Nov 12, 2007 15:10
17 yrs ago
29 viewers *
Spanish term

al corte

Spanish to English Medical Medical (general) Costa Rica
From Costa Rican medical record for psych patient. In doctor's handwriting, appears several times (so I'm pretty sure that's what it says), same context each time at beginning of paragraph in doctor's notes.

**Al corte,** feminina, en ropa casual, deambulando por sus propias medidas, lloroso, buen contacto visual. Lenguaje sin alteraciones.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


Noni Gilbert Riley Nov 12, 2007:
Can you imagine what an automatic translator wd make of this? "By the slice..."

Proposed translations

11 mins


I don't think it means "To the court" here..... If you decide to include this, I'd put it in brackets, and write something generic such as "Observations" This is usually included under: MENTAL STATUS section of the report.....

Obseration: Female, wearing casual attire, ambulating without assistance, upset/crying, maintains good visual contact. Language without alterations.

Note added at 11 mins (2007-11-12 15:22:14 GMT)

"Observation"-sorry, typo.....

Note added at 13 mins (2007-11-12 15:24:21 GMT)

Disregard my note about: to the court (it would be: a la corte anyway)-instead of al corte

Note added at 1 hr (2007-11-12 16:13:27 GMT)

Here are a few more ideas for you

Based upon first impression:
At a glance:
Based upon initial appearance
Based upon initial assessment....
Peer comment(s):

agree Noni Gilbert Riley : Sounds feasible (and I'm glad you already corrected the court stuff!!)
7 mins
Thanks: At first, I just saw "Corte" and assumed it had to do with legal purposes, I blocked out the other I guess until I read it once again
agree Sp-EnTranslator : At a glance or based upon initial assessment might do here, IMO.
5 hrs
agree Victoria Frazier
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you! I went with "initial impression since it seemed to go best with what followed. But all of your suggestions were likely candidates."
39 mins

A primera vista/impresión

Parece que en centro américa se utiliza esta frase. Supongo, (infiero por lo que vi en mis búsquedas), que puede estar relacionada con el corte de la caña de azucar, actividad de centro américa. Se le hace un primer corte a la caña (zoca) para ver su pureza). Da la idea de inmediatez, rápidez (un vistazo rápido).

Productos de Costa Rica para ticos en el extranjeroCosta Rica, Lunes 5 de noviembre del 2007, 3:01:05 PM ... Entonces la justicia se le puso al corte y el santo de los milagros desapareció de la tierra ... -
Peer comment(s):

agree Maria523
5 hrs
Gracias María!
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