ProZ/TV Spotlight: International Translation Day Preview 2023

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May 14, 2008 06:47
16 yrs ago
Chinese term


Chinese to English Tech/Engineering Manufacturing

Ignoring all those existing translations out there, how would YOU translate this?

Proposed translations

56 mins

safety monitoring procedures

I think 安全 here means safety (from physical harm) rather than security (from external threats), because the examples you give of pressurized cylinders, boilers and amusement rides are all notoriously dangerous.

Also 规程 could mean regulations rather than procedures- regulations are legal while procedures are more practical.

And is the word 技术/technology redundant here, as all monitoring systems are computerized these days?

Note added at 17 hrs (2008-05-14 23:52:56 GMT)

It appears that Chinese makes the distinction between "technical" safety regulations for machinery and plain safety regulations for natural/chemical processes.

Plain "safety regulations" 安全规程 for mining, chlorine, explosives etc.

And "technical" safety regulations 安全技术监察规程 for boilers, amusement rides, pressure cylinders etc.

However, the words "technical" and "supervision" tend not to appear in the titles of native English regulations.

Pressure Vessel Safety Regulations

Amusement Ride Safety Regulations

Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation

"XXX safety regulation" is therefore best IMO.

The words "technical" and "supervision" sometimes appear in legislation. They also appear in translations of German and Chinese regulations. Perhaps Chinese originally acquired the phrase from German? But here the words "technical" and "supervision" are artifacts of translation.

Peer comment(s):

agree orientalhorizon
7 mins
neutral chica nueva : 规程 = rules; regulations, you are right. IMO not 'monitoring' as you describe it. 监察 = supervise; control = 监督各级国家机关和机关工作人员的工作并检举违法失职的机关或工作人员 (外研社:汉英词典;现代汉语词典)
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks."
5 mins

XXX security technology supervision procedures

Peer comment(s):

neutral chica nueva : what is 'security technology' in the context of manufacturing?
4 hrs
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12 mins

security technology monitoring process/procedures

Real-time anti-virus scannin for example would be considered 'monitoring.' I'm thinking 'secuirty technology' in terms of this.
Peer comment(s):

neutral chica nueva : what is 'security technology' in the context of manufacturing?
3 hrs
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3 hrs

XXX Technological Safety Control Regulation;XXX Safety (Technical) Control Regulation

XXX Technological Safety Control Regulation;
Regulation for Technological Safety Control of XXX

规程 = rules; regulations
监察 = supervision; control

安全技术 = safety technology (as opposed to 安全管理 safety management)

中国电力安全管理网,电力安全、电力安全管理、安全技术、电力安全论坛 ...- [ Translate this page ]电力安全,电力安全技术,电力安全论坛,安全生产,安全教育,安全评价,安全论坛,安全知识,安全漫画,安全生产漫画. - 192k - Cached - Similar pages

'supervision' or 'control'? - it depends on the legislation and regulations, and the powers, duties and structure of the bodies responsible:

气瓶安全监察规定- [ Translate this page ]第一条为加强气瓶安全监察工作,保证气瓶安全使用,保护人民生命和财产安全,根据《特种设备安全监察条例》和《危险化学品安全管理条例》的有关要求,制定本规定。 ... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages

监察委员会 = control commission; supervisory committee
检察员 = supervisor;controllor

电力工业锅炉压力容器监察规程DL 612 1996 - 工程部- [ Translate this page ]28 Mar 2008 ... ASME 德国蒸汽锅炉技术规程TRD 和前苏联蒸汽和热水锅炉结构和安全操作规程增加了热力系统压力 ... 本规程由电力工业部锅炉压力容器安全监察委员会提出 ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

山东煤矿安全技术工作专项监察办法(试行)- [ Translate this page ]This site may harm your computer.
第五十条 矿井通风、防火、防水、防瓦斯、防尘等安全设施和条件不符合国家安全标准、行业安全标准、煤矿安全规程和行业技术规范要求的,由煤矿安全监察机构依据《煤矿 ... - Similar pages

特种设备质量监督与安全监察规定 ( 北京市质量技术监督局 — 政务公开 ...- [ Translate this page ]第五章附则第六十七条本规定配套的规范性文件或者技术规程,由国家特种设备安全监察机构另行组织制定,国家质量技术监督局发布实施。 本规定中明确由质量技术监督行政 ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

国家质量技术监督局 = State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision:
Circular of the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision ...- [ Translate this page ]【法规标题】国家质量技术监督局关于适用新《中华人民共和国产品质量法》有关问题的 ... Department: State Administration of (Quality and) Technical Supervision ... - 30k - Cached - Similar pages

different words should be used for 监察 and 监督?
'第4条 XXX的设计、制造(组焊)、安装、使用、检验、修理和改造,均应严格执行本规程的规定。各级XXX安全监察机构(以下简称安全监察机构)负责XXX安全监察工作,监督本规程的执行。'

监督 = supervise; superintend; control = 察看并督促
(督促 = supervise and urge)
监察 = supervise; control = 监督各级国家机关和机关工作人员的工作并检举违法失职的机关或工作人员
(检举 = report to the authories; inform the authorities)

质量监督和安全监察 = quality supervision and safety control:
第5条 本规程是XX质量监督和安全监察的基本要求,有关XX的技术标准、部门规章、企事业单位规定等,如果与本规程的规定相抵触时,应以本规程为准。

第7条 设计、制造压力容器,其技术要求和使用条件不符合本规程规定定时,应在学习借鉴和实验研究的基础上,将所做试验的依据、条件、数据、结果和第三方的检测报告及其他有关的技术资料报省级安全监察机构审核、国家安全监察机构批准,方可进行试制、试用。通过一定周期的试用验证,进行型式试验或技术鉴定,报国家安全监察机构备案。

OK, the regulation is about safety technological, (not about safety and technology.):
第1条 为了保证压力容顺的安人运行,保护人民生命和财产的安全,促进国民经济的发展,根据《锅炉压力容器安全监察暂行条例》的有关规定,制定本规程。

技术监察? there is no such thing. It is 技术监督。技术监察&

Note added at 4 hrs (2008-05-14 10:49:05 GMT)

XXX Technological Safety Control Regulation should be
XXX Technical Safety Control Regulation

Note added at 4 hrs (2008-05-14 10:52:37 GMT)
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