Jun 22, 2006 12:32
18 yrs ago
Russian term


Russian to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature Title
This is a short story about a young man whose parent's have died, causing him to go blind. Here he is describing how his brother got rich and his feelings related to this development.

Мы живем вдвоем с братом. У нас с ним разница в десять лет. Сначала, после смерти родителей, мы жили у тетки Нины. В родительской квартире я жить не мог. Скоро, с какой-то нездоровой легкостью, Вадька сделался богат. Я высиживал у окна, поглаживая теткину кошку, и учился ходить, постукивая тросточкой, он же тем временем бросил автомастерскую, как в девяносто третьем бросил университет, и влез в какие-то “Пиломатериалы”. В то судьбоносное время я и не виделся с ним толком. Вадим забегал, оставлял тетке денег. Или звонил с наказом никуда из дому не выходить и посторонним не открывать. Всего за год, после ареста счетов и бывшего директора, он из экспедитора сделался директором сам. Словом, его шальное богатство для меня какое-то ***мультяшное***, подарочное: берите-берите, угощайтесь. До сих пор, слыша барские нотки в его голосе, когда он при мне говорит с кем-нибудь из подчиненных, я волнуюсь и удивляюсь.

All kinds of suggestions are welcome, though at least one literal explanation of what this word means would be greatly appreciated - I don't understand it at all.

Thanks in advance.
Change log

Jun 22, 2006 12:34: Kim Metzger changed "Language pair" from "German to English" to "Russian to English"


Ingeborg Gowans (X) Jun 22, 2006:
agree with Birgit: please post in the right language pair. Spaciba
BirgitBerlin Jun 22, 2006:
I don't think this is German to English!!!!

Proposed translations

1 hr


Seems right.
Peer comment(s):

agree Marta Argat
22 mins
agree Zoya Askarova
1 hr
agree SirReaL : Why not?
9 hrs
agree Vanda Nissen
16 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to everyone. This was very helpful, even if I think I am ultimately going to rework the entire sentence. At least now I have general idea of what this word means. Thanks!"
15 mins


И в значении "мультяшный", и "карикатурный", "нелепый"
Peer comment(s):

agree SirReaL : Actually, I like this very much! Just not sure it will fit well with the style.
10 hrs
agree Dorene Cornwell : or maybe "comical."
1 day 17 hrs
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10 hrs


The adjective make-believe has one meaning:

Meaning #1: imagined as in a play
Synonyms: play, pretend

Character animation is a special aspect of the animation process, in which life is breathed into an artificial character. One of the most difficult aspects of both the traditional animation process and the computer animation process, character animation involves creating the nuances, gestures, distinct movements, and patterns of speech that will make an audience believe that the character is actually alive.
Example sentence:

The Neighborhood of Make-Believe is the fictional kingdom inhabited by the hand puppet characters on the children's television program Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, produced from 1968 to 2001.

Peer comment(s):

neutral SirReaL : I agree with your comment on Andrew's answer, however, make-believe seems to be wrong, too. Something that is make-believe is, in fact, not true (a pretense). Here the wealth is real, but is perceived to be unreal. I hope I'm making myself clear.
44 mins
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24 mins


Ans why not?

Note added at 27 mins (2006-06-22 12:59:37 GMT)

... for a long time by this: quite a few black and Latino rappers fill their albums and videos with images of ostentatious, even cartoonish wealth. ...
crookedtimber.org/2003/10/ 24/cash-rules-everything-around-me/

Note added at 28 mins (2006-06-22 13:00:15 GMT)

VIRTUAL is also possible, I believe.

Note added at 16 hrs (2006-06-23 04:51:16 GMT)

По поводу комментария Ольги:
Cartoonish означает не только "карикатурный", зачем же зацикливаться на одном-единственном значении? Это "нереалистичный" вообще, противопоставленный живой реальности.
Вот, пожалуйста, еще примеры:

I am without you so my life is cartoonish and exaggerated When i sleep it feels like purgatory , cold and empty Floating when i dream , they are like movies ...

TW: Do you feel pressure to lead a cartoonish life? MC: Definitely. And I also feel like I lead a dramatic life, and I also feel like I lead a really dull, ...

Like most dramas in my cartoonish life, the full brunt of the loss hit me later, in layers, pieces, until recently, about a month ago, when a 2nd post-9/11 ...

Есть ли еще у кого-нибудь сомнения?
Peer comment(s):

agree Aleksandr Okunev (X)
1 hr
Thank you Aleksandr!
agree Irene Woodhead : The quote is a perfect fit!! :-)
1 hr
Thank you Rina!
agree Jahongir Sidikov
2 hrs
Thank you Jahongir!
agree Mrs Shell
5 hrs
Thank you Larysa!
disagree Olga V : английское cartoonish означает "карикатурный", в то время как в приведенном отрывке речь идет о чем-то игрушечном, "понарошечном".
9 hrs
Одно не исключает другого. У дизайнеров cartoonish всегда противоставляется realistic, lifelike, а это вовсе не обязатьельно "карикатурный".
neutral SirReaL : Definitely agree with Olga
10 hrs
Thanks Mikhail!
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16 hrs

irreal (contextual), or prob. bounty-like

From the context provided i can see absolulety nothing that could be match the Englidh 'cartoonish'.. The Russian 'multiashnoje' here was used in a sense ' irreal, hard to believe' as such fantastic things can happen not in real life but more likely in the cartoons.

Note added at 16 hrs (2006-06-23 05:05:25 GMT)

can we say "bountish" (in quotes)?
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