Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

a casa

English translation:

to withdraw/discard

Added to glossary by Peter Shortall
Mar 25, 2009 19:33
15 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Romanian term

a casa

Romanian to English Art/Literary Printing & Publishing
Cartile au fost casate, ulterior

... in februarie '90, a primit o circulara, prin care era obligat sa caseze toate cartile de formatie comunista...

Despre carți deci. Mulțumesc.
Change log

Mar 27, 2009 16:32: Peter Shortall Created KOG entry


Adela Porumbel (asker) Mar 27, 2009:
Ok, m-am lămurit. Multe mulțumiri tuturor.
Shredded? in anii 90? Nu cred. Disposed of e OK.
Adela Porumbel (asker) Mar 25, 2009:
Shredded/ disposed of? Între timp am mai căutat și am găsit shredded/ disposed of pt. cărți casate. Adică au fost date la topit, distruse de tot, nu numai scoase de la raft. De ex: ”... initially agreed that the State Department should dispose of books advocating communism” -
Sau ” many as 79 million books were shredded last year.”

Proposed translations

33 mins

to withdraw/discard

I worked in a university library for a few months, and I remember that sometimes people would ask me why they couldn't find a given item on the shelf. I would then check the database, and sometimes it would say "item withdrawn". This was often due to damage, though libraries also withdraw books to make room for new stock. You can also say "discard" ("discard" can be used as a noun to refer to a book that has been withdrawn).

Books are **withdrawn** by library staff with the final say being
given to the librarian responsible for the branch. The criteria for
withdrawing an item are based on the number of times it has been issued and its condition. Although books may be withdrawn at one branch, they may be sent to another branch if it felt that there is a need for it there, and library staff also endeavour to ensure that the best use is made of stock.

"Books **withdrawn** from Library stock

To make space for new books Tameside Libraries hold regular sales of withdrawn stock. Most Libraries have a constant book sale that consists of a few shelves of fiction, non-fiction and children's titles. The price of books withdrawn from stock can vary from a few pence for a children's title to a few pounds for a book previously only available for reference. The sale price is dependent on the current condition of the book and its original price."

Stages of the Project (...)
Make decisions on which books and journals can be relegated to closed access storage (and which can be **withdrawn**) in order to remove unwanted or low-use books and journals from the open-access shelves

Most public libraries in the United States accept gift books with the proviso that the library is free to decide whether to keep the book in the library's collection, put it in a book sale to raise funds for the library, or **discard** it.

Note added at 37 mins (2009-03-25 20:10:46 GMT)

PS Reiese din context dacă e vorba de biblioteci? Dacă nu, aş sugera mai degrabă "withdraw" (spre exemplu, "withdrawn from circulation", etc.)

Note added at 51 mins (2009-03-25 20:24:39 GMT)

PPS Parcă este vorba de biblioteci şi alte locuri unde se păstrau cărţi, presupunând că asta este sursa textului tău (conţine propoziţia citată de tine):

Revolutia a gasit bibliotecile din judet, fie cele municipale, comunale sau orasenesti, fie ale liceelor si intreprinderilor, cu peste douazeci de mii de volume, scrise de, pentru si in onoarea iubitilor conducatori.
Spiritele incinse ale revolutionarilor medieseni au dat insa buzna in Casa de Cultura a Sindicatelor, unde se gaseau peste 3.000 de volume.
"Din primarie zburau cartile pe geam si erau arse si rupte de oamenii din piata. Au intrat si la noi anumite persoane si au vrut sa sparga o vitrina de carti. I-am calmat si au plecat. In decembrie '89 n-am pierdut nicio carte, le-am pierdut pe toate peste vreo doua luni", spune Hudea. Directorul isi aminteste ca, **in februarie '90, a primit o circulara, prin care era obligat sa caseze toate cartile de formatie comunista**. Am adunat cartile gramada, am chemat un tractor cu remorca si le-am incarcat..."

În contextul dat cred că aş merge mai degrabă pe "withdraw".

Note added at 1 hr (2009-03-25 20:40:24 GMT)

Alt exemplu, poate un pic mai potrivit contextului tău:

In the summer, he investigated the State Department overseas information libraries and 30,000 pro-Communist books were withdrawn from them.

Note added at 1 hr (2009-03-25 20:50:48 GMT)

Referitor la sugestiile tale, cu "disposed of" aş fi de acord (fiind sinonim cu "discarded"), dar pe "shredded" l-aş folosi doar dacă s-a folosit un distrugător (shredder), iar în cazul tău nu ştiu dacă s-a folosit aşa ceva.
Note from asker:
Mulțumesc mult pt. toată răbdarea. Tot la McCarthy am găsit și eu ceva, am postat mai sus 2 exemple.
Peer comment(s):

agree Bogdan Burghelea
55 mins
Mulţumesc, Bogdan!
agree Maria Diaconu : Da, mi se pare că la Britich Council fac periodic o curăţenie, pe cărţile retrase aplică ştampila "discarded" şi le donează altor biblioteci care poate au nevoie de ele :)
1 hr
O soartă mult mai fericită :) Mulţumesc, Maria!
2 hrs
Mulţumesc, Rodica!
agree Mary Stefan (X)
7 hrs
Mulţumesc, Mary!
agree anamaria bulgariu
8 hrs
Mulţumesc, Anamaria!
agree cristina48
10 hrs
Mulţumesc, Cristina!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
13 mins

to cassate

cf. dictionar
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43 mins

to scrap

to discard , to write off = in mod obisnuit
aici cred ca au retopit cartile :)

2 : to abandon or get rid of as no longer of enough worth or effectiveness to retain <scrap outworn methods>[2]
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50 mins

to dump

Presupun ca e vorba de o editura, fortata sa renunte la toate proiectele "comuniste".
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14 mins

to discontinue

Cred ca asta vor sa zica.

Note added at 1 hr (2009-03-25 20:54:45 GMT)

Eu ma refer mai mult la carti scoase din circulatie
dar vad ca ai niste sugestii bune aici.
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