Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

síndico municipal

English translation:

municipal ombudsman / manager / comptroller

Added to glossary by Rocio Barrientos
Jul 31, 2007 16:33
17 yrs ago
41 viewers *
Spanish term

síndico municipal

Spanish to English Art/Literary Government / Politics MEXICO
I have a list of functionaries to translate. This person is clearly the head of the group, and all the others are "regidores" (which I'm planning on translating as councilman, councilwoman). DRAE: Hombre elegido por una comunidad o corporación para cuidar de sus intereses. (In this case, it is a town.) Would City Manager work? Is there another term? Thank you!
Change log

Jul 31, 2007 22:33: Rocio Barrientos Created KOG entry

Jul 31, 2007 23:26: Rocio Barrientos changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/695981">Rocio Barrientos's</a> old entry - "síndico municipal"" to ""municipal comptroller ""

Jul 31, 2007 23:29: Rocio Barrientos changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/695981">Rocio Barrientos's</a> old entry - "síndico municipal"" to ""municipal manager""


coincidencias de funciones son muchísimas. Como dice Henry (creo), muchas ciudades mexicanas (igual que aquí en Venezuela) tienen un contralor municipal *además de* síndico, administrador y alcalde. Igual sucede en muchas ciudades de los EUA. Saludos.
coincidencias de funciones son muchísimas. Como dice Henry (creo), muchas ciudades mexicanas (igual que aquí en Venezuela) tienen un contralor municipal *además de* síndico, administrador y alcalde. Igual sucede en muchas ciudades de los EUA. Saludos.
Rocío: Ya que preguntas, yo mantengo mi opinión de traducirlo como “municipal auditor”. Si (en las referencias que di en mi respuesta) uno se toma el pequeño trabajo de comparar las funciones de ambos funcionarios podrá ver que las coincidencias de funcio
Patricia Rosas (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
Rocio: Qué amable que hiciste esto. Sin duda habrá otras posibilidades pero ya no aguanto yo... ;-)
Rocio Barrientos Jul 31, 2007:
Cambié el glosario a: municipal ombudsman / manager / comptroller :)
que linda discusión / plática Proziana al respecto. ¿alguna idea más para el glosario? ¿Patricia, Henry, alquien más?
Patricia Rosas (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
municipal manager Henry: (Okay I'm not done yet) In the organigrama, I can see the functions of Oficial Mayor and in this town, he is a business manager, who supervisors the purchasing department, parking etc. The city manager, per M-W, an official employed by an elected council to direct the administration of a city government not to run the government's day to day operations. Unfortuantely, the organigrama for the person who's title I'm translating is not available on line, bu the is listed as being immediately under the mayor with everyone else under him, which equates to a city manager as I see it.
Patricia Rosas (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
As I mentioned to Henry below, I was finally able to access the web site, and there is a controller. However, this person is not an ombudsman, mayor, auditor, or trustee. He manages the activities of the city council and has a lot of say over disbursements of funds (this I see from newspaper articles), so I've opted for Municipal Manager. Fini
Henry Hinds Jul 31, 2007:
I'd also recommend great caution in using "city manager", because then what do you call the "Oficial Mayor"?
Henry Hinds Jul 31, 2007:
...with a few grains of salt. (ran out of space)

The key to finding a proper title in English for these positions is knowing what the actual functions of them are; there are often no exact equivalents and the name itself does not say much.
Henry Hinds Jul 31, 2007:
I would recommend great caution in using "municipal comptroller" because it could be embarrasing if there is another official with this title, which is likely. I would also take sources like the one cited by Rocío (not her, just the source) with a few...
Patricia Rosas (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
Thanks to everyone again--wow! this was one lively conversation!! I don't think that there's a standard answer that would satisfy all of us.

I'm dealing with Mexico (as Daniel pointed out, there could even be state-level distinctions). I did learn, however, that there is "presidente municipal" (mayor) and the council is separate. In my town, here in the US, the mayor attends the council meetings, but so does the city manager. In large cities, the manager probably supervises the comptroller, so perhaps I should have used "city manager" (I'm going to think about that). Thanks again.
Patricia Rosas (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
Daniel: Essentially, I agree with you. I think that the síndico is a rough equivalent of the comptroller or city manager, and he works closely with the cabildo, the council (apologies to those on the other side of the pond if that isn't how it is spelled in the United Kingdom). The "Presidente Municipal" (at least in Guanajuato) is the highest ranking official in the local-level executive branch, and hence, he'd be what I'd term the mayor.
Daniel Burns (X) Jul 31, 2007:
This site discusses the duties of the síndico municipal in two Mexican states. He seems to be a sort of auditor and watchdog over the spending of public funds, but this varies by state.
Patricia Rosas (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
I just found this (from a current press release for the town in question):
Licenciado Juan Manuel Oliva Ramírez,
Gobernador Constitucional del estado de Guanajuato;

Ciudadano Guadalupe Villegas Vargas,
Presidente Municipal de San Luis de la Paz;

It is about the governor signing an agreement with the head of the municipio so I'm certain that it is not the executive of the municipio, but I have written to see if I can find out more.
Patricia Rosas (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
Marina: I just went to a working web site for a Mexican municipio (Zapopan), and its organigrama shows a presidente municipal and 19 regidores plus the síndico. Since there is a big picture of the president muncipal, and his name appears all over, and I can't find that sort of info on the síndico, I'm fairly certain that the presidente is the municipio's highest ranking executive, but I will ask ... Thanks for giving me your information ...
Marina Herrera Jul 31, 2007:
The highest elected town authority in the US is calle the mayor; and from childhood experience, in many LA countries, the highest city official is the síndico (my father was one) and the alcalde is the highest authority in villages.
Patricia Rosas (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
Daniel: Do you know what he sort of issues he mediates? Are they labor-related problems, financial complaints or something else? Thx!
Daniel Burns (X) Jul 31, 2007:
This very much depends on the area. In the state of Chihuahua, at least, the "síndico" is an elected municipal official whose duties are those of an ombudsman.
Patricia Rosas (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
for Marina I wondered about that, too, but usually the mayor in Mexico is the "Alcalde" or "Alcalde mayor". I tried to access the town's website but it doesn't work, so I can't find out if the síndico is the highest member of the executive branch. I doubt it, but I will ask the client. Thanks!
Patricia Rosas (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
thanks, everyone, for the suggestions. I didn't want to use the term "trustee" (suggested in the glossary) because for an elected official it didn't sound quite right to me (it appears in conjunction with another group, who are a Board of Trustees of a nonprofit). I've sent it in with
Municipal Comptroller and "Council Member" (which I need to assure everyone is the correct term for the US -- and since it is a Mexican text, the tendency is to privilege US usage of English usage, right or wrong). The book is dealing with urban renewal, and so the comptroller (city manager?) is the person who is involved. Thanks again for everyone's help.
Marina Herrera Jul 31, 2007:
If it is the head of the group it is not a councilman; it is definitely the mayor.
Carol Gullidge Jul 31, 2007:
Sorry! Just seen it's for a US audience... (No idea what they use!) It's councillors in UK English
Robert Copeland Jul 31, 2007:
Hi Patricia,
Please see:
Carol Gullidge Jul 31, 2007:
Hi Patricia! I'm with Allegro about "town councillors"
Patricia Rosas (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
No, council member or councilman, councilwoman (for US audience):
Alcala joins former Councilman Duane Pomeroy as the only two candidates to have won election to three terms on the council since Topeka replaced its city ...

This is also the term used in the town where I live.
AllegroTrans Jul 31, 2007:
Just a comment, if I may, concerning "councilman, councilwoman". I have never heard of these terms: surely they are Councillors, i.e. elected representatives on a town council??

Proposed translations

13 mins

municipal comptroller

Carlos García Mondragón, municipal comptroller (Síndico Presidencial Municipal) of Chiapas;


Note added at 31 mins (2007-07-31 17:05:42 GMT)

you're welcome :)
Note from asker:
Rocio: That's a very helpful link. Thank you!
Peer comment(s):

neutral Daniel Burns (X) : This is the closest anyone has come, but the organizational chart lists a "contraloría" distinct from the office of the síndico.
3 hrs
Thank you Daniel; this is a lively discussion ;)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you, Rocio, for your answer, and thanks to everyone for all their thoughts and shared information. "
31 mins

municipal trustee

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Municipalities of Mexico
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Municipal Palace of VeracruzMunicipalities (municipios in Spanish) are the second-level administrative division in Mexico (where the first-level administrative division is the estado, or state). There are 2,438 municipalities in Mexico. The internal political organization and their responsibilities are outlined in the 115th article of the Mexican Constitution,[1] and further expanded in the constitutions of the states they are part of.

Contents [hide]
1 Structure
2 History
3 Ranking of municipalities
3.1 By population
3.2 By area
4 Boroughs of Mexico City
5 References
6 See also
7 External links

[edit] Structure
All Mexican states are divided into municipalities. Each municipality is administratively autonomous; citizens elect a "municipal president" who heads an ayuntamiento or municipal council, responsible for providing all the public services for their constituents. This concept, which originated after the Mexican Revolution is known as a municipio libre ("free municipality"). A municipal president heads the ayuntamiento (municipal council). The municipal president is elected by plurality and cannot be reelected for the next immediate term. The municipal council consists of a cabildo (chairman) with a síndico and several regidores (trustees).

If the municipality covers a large area and contains more than one city or town (collectively called localidades), one city or town is selected as a cabecera municipal (head city, seat of the municipal government) while the rest elect representatives to a presidencia auxiliar or junta auxiliar (auxiliary presidency or council). In that sense, a municipality in Mexico is roughly equivalent to American counties, whereas the auxiliary presidency is equivalent to a township. Nonetheless, auxiliary presidencies are not considered a third-level administrative division since they fiscally depend on the municipalities in which they are located.

Northwestern and south-eastern states are divided into small numbers of large municipalities (e.g. Baja California is divided into only 5 municipalities), and therefore they cover large areas incorporating several separated cities or towns that do not necessarily conform to one single conurbation. Central and southern states, on the other hand, are divided into a large number of small municipalities (e.g. Oaxaca is divided into 570 municipalities), and therefore large urban areas usually extend over several municipalities which form one single conurbation. Although an urban area might cover an entire municipality, auxiliary councils might still be used for administrative purposes.

Municipalities are responsible for public services (such as water and sewerage), street lighting, public safety, traffic, supervision of slaughterhouses and the cleaning and maintenance of public parks, gardens and cemeteries. They may also assist the state and federal governments in education, emergency fire and medical services, environmental protection and maintenance of monuments and historical landmarks. As of 1983, they can collect property taxes and user fees although more funds are obtained from the state and federal governments than from their own collection efforts.

[edit] History
Since the Conquest and colonization of Mexico, the municipality became the basic entity of the administrative organization of the New Spain and the Spanish Empire. Settlements located in strategic locations received the status of city (the higher status within the Empire, superior to that of villas and pueblos) and were entitled to form an ayuntamiento or municipality. After the independence, the 1824 Constitution did not specify any regulation for the municipalities, whose structure and responsibilities were to be outlined in the constitution of each state of the federation. As such, every state set its own requirements for a settlement to become a municipality (usually based on population). The constitution of 1917 abolished the jefatura política ("politic authority"), the intermediate administrative authority between the states and converted all existing municipalities into municipios libres ("free municipalities"), that is, gave them full autonomy to manage local affairs, while at the same time restricting the scope of their competencies.[2] However, in 1983 the 115th article was modified to expand the municipality's authority to raise revenue (through property taxes and other local services) and to formulate budgets.
Peer comment(s):

agree Robert Copeland : Yes!
17 mins
Many thanks Robert
agree Evi Prokopi (X)
1 hr
Something went wrong...
4 mins

town mayor

el mayor corresponde al síndico en español

Note added at 3 hrs (2007-07-31 19:57:09 GMT)

Patricia, the presidente dle ayuntamiento es generalmente elegido por los consejoros, no elegido por el pueblo. El gobernador es la autoridad de la provincia o el estado según la división de los países.
Peer comment(s):

agree ruthiep : I'd have said the same!
1 hr
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

municipal auditor

In Venezuela, a “síndico municipal” is a municipal auditor, and, according to Google, it is the same in Mexico.


Resultados 1 - 10 de aproximadamente 10.700 de “síndico municipal” auditor municipales México facultades responsable auditor “síndico municipal” . (0,06 segundos)
“no reconozco ni reconoceré ante la Auditoria Superior ni ante el Congreso ... y en menos de un años se han logrado estabilizar las finanzas municipales. ... - 30k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


1 Sexta Sesión Extraordinaria del Honorable Ayuntamiento ...
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donde las facultades del Síndico Municipal como revisor que no Contralor, que no. Auditor. Sí quiero comentar que durante todo prácticamente ya un año que ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Ley Orgánica para la Admon. Mpal - Nayarit
FACULTADES Y OBLIGACIONES DEL SÍNDICO MUNICIPAL CAPITULO V DE LAS COMISIONES ...... I.- Organizar el funcionamiento de la unidad de auditoría interna; ... - 159k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


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Son facultades y obligaciones del Síndico Municipal o del Síndico Primero ...... Dirección de Auditoria. 1934196. Dirección de Desarrollo Administrativo ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Resultados 1 - 10 de aproximadamente 33.100 de “Municipal Auditor”. (0,26 segundos)

Municipal Auditor - Oregon Licenses, Permits and Registrations
- [ Traduzca esta página ]
Description:, A municipal auditor is a licensee whose name is listed on the ... A municipal auditor permit authorizes a licensee to bid on and perform ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Extracto del Oficio Nº 9685 de 13 de agosto de 1996
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Con fundamento en ese artículo 62, se remitió al Concejo Municipal, Auditor Interno y Ejecutivo Municipal de todas las municipalidades, la circular Nº 15319 ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Resultados 1 - 10 de aproximadamente 635 de “municipal auditor" powers duties . (0,14 segundos)
Community Charter
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(3) A municipal auditor has the power and duty to conduct the ... a council may only delegate its powers, duties and functions under this Division to a ... - 45k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Municipal Government Act Handbook - ADMINISTRATION
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Thetreasurer may delegate any of the powers or duties. of the treasurer pursuant to this or any ... The council shall appoint a municipal auditor who is ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Municipal Government Act (8 of 10)
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445 (1) A village shall appoint an auditor who shall be a person registered as a municipal auditor. (2) A village auditor has the powers and duties of the ... - 65k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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Municipal Governance Act Mar 2000 [wpd]
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The powers, duties and functions of the municipality are performed or exercised ..... officer or to the municipal auditor if the elector considers that any ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Bill 130 (Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act)
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Although a municipality may delegate any of its powers and duties, ..... The requirement for the municipal auditor to perform duties prescribed by the ... Bill ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


Sask Municipal Audit Guidelines November 20042.doc
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outlines the duties and responsibilities of a municipal administrator, ... with the roles and responsibilities of the municipal auditor. ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

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When retaining a municipal auditor, the City of Brigantine Beach shall judge experience, expertise, prestige and cost. Please complete all information in ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

The Calgary Sun - Municipalities need an auditor general
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Create a municipal auditor general post to conduct value-for-money audits of ... The municipal auditor general could similarly look forward to one day being ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

About The Office
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William L. Brogan was appointed by City Council as the first Municipal Auditor. He had 13 years experience as a CPA and 6 years as Controller with Roanoke ... - 15k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS - Municipal Government Act Handbook
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the Public Accountants Act may be registered as a municipal auditor. ... exerciseor perform any of the duties of, a municipal auditor unless registered ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto


Financial Reporting and Accounting Manual - Section 5 - Audited ...
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A firm or partnership may be registered as a municipal auditor if a majority of the ... enabling a registered municipal auditor to engage in management ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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August 4, 1997 You ask whether the charter for the City of Roanoke ...
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charter for City of Roanoke authorizing city municipal auditor to conduct audit. The Honorable Marsha Compton Fielder. Commissioner of the Revenue for the ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Sustainable Water and Sewage Systems Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 29 ...
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(3) The opinion of the municipal auditor shall address the prescribed matters ... (4) The municipal auditor who is required to review and provide an opinion ... - 69k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

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Municipal Auditor. Municipal Bond Counsel. Municipal Engineer ... Municipal Auditor:. Must be a certified public accountant and be certified by the State of ... - 65k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

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5 hrs

municipal ombudsman

It's been hard for me to settle on a good term for this also, I would like to educate myself more on the actual functions performed to come to the best conclusion, but so far I have concluded that "ombudsman' would seem to fit the bill better than any other.

And yes, the "regidores" are council members, and the "cabildo" is the council itself. The "presidente municipal" would always be called "mayor" in English, and the "Oficial Mayor" would appear to be the closest equivalent to a City Manager, though again I would like to educate myself more on the actual functions performed by this position.
Note from asker:
Henry: thank you for weighing in here. I feel I put everyone to a lot of work, but I guess it can't hurt to have all out thoughts about how best to handle this term. I'm not going with your answer only because it implies some sort of mediator (doesn't ombudsman strike you that way)? In this case, he is clearly a pol that is running the show his name appears above all the council member's names (sort of marquis like!). I need to flatter him, and comptroller just seems more likely to fit the bill. If I can get the folks I'm working with to talk to me about this (we're all over worked), I'll sure let you know what I find out...
I was finally able to access the web site, and you are right (sigh): there is a comptroller. So I've written to the publisher asking them to change it to "Municipal Manager". I've looked at the org. chart, the web site, and newspaper articles and this is as close as I can come to it. And here I'm leaving it.
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