Apr 22, 2002 22:15
22 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Indonesian term

mental treatment

Non-PRO Indonesian to English Medical Psychology psychiatry
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PRO (1): ErichEko ⟹⭐

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Proposed translations

2 hrs

perawatan mental

Yes, that is the Indonesian phrase.
Peer comment(s):

agree ErichEko ⟹⭐ : Paling berterima!
1666 days
agree endahws : 'Mental' sebaiknya diterjemahkan sbg 'mental'. Mental adalah sst yg berkaitan dgn 'mind' (pikiran). Terjemahan 'treatment' adalah 'perawatan' bukan pengobatan. 'Mental treatment' juga dilakukan oleh psikolog, yang melakukan prosedur terapi tanpa obat.
1677 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
3 hrs

pengobatan penyakit jiwa

With due respect to the previous answerer: "pengobatan penyakit jiwa" sounds better to me for the following reasons:

(1) "pengobatan" = treatment; whereas "perawatan" = care or nursing

(2) "penyakit jiwa" (functioning here as an adjectival phrase) is more consistent with the translation of the other terms in this set.

(3) I have never encountered the term "perawatan mental" before, but because I am not a native speaker of Indonesian I would defer to Sugeng.

Peer comment(s):

agree nuvo
13 hrs
Thank you for your support
disagree ErichEko ⟹⭐ : People undergo mental treatment are not always considered mentally sick.
1666 days
Something went wrong...
6 hrs

Perawatan Kejiwaan

Both previous answer is correct, however, "Perawatan Kejiwaan" or "Perawatan Jiwa" is the most appropriate term.

This term is used in most Indonesian hospitals.
Peer comment(s):

agree ErichEko ⟹⭐ : Second best!
1666 days
Something went wrong...
20 days

penatalaksanaan penyakit kejiwaan

all efforts to cure/ make a better condition for a person with mental illness/disease/disorder,i.e., doctors suggestistions, drugs, etc.
Something went wrong...
167 days

Pengobatan mental

Just another alternative
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