Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Portuguese translation:

marido extremoso

Added to glossary by Brigith Guimarães
Jan 11, 2008 09:55
16 yrs ago
English term


English to Portuguese Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
I know what it means, too dominated and too loving towards one's wife. But it would be interesting I could find one WORD (one alone) that would give the meaning in portuguese.

The sentence goes: «What would they think of him? Uxorious, they would be bound to declare»



Humberto Ribas Jan 11, 2008:
É um termo antiquado, mas muito usado no Brasil nos anos 50: camisolão
Paula Vaz-Carreiro Jan 11, 2008:
Can you tell me which book this comes from?

Proposed translations

2 hrs

marido extremoso

Brigith, I know that the 'answers' website defines 'uxorious' as you say above, however, all my dictionaries (such as the Collins and the OED) define 'uxorious' as: excessively attached to or **dependent** on one's wife. 'Dependent' is different from 'dominated'.

I think it is difficult to think of a single PT word to cover the meaning completely.
The best I could come up with was 'marido extremoso'


extremoso [eiS]
1. que tem extremos;
2. carinhoso; apaixonado;
(De extremo+-oso)

Note added at 2 hrs (2008-01-11 12:32:23 GMT)

No you're it is difficult to capture all the meaning in one or 2 words. If I think of something else I'll add a note. Good luck!
Note from asker:
Quite right, Paula, not quite the same. He is 'extremoso' because he feels he has no better thing to do in life; she, on her turn, depends on his attention and care, like a disease... Maybe 'extremoso' would fit, though unfortunately there is no portuguese word to translate it with.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you ALL very much. I'll chose Paula's 'extremoso' and will rearrange the text as to show a bit of irony. "
23 mins

capacho, subalterno, carneirinho

acredito que um dos adjetivos acima passe a idéia
Note from asker:
Pois, na prática é isso, mas neste ambiente social (que eu não referi, desculpe) não se dizem as coisas assim ... pois, você sabe! :) mas é um bocado "capacho", sim
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26 mins

devoto ou venerador

penso que ambos os termos demonstram a paixão avassaladora por de trás do termo "uxorious"
Note from asker:
é mais isso, no sentido pejorativo, claro, mas é mais por aí
venera(dor) é mais...
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44 mins

super dedicado

My suggestion.
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1 hr


Note from asker:
Não é bem, ele só é dedicado porque a habituou a isso, o amor é relativo.
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1 hr


Olá, Brigith!
pau-mandado (da esposa) servirá?
Note from asker:
Olá, Jorge! Tem de ser uma pouco mais "delico-doce", mais no sentido de com demasiadas atenções, ela é que é a dependente, mas usa essa dependência
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3 hrs


"Fulano é um maridão" às vezes define bem uma situação. Ou pelo menos que ele finge bem.
Peer comment(s):

agree rhandler
43 mins
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