Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:

material management

Added to glossary by Jennifer Barnett
Feb 26, 2009 12:01
15 yrs ago
Dutch term


Dutch to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general) business management, legislation
The full term is 'Regeling materieelbeheer museale voorwerpen' (Staatscourant 6 december 2006, nr. 238)
'Regulation concerning ........ of museum objects'.
It seems to be about administering the inventory of goods: inventory administration?
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Proposed translations

5 days

Museum Collection Management Policy

I think this is the complete translation of the full sentence that you are looking for Jennifer: 'Regeling materieelbeheer museale voorwerpen' (Staatscourant 6 december 2006, nr. 238)

Source text:
Paragraaf 2. Het beheer van museale voorwerpen
Artikel 2
1. De Minister of het college bevordert de zichtbaarheid van museale voorwerpen.
2. De Minister of het college zorgt ervoor dat museale voorwerpen zich in een goede staat bevinden en treft daartoe de noodzakelijke maatregelen.
3. Restauratie van een museaal voorwerp vindt plaats na overleg met de Minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap.
4. Indien de Minister of het college het voornemen heeft het beheer van één of meer museale voorwerpen te beëindigen, geschiedt die beëindiging in overleg met de Minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap.
5. De Minister of het college treft maatregelen ter voorkoming van vermissing, diefstal, verlies of beschadiging van museale voorwerpen.

Policy 4-94: Museum Collection Management Policy
II. Purpose
In operating its libraries, archives, and its museum, Centenary College collects, preserves, exhibits, and makes available for study materials of artistic and educational significance and provides related educational services for the purpose of increasing knowledge and enriching the cultural life of the campus and the host community.
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you, Lianne and the other contributors. I am actually going for 'Material Management Policy for museum objects'. Just didn't expect that the literal translation was the only one."
21 mins


'management of museum objects' seems to be a more common, cover-all phrase. You might even consider 'assets' or 'collections' instead of objects. I also prefer plural Regulations (on/governing/concerning...) for regeling.
Note from asker:
'museum collection management,' NL 'collectie beheer' usually concerns an individual collection. The question is about the title of a piece of legislation that is meant to cover every aspect of the adminstration of museum collections. It is a logistical thing. Google throws up no definition but from the references displayed, it looks more like keeping track of the goods owned by a company or organisation.
Peer comment(s):

agree Chris Hopley : I think in English it's more common to speak of 'museum collection management' rather than 'museum objects management' (I used to work at a software company that made collection management software)
3 mins
Thanks, Chris
agree Kitty Brussaard : Also with Chris' excellent suggestion!
9 mins
Thanks, Kitty
agree Lianne van de Ven : with Chris: "museum collection management" ref google and compare to "materials management"
3 hrs
agree Dr Lofthouse : yes
9 hrs
agree Michael Beijer : And yes again.
11 hrs
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1 hr

tangible property management

Van Dale:
iem. die verantwoordelijk is voor de materiële zaken (van een bedrijf, een legeronderdeel e.d.).

Materieel bezit = tangible property volgens Van Amerongen Terminologie Financieel Management N-E.

Note added at 1 hr (2009-02-26 13:05:32 GMT)
In the past, museums identified their property and collections as tangible assets. For example, real estate or leasehold interests for the real property of the museum are managed by the administrative arm of the museum. The collection, on the other hand, is managed by the registrar or collections manager. With the advent of new technologies and the growing awareness of complex IP issues, new management processes are now recognized as necessary to manage the assets and liabilities that may not be readily apparent.

Note added at 6 hrs (2009-02-26 18:37:09 GMT)

Je hebt gelijk, Lianne. Mijn excuses. Ik had je link niet goed gelezen.
Note from asker:
Getting there... Must sheepishly admit at this point that I do not have the most recent edition of Van Dale. 'Tangible/intangible cultural property' is a term certainly used in the museum world but not in this sense.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Lianne van de Ven : het gaat om "museale" voorwerpen//lees aub artikel 2 van de "regeling materiaalbeheer," de link in de references die ik aangehaald heb. Het gaat om museale voorwerpen.
3 hrs
Het gaat volgens mij om de museale infrastructuur, niet om de voorwerpen zelf. Je kunt denken aan gebouwen, beveiliging, noem maar op.
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Reference comments

4 hrs


Materials management:

Vergelijk de volgende twee documenten:

Regeling materieelbeheer museale voorwerpen

Museum collection management policy
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