ProZ/TV Spotlight: International Translation Day Preview 2023

As we gear up for this year's International Translation Day, we're excited to offer a special preview series by broadcasting some of the standout presentations from last year's TV event!

Tune in to our broadcast sessions to revisit some of the most insightful and impactful moments from last year. Remember, these are recordings from the previous event, so there won’t be a live Q&A, but we’ll be sharing a sneak peek of what’s in store for this year’s event—stay tuned until the end to catch it!

Register now for this year’s ProZ/TV International Translation Day 2024 – a three-day event filled with live presentations, Q&A sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities.

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Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Swedish translation:


Dec 8, 2008 08:53
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


GBK English to Swedish Social Sciences Human Resources
Definition from
Telecommuting or working from home is a flexible work arrangement that enables an employee, a consultant, or a contractor, to work distantly from the employer all or part of the time.
Example sentences:
It's extremely rare to find a job that starts out as a telecommuting job. It's much more common to convert an existing job into a telecommuting arrangement by presenting a thoughtful and comprehensive proposal to your supervisor. (
Millions of people in the United States and around the world have discovered the power, the pleasure, and the productivity improvement that comes with Telecommuting to work. (The American Telecommuting Association )
Telecommuting does not necessarily imply working at home. Satellite "telework" centers near or in residential areas, fully equipped with appropriate telecommunications equipment and services, can serve employees of single or multiple firms, co-located on the basis of geography rather than business function. (USA DOT RITA)
Proposed translations (Swedish)
5 +2 distansarbete
Change log

Dec 8, 2008 01:20: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Dec 8, 2008 08:53: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Dec 11, 2008 08:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Dec 11, 2008 18:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

1 day 19 hrs


Definition from LO - Distansarbete pdf:
Med distansarbete förstås sådant arbete som bedrivs med hemmet som arbetsplats eller annat av arbetstagaren disponerat utrymme och med datastöd.
Example sentences:
Arbete på distans ökar stort i Sverige och övriga världen tack vare de många fördelar distansarbete för med sig. (Svenska Distansarbetesföreningen)
Tre eller fyra dagar i veckan är Tord Niklasson på sitt jobb i Eskilstuna. Resten av veckan distansarbetar han från sin lägenhet i Göteborg. (Göteborgsposten)
Syftet med denna rapport var att undersöka om det förelåg någon skillnad i upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse mellan distansarbetare och icke distansarbetare. (Luleå tekniska universitet)
Note from asker:
Found online: "The subscapular pain in the four patients increased in intensity with respiration and coughing."
La región infraescapular alude al área de la espalda "caudal" (inferior) a la escápula. Aunque los términos infraescapular y subescapular a veces se confunden, la región por debajo de la escápula (infraescapular) versus la región subescapular ("por debajo" también pero con el sentido de "anterior" a la escápula, entre la escápula y la parrilla costal) son regiones diferentes. En inglés se utiliza formalmente infrascapular region -o su equivalente en latín, regio infrascapularis. No tengo claro si under the scapula o under the shoulder blade podrían funcionar también como equivalentes no ambiguos de región infraescapular. Región infraescapular (Slide 9)
But I notice in the two sources that you cited (in Spanish) that they only mention the "región infraescapular" and not a contrasting "subescapular", as you claim. Mind you, my level of confidence is low, but the rarity of the term in English, and the fact that some of the references are translations, suggests to me that 'subscapular' is probably the better choice. (There are also references in English to 'interscapular'.) None of them have a lot of hits when you get to the final Google count - the last "o". Again, this is why I posted a low level of confidence. P.S. 'Under' the scapula would be different from 'below' it.
And you are right. When we refer to región infraescapular or región subescapular in Spanish we are always talking about the region/area "caudal" to the scapula. I was trying to convey the meaning in English of subscapular pain (pain anterior to the scapula and towards the shoulder, related to the subscapularis muscle) and pain in the infrascapular region. Debería haber entrecomillado "región subescapular" en el comentario previo para evitar inducir a error. Lo más correcto sería haberme referido a la <b>"región del subescapular"</b>. En todo caso, reconozco que parece un trabalenguas. La mayoría de referencias no especifican a qué se refieren exactamente y es únicamente el contexto que ayuda a dilucidar su sentido. Además, existen numerosas referencias online de textos en inglés traducidos de otros idiomas, lo que añade mayor confusión. Lo que tengo claro es el sentido del original, en tanto que referencia a la región "por debajo" (caudal) a la escápula. La denominación formal de dicha área en inglés es regio infrascapularis / infrascapular region. As said, I am not sure whether there are more common and unambiguous expressions to translate región infraescapular. ¡Saludos!
I feel "subscapular pain" is at the least ambiguous most of the time. These are a few somewhat "clear" examples, and yet... [Subscapularis?] For example, a gallbladder attack may present as right shoulder (subscapular) pain [Subscapularis?] Scapulothoracic bursitis is one of the causes for subscapular pain and crepitus [Infrascapular?] Subscapular pain arising from diaphragmatic irritation
And just to add to under or below ;) Subscapular situated<b> beneath</b> the scapula
- The Latin name doesn't necessarily translate to the English cognate. - There's a big difference between 'below' and 'under(neath'). Your diagrams showed the "infrascapular region" below (lower down on the torso) than the other regions. - Real Academic definition of "infra-" infra- Del lat. infra-. 1. elem. compos. Significa 'inferior' o 'debajo'. Infrahumano, infrascrito, infravivienda, infradotar.
This is a good site too: The anterior part of the intercondylar ridge (this raised area divides the tibial plateau ... It has three fossa (supra scapular, infra scapular and sub scapular; two ...
Aunque actualmente infra- y sub- tienden a describirse como sinónimos, su utilización histórica, como reflejan distintos nombres de estructuras anatómicas, es claramente diferente (en inglés y en castellano), haciendo referencia a "por debajo de otra superficie o estructura", en un sentido transversal (por ejemplo subarachnoid, subcutaneous, subscapularis, subclavian) o a "inferior", en un sentido "vertical" (caudal) con respecto a otra estructura (por ejemplo, infraspinatus/supraspinatus, infratrochlear/supratrochlear). Esta diferenciación entre sub- e infra- resulta pertinente por mor de claridad a la hora de expresar relaciones anatómicas específicas. No tengo claro que below, beneath, under o underneath puedan utilizarse con un sentido tan específico como para diferenciar los sentidos aducidos, y en concreto para diferenciar inferior a la escápula en sentido anterior (hacia la caja torácica; bajo la superficie de la escápula; en relación al músculo subescapular) o inferior en sentido vertical (caudal). Sub- e infra-, en cambio, aunque hayamos casi olvidado el sentido específico original y diferente de uno y otro, sí cumplen (o cumplían al menos) esa función diferenciadora.
Peer comment(s):

agree Thomas Loob : Helt OK
1 day 5 hrs
agree Eva Linderoth
1 day 14 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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