Glossary entry

Chinese term or phrase:


English translation:

If A, then B results.

Added to glossary by Roddy Stegemann
Oct 4, 2006 12:14
18 yrs ago
Chinese term


Chinese to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy Grammatical Analysis
Sentence: 要是開車的時候,還不清楚交通規例,便很容易會發生意外了。

First Attempt: Accidents can easily occur when drivers are unclear about traffic regulations.

Question: I do not understand the placement of the first comma.

The base pattern of this sentence appears to be 要是A,便B了 where the phrase 開車的時候,還不清楚交通規例 is a condition that when present results in B. Are you comfortable with the comma? If yes, please provide an explanation. If not, please offer a reasonable alternative for the Chinese. You needn't be concerned with the gloss. I will find a proper entry.


As always you are welcome to comment on other parts of the translation.

Warning: In order to provide users with the best glossary entries possible, more than one question for the same entry will be asked from time to time. Please keep in mind when responding that you will be graded on your responses to ALL questions asked.

Proposed translations

25 mins

I agree with you that there is no need for the 1st comma



IMO, the 2nd sentence is better Chinese.

Note added at 28 mins (2006-10-04 12:42:05 GMT)

BTW, 大陆一般叫作 "交通规则"
Peer comment(s):

agree anastasia t (X)
4 mins
agree Dr. Chun Biao Li
1 hr
agree Yi Yuan (X)
5 hrs
agree Giovanni Valenti : Gio
15 hrs
agree Dr Shijun He : There's subtle difference between the two sentences though. There could be a pretext for the 1st: It's one thing that you are not clear about the traffic rules when you are not driving/still learning to drive
20 hrs
Thanks. I agree. The original could be some instructor's verbal communication. It's more colloquial
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Final Rendering: Accidents can easily occur when drivers are unclear about traffic regulations. Acknowledgment: Despite his interesting and very worthy set of rules regarding comma placement, I could not find in any of the four suggested by PK a clear solution to my dilemma. In contrast, wherestip, provided a very fine alternative Chinese rendering that gave me the confidence I needed to challenge the author's text. My thanks again to Anastasia, Chunbiao, Yi Yuan, and Gio for their confirmatory support. Discussion: Please see for further discussion regarding the context of this question. My very best from the land of no mountains surrounded by sea on many sides. "
5 hrs


Question: I do not understand the placement of the first comma.
Suggested Answer:1,2,3&9
1. 较长的主语后面,或虽不长但有必要强调的主语后面,或带着语气词的主语后面,常用逗号表示停顿。例如:“因亏损严重,无力清偿到期债务的柳州铁路工程建筑公司,日前被柳州铁路法院宣告破产。”“升学,是几乎所有的教师和家长都不敢小视的问题。”“她呀,已经毕业好几年了。”
2. 如果宾语较长,特别是当宾语是主谓短语时,动词和宾语之间常用逗号。例如:“值得注意的是,这次检查发现的问题全部出在联营柜台上。”
3. 全句开头的状语后面,一般要用逗号表示停顿;主语后谓语前的状语,如果较长,需要停顿,后面也用逗号。例如:“八五期间,我市增加了对能源工业的投入,推动了能源工业的技术进步。”“大型电视系列剧《东周列国》在中央电视台播出后,加深了观众对这段历史的了解。”
4. 称呼语、插入语等特殊成分同句子中一般成分之间,常用逗号表示停顿。例如:“没事,老王,您就别说这些见外的话了。”“对这种人,毫无疑问,我们只能诉诸法律。”“童年的往事,无论是苦涩的,还是充满欢乐的,都是永远值得回忆的。”

5. 句子成分不在通常位置上的时候,这个成分后面一般要用逗号。例如:“起来,不愿做奴隶的人们!”“挺好看的,他画得。”谓语动词“起来”因放在主语之前,补语“挺好看的”因放在主语和动词之前,所以后面都用了逗号,表示两部分之间有一个停顿。
6. 并列的短语如果较长或者有两层的并列关系,第二层已经用了顿号,第一层就要用逗号,以体现出层次性。例如:“影片散文式的结构,如诗如画的景色,简洁、纯朴的对白,以及那深长的、带着淡淡忧伤的笛声,都深深地打动了观众的心。”
7. 表示序次的词语如“首先、第一、其次、最后”等之后,可以用逗号表示停顿。例如:“首先,要加快开发、引进适合本地生产的蔬菜新品种,搞好加工。第二,要搞好产销衔接工作。第三,……”
8. 复句内各分句之间除了有时要用分号外,都要用逗号。例如:“恒星有各种各样,但全都是发光发热的气球体。”“因为我们是为人民服务的,所以如果我们有缺点,就不怕别人批评指出。”
9. 关联词语如“所以、可是、然而、否则、那么”等后面所引领的分句如果较长,这些关联词语后面可以用逗号表示停顿。例如:“民族文化素质中的‘文化’,当然包括并且在很大程度上反映为书本知识的多少,但是,从实践角度看,这仅仅是问题的一方面,而且不能说是根本的方面。”“化石为人们认识生物进化提供了直接的、重要的证据。然而,化石在证明生物进化中的作用是相对的,它为人们认识地球上生物不断进化发展所起的作用存在着一定的局限性。”

(摘自《实用语文规范知识小词典》,语文出版社 1999年1月第1版)

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