Japanese term
(1) 人体・財産などに与える致命的な欠陥が発生したもの。
(2) 新聞謹告あるいは報道されたもの。
(3) ・・・・
(4) ....
2 +1 | newspaper notice | casey |
4 | Public apology or Withdrawal notice or Recall notice | humbird |
3 | public notice | Noriko Miwa |
PRO (1): humbird
When entering new questions, KudoZ askers are given an opportunity* to classify the difficulty of their questions as 'easy' or 'pro'. If you feel a question marked 'easy' should actually be marked 'pro', and if you have earned more than 20 KudoZ points, you can click the "Vote PRO" button to recommend that change.
How to tell the difference between "easy" and "pro" questions:
An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)
A pro question is anything else... in other words, any question that requires knowledge or skills that are specialized (even slightly).
Another way to think of the difficulty levels is this: an easy question is one that deals with everyday conversation. A pro question is anything else.
When deciding between easy and pro, err on the side of pro. Most questions will be pro.
* Note: non-member askers are not given the option of entering 'pro' questions; the only way for their questions to be classified as 'pro' is for a ProZ.com member or members to re-classify it.
Proposed translations
newspaper notice
Note added at 2 hrs (2008-11-06 10:03:10 GMT)
"Report" of course being "報道."
public notice
Public apology or Withdrawal notice or Recall notice
「謹告」とは読んで字の通り、「謹んでお知らせいたします」という意味で、通常はその announcement の一番最初に見出しとして書く、謝罪通知の決まり文句です。
それで、a defect notified by newpaper notices or covered by media reports と