Glossary entry

Chinese term or phrase:


English translation:

20 to 30 years | 20 or 30 years

Added to glossary by Roddy Stegemann
Nov 30, 2006 14:42
17 yrs ago
Chinese term


Non-PRO Chinese to English Social Sciences Linguistics Grammatical Analysis
Sentence: 他很喜歡數學,我想二三十年以後,他一定會成為一個出名的數學家。

First Attempt: He like mathematics very much, and in 20 to 30 years he will surely be one accomplished mathematician.

Question One: Could 二三十年 mean anything but "20 to 30 years"?
Question Two: Is this the sort of pattern that can repeat itself with any set of two numbers and any unit? For example, is it correct to write 二三百年 and mean "two to three hundred years". Would it be O.K. to write 五六十年 and mean "50 to 60 years"?
Question Three: How about 三五百蚊 (three to five hundred dollars)? OK?

Please see for further reference.

As always you are welcome to comment on other parts of the sentence, if you find them in error or would like to suggest an improvement.

Warning: In order to provide users with the best glossary entries possible, more than one question for the same entry will be asked from time to time. Please keep in mind when responding that you will be graded on your responses to ALL questions asked.

Proposed translations

3 days 9 hrs


Question One: Could 二三十年 mean anything but "20 to 30 years"?No, it could also be either twenty or thirty years.

Question Two: Is this the sort of pattern that can repeat itself with any set of two numbers and any unit? For example, is it correct to write 二三百年 and mean "two to three hundred years". Would it be O.K. to write 五六十年 and mean "50 to 60 years"?Yes, it is a sort of pattern with the exception that we can also say :三五七年,如﹕在短短三五七年的光景,變化是這麼大!或﹕再等三五七年,情況便不同了。

Question Three: How about 三五百蚊 (three to five hundred dollars)? OK? Yes, it is OK, but it can also mean, either three or five hundred.

Note added at 4 days (2006-12-04 14:43:55 GMT)

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Peer comment(s):

agree wherestip : >>三五七年<< pk, that must be a Southern or Catonese dialect. I've never heard this use before
13 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Final Rendering: He likes mathematics very much and in 20 to 30 years will surely become an accomplished mathematician. Acknowledgment: I am going to award my points to PK. Not only did he answer all of the questions, but he provided additional insight to a closely related problem -- namely, the use of the phrase 三五七. What he did not do, but could have done, was talk about the pattern 二四六. Though surely correct in other contexts I find the use of the words "score" (Lu Wang) and "decade" (David Shen) in this context over-stylized and therefore wrong. These are expressions more befitting of a formal historical context, not a person's informal opinion about someone else's future. Though the word "dozen" (Ming Qiang) is surely appropriate in this context, the phrase "a few dozen" overshoots the established range of 20 to 30 by 6. A "couple of dozen" lies somewhere between 20 and 30 and would have been much more appropriate. Frankly, I do not understand why David would make such a complex issue out of what appears to me and others as a fairly straight forward translation. Although I am unable to accept Lu Wang's translation in this context, certainly his discussion was very helpful. Hong Han provided useful insight with regard to the phrase 三五百蚊, but stopped there. In any case, what she did offer was very helpful, and her critique of Tulip's entry most worthy. Both Haiyang and PK make the useful point that "20 to 30" and "20 or 30" are often interchangeable. I agree. By the way, Haiyang, please see the Tsong Kit website for an answer to your question about 想. Last, but not least, thanks to wherestip for helping me to understand by pointing his very knowledgeable, confirmatory, language finger. Discussion: Please see for further discussion regarding the context of this question. My very best from the land of no mountains surrounded by sea on many sides. "
2 hrs


A few dozens of years (roughly say).
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8 hrs

Twenty or thirty years

I agree with "twenty to thirty years". Or you may try "twenty or thirty years".

Btw, why no equivalence for "我想"?
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9 hrs

in 2 to 3 decades

Congolese Vote in First Open Election in Four Decades(2/2)
Decades(2/2) 2006-8-4 10:54:38 djirene 的进度 我的听写: Two other main challengers are former central bankers K. P and US trade Doctor O. G. There are more than thirty presidential candidates. Twenty five million...
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10 hrs
Chinese term (edited): 三五百蚊(应为纹)

3 to 5 hundread fine silver coins

纹-指纹银 [fine silver]。如:真纹(成色最佳的纹银)
指纹银 [fine silver]。如:真纹(成色最佳的纹银) 纹 (1) 纹 wén (2) 以彩色线条刻画在物体表面 [brand] 陶器、陶片发见最多,西阴村遗址发见的多至数万...[fine silver;silver ingot] 指成色最好的银子 十足纹银 纹章 wénzhāng...
Peer comment(s):

disagree Angeline PhD : 蚊,仙 are Cantonese, mean 元,角 in mandarin. not 纹.
1 hr
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11 hrs

twenty to thirty years

三五百蚊 mean few money generally. and it is Cantonese.
Peer comment(s):

agree wherestip : agree. 三五百蚊 has a different meaning. To answer Q2, yes, but the numbers have to be adjacent to each other, e.g. 两三年、四五年之后、七八百元、一二百人
22 hrs
Thanks wherestip:)
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1 day 12 hrs

a little more than a score of years

actually, a score of years means just 20 years. while the original meaning is something more than 20 but less than 30, one can definitely put it as barely beyond a score of years, or two decades, which is less colloquial
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2 days 12 hrs

a couple of decades

Answer to question one:
a couple of decades

Answer to question two:
You are trying to translate the impossible here.
Anything from 三十, 五十, 六十 up to 七八十, whether is 年 or something else, has to be rounded to the closest approximation using such English units as scores or dozens. Just as most interpreters have to stumble over the Chinese unit 万 or 1,0000 and quickly convert it to the English unit of 10,000 there is really no cure to this problem. The multiple answers provided by the above translators to your seemingly simple question is adequate proof that this is not simple. Wish you good luck with numbers, especially when you have to pay!
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