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Mar 22, 2006 22:39
18 yrs ago
8 viewers *
English term


English to Romanian Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering cai ferate
After the execution of the file the swich nr 11 will be put back along with TDJ 16/20 and the panel between them

The necesary works for the execution of file from line 1 in North Station

Are cineva idee ce este acel file?


lucca Mar 23, 2006:
Îmi pare rău, nu-mi vine nici o idee utilizabilă! Ne-ar trebui un inginer CF.
Elvira Stoianov (asker) Mar 23, 2006:
si am mai gasit si asta:
After the construction of the files is over the connection line is remounted.
Elvira Stoianov (asker) Mar 23, 2006:
cam asta ar fi tot textul din sectiunea respectiva:
3.4. Works for Rail Tracks

The necesary works for the execution of file from line 1 in the North Station:
Closing the railway traffic on line 1 for the whole period of the execution of the over-cross:
Dismountling swich nr.11 and the panel between the swich nr 11 and TDJ(crossing with double junction) 16/20.
Peter Shortall Mar 23, 2006:
All I can say is, "file" means nothing to me here (though I'm no civil engineer) but the spelling and grammar of this are not good at all - looks like a (poor) translation from another language. Sorry I can't be of more help.
lucca Mar 23, 2006:
N-am găsit nimic cât de cât relevant pe Google. Ar putea fi vorba de executarea unei "file" de instrucţiuni, operaţiuni etc? Textul e scris ce un native speaker?

Proposed translations

7 hrs


in informatica se mai foloseste termenul de executare a fisierelor = rularea unui program, a unui fisier executabil si daca materialul se refera la sisteme de comunicatii, echipamente programabile, automatizari feroviare etc. acesta trebuie sa fie raspunsul corect. nu cred ca are legatura cu pila
Something went wrong...
Comment: "sincer ma indoiesc ca este vorba de fisiere, mai ales din cauza ultimei propozitii"
12 hrs


FIL = ...ÉLECTR. Fil électrique. Fil composé d'un ou de plusieurs brins de cuivre, parfois d'aluminium et généralement entouré d'une gaine isolante, destiné au transport de l'électricité.

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16 hrs


În dicţionarul tehnic am găsit printre altele "file = a alinia". Poate că era vorba de alinierea şinelor de cale ferată sau aşa ceva...
Peer comment(s):

agree Romanian Translator (X)
77 days
Mulţumesc :)
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2 days 5 hrs

formarea unei garnituri de tren

• proceed in line; "The students filed into the classroom"
• a line of persons or things ranged one behind the other

The necesary works for the execution of file from line 1 in the North Station: Closing the railway traffic on line 1 for the whole period of the execution of the over-cross:
Dismountling swich nr.11 and the panel between the swich nr 11 and TDJ(crossing with double junction) 16/20.
After the construction of the files is over the connection line is remounted.

Formarea unei garnituri de tren se face din vagoane diferite care merg in aceiasi directie si care trebuie aliniate si asezate intr-o anumita ordine. Vagoanele sunt trase pe linia de formare prin manevre care inchid si deschid "switches" and "crossing double junctions" - macaze. Dupa executie, 'switch" trebuie blocat si linia de conectare se elibereaza pentru trafic feroviar.
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Comment: "o interpretare foarte originala, dar ma indoiesc ca la construirea unui pasaj feroviar principala problema este formarea si aranjarea unei garnituri de tren :)"
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