Sep 7, 2006 13:53
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

Cellules de dégrisement

French to English Marketing Cosmetics, Beauty facial cleanser
This copywriter has me tearing out my hair with plays on words. Maybe I'm tired, or in a silly mood, but all I can think of for this is that broadway song "Grey skies are gonna clear up..." but of course that won't do here.
Any suggestions are more than welcome.

Word play on brightening up grey, ashen face/detoxifying skin of impurities:

Cellules de dégrisement
Le complexe anti-pollution, issu du karité, pour piéger et lutter contre les polluants atmosphériques et certaines substances toxiques (nicotine, chlore…), responsables du vieillissement cutané. Une véritable bouffée d’oxygène pour une peau purifiée qui retrouve tout son éclat !


French Foodie (asker) Sep 7, 2006:
Hi everyone, thanks so much for your suggestions! I realise that a cellule de dégrisement is where the police throw you to sober up, and the play on words with cleaning up your facial skin. It is, as Sandra said, the problem of finding a suitable snappy title for cosmetics blurb. You've given me some good ideas to play around with.
chaplin Sep 7, 2006:
moi le dégrisement je croyais que c'était pour se dessaoûler!! hé hé ou est-ce pour oublier les ciels gris britanniques??!!

Proposed translations

20 mins

detox cells

As easy as that. A "cellule de dégrisement" is where the police put you to sober up after a hard night out. Strictly speaking this is what is called the "drunk tank". Strictly speaking "detox cell" should be used for drug abusers rather than alcohol abusers, but it appears to be used synonymously with "drunk tank" by some.

held in the detox cell until they become sober enough to be released, ... banging coming from the detox cell; she talked with Ferreira and Smith in the ...

Drunk Driving Research - Mel Gibson Arrested for DUI
We're told Gibson was then asked, and refused, to sign the necessary paperwork and was thrown in a detox cell. Deputy Mee then wrote an eight-page report ...

The first thing you noticed, when you slowly, painfully, regained consciousness, was that that your tongue was dragging on the tile floor of a detox cell. ...

Quite topically:
We're told Gibson was then asked, and refused, to sign the necessary paperwork and was thrown in a detox cell. Of course, there's the small matter that the ...

Typically, the police would put the intoxicated person in jail (often referred to as the "drunk tank") until he sobers up and then issue a fine. ...

A Drunk Tank is where you go when you are detained for public drunkeness. If you are picked up for being too drunk in Davis then you are taken to the Yolo ...

French term or phrase: "cellule de dégrisement". l'homme a été placé en cellule de dégrisement à l'hôtel de police ...

nuit en cellule de dégrisement après avoir trop forcé sur le vodka ....

And France's own actors are up there with the best of the Oz/Yank actors:

Le comédien Samy Naceri, mis en examen et placé en détention provisoire en 2005, a de nouveau été interpellé "en état d'ébriété" à Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine) jeudi soir "dans des conditions mouvementées", a-t-on appris vendredi de source policière.
Il était vendredi matin "en cellule de dégrisement" dans le commissariat de cette localité où il aurait insulté les policiers et tenté de mettre fin à ses jours, selon la source.
Hope he wasn't at the wheel of a "Taxi".
Peer comment(s):

agree chaplin : je n'étais pas si loin..
3 mins
Took me a while to amass my evidence, Yer Honour.
neutral Sandra Petch : But as a tongue-in-cheek title for cosmetics blurb?
7 mins
???Why not? That's exactly what the French says!
neutral Cervin : Bourth, is this based on experience (tee-hee)?
23 mins
Fancy a night out with me? We'll paint the Matterhorn red (with blush, of course).
agree suezen : sounds perfect after a night on the town!
31 mins
agree sarahl (X) : yes, those are usually tiled so they can hose them down after you've barfed all over the place.//no, conference interpreter!
1 hr
Now THAT sounds like personal experience .... policewoman, are you?
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to everyone for your help. I played on Bourth's suggestion of detox."
22 mins

cooling-off cell (usual meaning)

THis is the temr used to describe what happens when a drunk and disorderly person is kept in a police cell overnight to sober up. Your tewxt is a play on this term.

Note added at 27 mins (2006-09-07 14:21:10 GMT)

Sorry, got trigger happy and push the send button before I'd finished! In the meantime I see that a fellow Prozer has posted up a suggestion.
You need something zappy for your context : I like Bourth's "detox" idea : "clean-up campaign", "come clean",
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53 mins

Ashen faced? Eradicate that grey look and.....detoxify!

I dont know-just a few wild suggestions which might inspire you. Good luck!
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50 mins

Clean up your act!

Could this work?

Note added at 1 hr (2006-09-07 15:23:39 GMT)

How about "Rise and shine!"
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2 hrs

detox your face/brighten your face/"Grey Away"

It's not easy to come up with something snappy for this.
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4 hrs

Get your skin cells out of the detox cell!

Building on what others have already suggested... I claim no originality, but it might work for your purpose.
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7 hrs

rehab for the skin

Sorry, I've kicked out cells. Rehab is so now!

A bit silly, but if you are really desperate, it might help.


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