Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

cash and dash

Spanish translation:

Cash & Kerry/Kerry en efectivo/Cash and Carry/Kerry-do Dinero

Added to glossary by Gabriela Martínez Fraire
Oct 29, 2006 21:53
18 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term

cash and dash

English to Spanish Bus/Financial Finance (general)
For many banks the ability to build a self-service business with best of breed hardware from a range of manufacturers who can deliver services ranging from cash and dash to cash recycling is still a dream


Sp-EnTranslator Oct 29, 2006:
se me ocurre que esto es la misma idea de "dinero contante y sonante" no me equivoco

Proposed translations

18 mins

Cash & Kerry/Kerry en efectivo/Cash and Carry/Kerry-do Dinero


I knew I had seen this question before, but it wasn't called cash and dash, it was called, cash and carry.... (Same concept)...These were the choices provided........... Xenia pointed out that the concept would be well known in many countries around the world and recieved kudos points......... See below...

Cash and Kerry
On the way to work this morning I heard this witty headline on the radio for the first time, and a Google search shows me it has been around for months in the media.
Some poor translator somewhere must have had to struggle with it.
Since this would be a purely subjective matter, I will give the KudoZ to whomever receives the most agrees.
This is a hard one. If I were confronted with it, I´d probably leave it as "Cash & Kerry".
Any takers?

George RabelKudoZ activity
Questions: 354 (1 open)
Answers: 3536

United States

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Note(s) to/from asker
Ruth Henderson: I disagree that the expression 'cash & carry' (or even 'wash & wear') would be widely known outside the US. Frankly, both expressions are dated enough not to be widely known even inside the US by the younger credit-card & permanent press generation.

Cash & Kerry (primera opción)
dinero y Kerry
efectivo y Kerry
....who knows what makes people tick!
Selected response from:

Xenia Wong

Note from asker to answerer
Muchas gracias a todos.
Me gusta también la idea de Kerry-do Dinero de Eng2Span, muy ingeniosa sin duda, pero entre la K, la doble R y el guión se me hace difícil reconocer la palabra "querido" a primera vista. Mi primera impresión fue de algo japonés (Kerry-do).
Kerry en efectivo también está buena, pero creo que la expresión "cash-and-carry", al igual que "wash-and-wear" es bastante conocida por hispanoparlantes fuera de los EE.UU.
4 KudoZ points were awarded for this answer

5 +4 Kerry en efectivo yolanda Speece
4 +4 Cash & Kerry (primera opción) Xenia Wong
5 +2 Cash and Kerry Martina Romano Pistarini
5 +1 Kerry-do Dinero Eng2Span

Peer comment(s):

agree Gabi Ancarol (X)
28 mins
Maria Gabriela, thanks!!!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "muchas gracias!!!"
1 hr

cobra y vete / cobra y corre /

Los traductores son los que pueden ayudar a mantener, en cuanto sea posible, la integridad del idioma. Ya existen demasiadas transliteraciones en el área de computación y en muchas otras. Estos días hasta llegamos a aceptar términos como "POLUCIÓN" que inicialmente tenía un significado totalmete diferente al ahora aceptado.
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