Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

three-point correction

French translation:

correction 3-points

Added to glossary by Julie Verbert
Mar 8, 2009 19:39
15 yrs ago
English term

three-point correction

English to French Tech/Engineering Physics Optics
Hi everyone,

I am still translating this image correction control software manual and this time I have a problem with "three-point correction".

Here is the whole paragraph: "For example a three point correction would typically use a mid grey correction image, obtained by either halving the X-ray dose used to obtain the white reference, or halving the acquisition time."

I obviously thought of "correction à trois points", which does not seem to be very popular on Google.. Can't find any translation of this term.. Any idea?

Thanks in advance!
Proposed translations (French)
5 correction 3-points


Julie Verbert (asker) Mar 8, 2009:
Continued This paragraph, "Three point corrections are generally sufficient for amorphous silicon flat panels, while a five point correction may be used to obtain the best results from a linear detector array.", makes me wonder even more if it is actually a technical term, so in the end this "à trois points" or "à cinq points" might work.. Could someone please confirm?

Proposed translations

1 hr

correction 3-points

Il s'agit d'une méthode mathématique de correction "par wavelettes" d'un signal (voir lien).
Il n'existe généralement pas de traduction FR normalisée pour ce type d'expression.
Je m'en tiendrais donc à un certain pragmatisme et traduirais tout simplement par "méthode (de correction) 3-points".
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