Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Romanian translation:

unitate specială (de poliţie)

Added to glossary by Bianca Fogarasi
Jun 12, 2006 12:45
18 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term


English to Romanian Other Military / Defense
Special Branch - Royal Thai Police

Special Branch poate fi "Serviciu special de informatii"?


Proposed translations

1 hr

unitate specială (de poliţie)
The applicant will need to have their fingerprints taken by the Thai police on a special card. This is a private matter between the individual and authorities requesting the criminal record check. [...] Fingerprinting can be done by the Special Branch Division of the Thai police at:
Special Branch Division, Royal Thai Police Department
Section 3, Sub-division 2, 1st Fl. Building 24
Henri Dunant Road, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330
Tel: 0 2251-4915, 0 2205-2605, 0 2205 2168
(Mon.-Fri. 08:30 - 16:30)
Address: Rama I Road, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330

(This special branch arrested three male practitioners and little Kaixin, during the arrest, the police were very rude. Since December 6th, the police from this special branch have been interfering with Falun Gong practitioners' protest activities on a daily basis.)

General email: [email protected]

The Office of the Director
Special Branch
Building 24, Royal Thai Police
Rama 1 Road, Patumwan
Bangkok 10330
Tel. +66-2205-1823
Fax. +66-2254-1937

Special Branch 1
Tel +66-2241-5442
Fax. +66-2241-4030/ 3225/ 2061

Special Branch 2
Tel. +66-2254-1937, 2251-4141, 2521-3155, 2282-4388
Fax. +66-2205-1518/1425, 2521-3150, 2282-4388

După toate info. prezentate pe aceste situri, eu aş trage UNITATE SPECIALA, eventual DE POLITIE, acolo unde nu apare menţiunea "poliţie" ca să nu se facă eventual confuzie cu vreo unitate specială militară, trupe comando etc.
Politia infiinteaza o unitate speciala pentru prinderea agresorilor jurnalistilor
Ministrul de Interne al sarbilor bosniaci, Darko Matijasevici, a anuntat ***crearea unei unitati speciale a politiei***, care va avea drept misiune localizarea si arestarea persoanelor inculpate de Tribunalul Penal International (TPI), printre care Radovan Karadzici si Ratko Mladici.

Note added at 1 oră (2006-06-12 14:15:11 GMT)

pardon, pardon pentru greşeala care s-a strecurat: "eu aş TRADUCE..." :-)))
Peer comment(s):

agree Camelia Frunză
5 mins
multumesc :)
agree Alexandru Molla
33 mins
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Multumesc"
11 mins


just guessing here - Brigada Specială

dacă am şti cu ce se ocupă...
Note from asker:
elibereaza un fel de cazier...X este o persoană al cărei comportament nu pune în pericol pacea şi ordinea sau securitatea statului.
Peer comment(s):

agree aurafas : brigada specială
35 mins
Something went wrong...
12 mins

divizie speciala; departament special

a suggestion
Peer comment(s):

agree Romanian Translator (X)
6 hrs
Mulţam, Awana!
Something went wrong...
1 hr


in Rom se foloseşte Direcţia ... sau Serviciul ....
nu cred însă că serviciile de informaţii eliberează asemenea documente
Peer comment(s):

agree Simona Lederman (X) : Daca aceasta 'branch' nu are alta activitate in afara de eliberarea acelor caziere, atunci as opta pentru definitia Cameliei; daca mai are si alte activitati, as spune ca e mai potrivita definitia Biancai.
2 hrs
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