French term
La passion de la Bourse
this is used as a 'slogan' by a bank specialising in portfolio management services. It appears on several of their documents, for example on the first page of their terms and conditions, under their name.
All ideas gratefully received - thanks!
Non-PRO (1): AllegroTrans
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Proposed translations
A passion for trading/a real love of trading
The passion of the Stock Exchange /A passion for the Stock Exchange
agree |
Julie Barber
: A passion for the Stock Exchange (but not the first suggestion....!)\they wld be 2 different things - the passion involved in the SE/or belonging to the SE itself and the 2nd suggestion is the organisations passion for it
5 mins
Thanks juliebarba :-) I realise they are two different things but I couldn't tell from the context which of the two translations was relevant here - could be either I thought
agree |
gerard robin
: thanks
5 hrs
agree |
IC --
1 day 8 hrs
stock gambling fervour (fervor)/interest/pursuit
Perhaps less inflammatory: The pursuit of Stock
the thrill of trading
Note added at 43 mins (2007-11-22 11:39:19 GMT)
the thrill of the chase (women, or men)
the thrill of the hunt (helpless bunnies)
Anything where you take risks (sic?) and enjoy taking them ... because the potential gains are so great?
The financial markets - our passion/your financial interests are our passion
see this one for example
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