Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
herradura apuntada con alfiz y arquivolta
English translation:
horseshoe pointed arch within an alfiz and an archivolt
Spanish term
herradura apuntada con alfiz y arquivolta
...los 2 exteriores de herradura apuntada con alfiz y arquivolta y el intermedio de tipo ojival.
Aug 23, 2005 20:19: Nikki Graham changed "Field" from "Other" to "Tech/Engineering" , "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Architecture"
Proposed translations
horseshoe pointed arch within an alfiz and an archivolt
arch - [ Traduzca esta página ]
arch 1: 1 round: imp impost, sp springer, v voussoir, k keystone, ext extrados,
int intrados; 2 horseshoe; 3 lancet; 4 ogee; 5 trefoil; 6 basket-handle; 7 ... Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture
horseshoe arch: a curved arch often used in Spanish medieval architecture. Its maximum width is greater than the distance between its two side supports. Many scholars believe that its widespread adoption there was influenced by the architecture of Muslim Spain.
AROCHE: CASTLE - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... inner arch and one outer arch, with a "horseshoe pointed arch joint with a pointed
barrel vault with an "Alfiz" (rectangle where the arch is inscribed)" which ...
alfiz. (Quizá del ár. hisp. *alhòíz, este de alhòáyyiz, y este del ár. clás. hòayyiz).
1. m. Recuadro del arco árabe, que envuelve las albanegas y arranca, bien desde las impostas, bien desde el suelo.
(esto explica el uso de "within")
Untitled Document - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... by stepped merlons. The interior facade shows a "horseshoe-shaped arch within an alfiz
or rectilinear frame" crowned by miniature stepped merlons in relief. The ...
AROCHE: CASTLE - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... inner arch and one outer arch, with a horseshoe pointed arch joint with a pointed
barrel vault with an "Alfiz" (rectangle where the arch is inscribed) which ...
arquivolta. (Del it. archivolta).
1. f. Arq. Conjunto de molduras que decoran un arco en su paramento exterior vertical, acompañando a la curva en toda su extensión y terminando en las impostas.
archivolt [akvult]
n. Architect.
1. a moulding around an arch, sometimes decorated.
2. the under surface of an arch.
[from Italian archivolto; see {arc}, vault1]
(esto también justifica el "within")
Empecemos por los significados en castellano...
"alfiz" = "Recuadro del arco árabe que envuelve las albanegas y arranca bien desde las impostas, bien desde el suelo. 2) Friso, cornisa".
"arquivolta" = "Conjunto de molduras concéntricas situadas en el frente de un arco."
Sigamos por intentar una traducción coherente de cada término......
"alfiz" = "alfiz" (just enter alfiz + english into Yahoo and you´ll see)
"arquivolta" = "archivolt" (enter archivolt + architecture into Google)
disagree |
Judith Facio
: There is no better option than "horseshoe"
9 hrs
you´re totally right Judith
Terminemos por armar la frase...
te dejo a ti la manera que más te guste insertar lo de la herradura, aunque yo lo omitiría. Se entiende que si es un arco tiene forma de herradura.
Espero haber sido de utilidad
¡¡¡¡¡¡Paremos las rotativas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Entonces me rectifico y digo:
"pointed arch with an alfiz and an archivolt".
pointed arch with an alfiz and an archivolt
disagree |
Judith Facio
: es "de herradura" (fundamental): "horseshoe" pointed arch
7 hrs
again totally right. Nobleza obliga
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