Jan 14, 2007 13:43
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


English to Danish Medical Medical (general) crime
It’s all about the me’s.

En google search gav "Medical examiner" som en af mulighederne. Er der nogen der ellers har hørt om udtrykket "me's" før.
Med venlig hilsen
John Geary
Proposed translations (Danish)
4 medical examiner's


John Geary (asker) Jan 15, 2007:
Movie scirpt I only have part of amovie script. Rhe dialogue is a s follows:
This segment is between two friends, Fry and Bender (a robot). A salesclerk for a store also takes part.

1: 01:28:00.03 01:28:02.08 02.05 37
(Fry) It’s time to check on
my retirement fund.

2: 01:28:04.13 01:28:06.21 02.08 39
(Fry) Damn! Still only 100 dollars.

3: 01:28:07.00 01:28:09.13 02.13 41
(Bender) Yo, Fry! It’s all about the me’s.

4: 01:28:09.18 01:28:13.19 04.01 69
(Fry) He’s right. I’m gonna roll this into
some higher-yield investments.

It is really unclear to me what me's could be.If it means "medical examiner"
I supposed it should be in capital letters.
William [Bill] Gray Jan 14, 2007:
John, can you supply any more context? Such as other sentences, or a summary of what comes before in the text. Also, clarification on Medical (genreal)/crime. Is this medical language in a crime text (novel, report) or is is forensics?
John Geary (asker) Jan 14, 2007:
me's It should both be lower case as in the sentence at the op, which was the actual sentence. Could it also mean something else?
William [Bill] Gray Jan 14, 2007:
More context, please! Is it in upper case (ME's) or as you have written it here (twice differently; upper case "M" and then lower case "m")?

Proposed translations

20 hrs


Thanks, John, for the context. Now I'm prepared to try an answer for you!
I think it has something to do with the idea of "selfishness" and lack of opportunity for the underdogs in society. There are two basic views in cultures, "I" and "We". This here is expressed as "the me's", i.e. those who want the best for themselves, but don't care about others. His reference to "my retirement fund" is a case in point; he only has £100 but those who administer the fund will be well paid.

See a further real life example of the term in the web link.

Peer comment(s):

agree Lingua Danica
1 hr
Thank you!
agree Suzanne Blangsted (X) : with more contaxt - selvfølgelig
6 hrs
Thank you!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you for the excellent research. Based on the context, I believe this is definitely the right answer. Good work!"
8 hrs

medical examiner's

I would expect that this is the answer based on your other question in this area.

Note added at 8 hrs (2007-01-14 22:22:13 GMT)

På dansk "retsmediciner" iht Da-En medicinske ordbog
Note from asker:
sikker på om det er det der refereres til. Kan det være andet?
Peer comment(s):

neutral Anne Holmelu (X) : Lyder lidt usandsynligt, at Fry har investeret i retsmedicinere.
12 hrs
this was listed before there was more explanation and did not know it was a movie script
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