rather about something not being in use.
rkillings Apr 3, 2009:
Any more context in the present article? It seems doubtful that this is about accounting treatment. One meaning of 'immobiliser' is to hold available (as in indemnité d'immobilisation), i.e., not tie up in another use. Could this involve having the contractor reserve or keep on hand equipment that might be needed at the site?

Proposed translations

8 mins

classification as fixed assets

From F.H.S. Bridge's The Council of Europe French-English Legal Dictionary:

Immobiliser - convert into notional immovables; classify as fixed assets.

(I think this is one of those instances where the French language shows a preference for the use of a noun rather than the verb.)
Peer comment(s):

neutral tradu-grace : Sorry Yolanda I don't think fixed assets is in the right context here.
11 hrs
Real estate is not an area of great expertise for me, so all I can do is check my reference works.
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19 mins


This suggestion is not in complete disagreement with Yolanda's as the definition of "immobilization" includes:

4. Economics
b. To convert (floating capital) into fixed capital.

The specific term "immobilization" comes from Mastering French Business Vocabulary, Gillman & Verrel, Barron's, 1996.
Peer comment(s):

neutral tradu-grace : Sorry Jenn, in my view either fixed asset or immobilization are in the wrong context.
11 hrs
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8 hrs

inactivity period (waiting time)

I think it’s about a very complex and highly performance machine, such as a crane or drilling equipment. No "fixed assets”.

The price of the lease [1: a contract by which one conveys real estate, equipment, or facilities for a specified term and for a specified rent;][Merriam Webster] is different depending on utilization (type of usage; load’s weight and to which height should be raised; or type of terrain and depth of the drill), functioning (time the machine is in action) and inactivity period (waiting time).

Note added at 8 hrs (2009-04-04 00:37:19 GMT)

Sorry, the price is NOT different but the SAME for utilization, functioning and inactivity periods (waiting time).
Peer comment(s):

agree tradu-grace : It works as well. Good job for your explanation. Definitely not a fixed assets in this context
2 hrs
Thank you.
Something went wrong...
9 hrs

equipment downtime


I think this might be it. They are talking about the duration of equipment downtime, as determined by the project manager alongside the contractor.

"Au cas où une panne immobiliserait le matériel pendant la durée de location, le client locataire s'engage à en donner avis par fax au loueur après avoir immédiatement pris les mesures d'urgence qui s'imposent pour éviter toute dégradation. Le loueur s'engage à ce que la durée d'immobilisation du matériel ne dépasse pas 72h. Ce délai court à partir des 24h nécessaires au loueur pour établir son diagnostic d'intervention après avoir reçu l'avis d'immobilisation par télécopie du client locataire (pour toute demande reçue avant 17h). Ces délais s'entendent hors cas de force majeure et prennent uniquement en compte les jours ouvrés."

Dans le cas où le loueur n'aura pas fait face à son obligation de dépanner le matériel dans les 72 heures, le client locataire aura le droit de résilier immédiatement le contrat avec effet au jour de l'arrêt de la machine. Aucune indemnité complémentaire de quelque nature que ce soit (perte d'exploitation, perte de location…) ne pourra alors être réclamée par le client locataire ou par le loueur. Ces résiliations étant par ailleurs subordonnées à la restitution des matériels et au paiement des loyers courus jusqu'à la date d'immobilisation du matériel.

Toutefois, si la réparation est rendue nécessaire par une cause imputable au client locataire, ce dernier ne pourra se prévaloir d'aucun des droits qui lui sont reconnus par le présent article. En conséquence, la location continue dans tous ses effets jusqu'à la remise en état du matériel."

Note added at 10 hrs (2009-04-04 01:51:58 GMT)

Since you've provided more context, it looks like it is "downtime" because the word that precedes it is "fonctionnement" (when equipment is up and running).
Peer comment(s):

agree tradu-grace : Great Matthew as usually. Nothing to do with fixed assets here.
1 hr
Thanks, tradugrace! I appreciate it.
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