Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:

Information Processes/Information Management

Added to glossary by Johan Venter
Dec 9, 2005 19:20
18 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Dutch term


Dutch to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general) Implementing Changes
Voor de WIA is reeds eerder geconcludeerd dat de volledige uitvoering (voorzien per 1-1-2008) slechts mogelijk is met ingrijpende vernieuwing van de informatiehuishouding.

I understand the term, but I'm struggling to find a suitable expression in English. The best I've come up with so far is "methods for processing information". I'm sure there are better translations for it, though.



Johan Venter (asker) Dec 12, 2005:
I amended the entry to the glossary to read "Informatiehuishouding --> Information Processes/Information Management"

Proposed translations

1 hr

information processes

Like titi, the first thing that came to my mind was 'information management'. On second thoughts, however, 'information management -- and 'ICT architecture' -- seem rather "specifically-loaded" terms in the I(C)T world. I think that 'information processes' would be a more general term with less unintended connotions.

Note added at 3 hrs 36 mins (2005-12-09 22:56:45 GMT)

@titi, re: "Het systeem is geen technisch systeem maar een administratief systeem waarbij het niet alleen maar gaat om verwerking (processes) maar om het totale beheer (en dat heet huishouding)".

Je brengt hier met grote stelligheid twee dingen naar voren waarmee ik zelf heel wat voorzichtiger zou zijn: 1. het systeem is geen technisch systeem, en 2. totale beheer heet huishouding. Daar valt nog wel wat op af te dingen, denk ik. Maar verdere discussie hierover lijkt mij niet echt zinvol. Ik denk dat Johan mans genoeg is om de aangedragen oplossingen op hun merites te beoordelen. Cheers!

Note added at 2 days 1 hr 43 mins (2005-12-11 21:03:20 GMT) Post-grading

@writeaway:, re: who cares now indeed-but the glossary suffers from such an entry

I greatly appreciate your concern for the quality and integrity of the glossary. A noble cause indeed! But in my humble opinion -- and with due respect, of course, to "titi" and his other supporting peers -- I think the glossary would, on the contrary, have suffered from the inclusion of 'information management' as the one-and-only translation of 'informatiehuishouding'. But anyway, I believe the whole discussion regarding the term would be easily accessible for anyone taking the effort of looking it up. Your opinion is, at least, "on record" so to speak. Personally, I find some consolation in that fact when I am overruled. Perhaps you will, too (although it wasn't even your own suggestion). Cheers!

@Jarry, re: Agree with writeaway that Glossary should be modified by the Moderator.

Jarry, I think you may already have been having more than a few beers yourself, because I don't recall Writeaway mentioning anything about having the glossary modified by the moderator. But again, please see my response to Writeaway for my thoughts on that issue. Cheers!(!)

@Writeaway and @Jarry:

Like asker, I consider this question closed and will not respond to any further comments!
Peer comment(s):

agree HannaTheuwen : more context needed to be really sure, but this is probably the best answer.
11 mins
Thanks, Hanna!
disagree Wouter van Kampen : zie mijn note voor uitleg
49 mins
Please see my peer response to your suggestion, and the @titi note above.
agree Dave Calderhead : Wholeheartedly (:-{)>
1 hr
Thanks, Dave!
agree Tina Vonhof (X) : general and neutral.
2 hrs
Thanks, Tina!
disagree writeaway : really think that this is wrong in the context. doesn't make any sense./who cares now indeed-but the glossary suffers from such an entry
1 day 14 hrs
Thanks, but since this is a post-grading response it does not really have any further practical relevance now. I'd be happy to discuss it further over a two beer or two, though. When I can find the time, that is.... // Please see above!
disagree jarry (X) : (Post grading) I'm afraid I don't agree with an answer that comes close to EDP. This is NOT what is meant here. Agree with writeaway that Glossary should be modified by the Moderator.
1 day 21 hrs
Please see my response to Writeaway. PS: I don't think 'information processes' comes any closer (or lies any further from, for that matter) to EDP than 'information management', Jarry. // Please see above!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you for all the valuable input. I noted Titi's objections, but this answer seems the best to me. It is also similar to what I thought it should be, just shorter and more elegant. Thank you all."
11 mins

ICT architecture

(ICT = information and communication technology)

See link for example.
Something went wrong...
8 mins

Information management

This probably refers to "De informatiebeheergroep" a notorious ***** body in Dutch bureaucracy.

Note added at 2 hrs 14 mins (2005-12-09 21:34:59 GMT)

Hier wordt niet alleen de verwerking bedoeld maar ook de opslag en het beheer. Ik zie niet in waarom "information management" een beladen term zou zijn. Je moet er niet naar kijken vanuit de optiek van een ict'er maar vanuit gezichtspunt van een specialist Administratieve Oganisatie. (scheiding van bevoegdheden en functies, controlemechanismen en afschermen van gevoelige informatie boven het niveau waar functionele toegang nodig is)
Peer comment(s):

agree DutchConnection : Or information management system.//Still right there with you (and system) titi, or I'll eat my hat!
2 hrs
Het gaat inderdaad om het administratief systeem . Bedankt voor de steun :-)
disagree Jack den Haan : Kijk, dat bedoel ik nou -- information management **system**, zegt DutchConnection. Bij 'information processes' heb je niet zo snel dergelijke connotaties. Deze term is gewoon veel neutraler. veel algemener, en kan m.i. ook opslag en beheer inhouden.
2 hrs
Het systeem is geen technisch systeem maar een administratief systeem waarbij het niet alleen maar gaat om verwerking (processes) maar om het totale beheer (en dat heet huishouding) .
agree jarry (X) : with DutchConnection (Information management system)
11 hrs
Hej Jarry, long time no see ;-)
agree writeaway : I really think that this was the answer, especially in the context. am nearly 100% certain that the answer chosen is wrong. seems that the system is being updated, rearranged etc. that's management imho.
1 day 15 hrs
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3 hrs

data houskeeping rountines/processes [Not for grading]

The WIA is the new Act replacing the WAO - nothing to do with IB group that deals with education grants and parental contributions.

In my early days with computing (some 40 years ago with radio valve computers and then transistor based mainframes) we always talked about HOUSEKEEPING ROUTINES for the overnight reorganisation of the dta in the system, using magnetic tape tapes for backups and interim storage of the days transaction data prior to reorganisation.

I see no reason to change the term just because relational databases and SQL have taken over the world of data storage and retrieval.

Thus, I am going to agree with Jack, because IMHO information management is not the practice, but rather the theoretical side with its data warehouses, data mining, ILL (sic! without the K;-)] standards and other jargon for what we use to call files and file structures.

[What a good ranting Friday I have had!]

Note added at 3 hrs 45 mins (2005-12-09 23:06:09 GMT)

Yes, I am a native writer, but sometimes proofreading Kudoz notes is a dreadful bore - when can we have a spelling checker to help correct wayward finger trouble, Henry?

should be ' in the system, using magnetic tapes for ... day's transaction data...'
and '... what we used to call files and file structures.'

Note added at 11 hrs 9 mins (2005-12-10 06:30:01 GMT)

and, of course, routines in the not-for-grading answer itself
Note from asker:
Thank you for the great explanation, Dave.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jack den Haan : [ Have a nice weekend as well, Dave :-) ]
40 mins
Thanks, Jack (:-{)> You too!
neutral Wouter van Kampen : Yes Dave, I know what IB and WIA stand for :-) Remember IB<-->"ingrijpende vernieuwing van de informatiehuishouding". What a mess it turned out to be. Now you wait what this WIA will cause . You may have read Kafka. That's what it is all about.
11 hrs
Yes, but are we talking about "The Trial" or "Metamorphosis" - both would seem appropriate as far as both titles and content are concerned (;-{)>
neutral writeaway : really think that this is management, especially in the context
1 day 12 hrs
You are probably right - and venter also seems to be thinking along those lines now - have a good week (:-{)>
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