Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
withholding agent
Serbian translation:
poreski obveznik
Added to glossary by
RINA LINGUISTIC SERVICES, Katarina Radojevic- Mitrovic
Jul 25, 2005 20:58
19 yrs ago
32 viewers *
English term
withholding agent
English to Serbian
na italijanskom sostituto d'imposta.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
7 hrs
English term (edited):
withholding agent/contribution payer
poreski obveznik
What is the withholding agent?
Withholding agent is any person with a tax collection obligation as provided in the income tax proclamation N0 286/2002.
5. Who are withholding agents?
Organization or any company Government Owned Enterprises, Share Co, private Limited Co, partnership, etc incorporated under the law of Ethiopian or abroad, private non-profit organization and Non Governmental Organization (NGO) having legal personality.
6. Obligations and records of withholding agents
Ø Issue serially numbered official receipt to persons and organizations from whom tax is withheld;
Ø Fill in a form provided, taxpayer identification number (TIN), total payments and tax withhold.
Ø Transferring the tax withhold to the tax authority within ten days from the end of month of transaction.
Ø Withholding agent shall maintain and make available for inspection, records in relation to each fiscal year for payments made and tax withheld.
Ø The withholding agent shall keep the records for five (5) years after the end of the fiscal year to which the records relate.
7. Which types of services are subject to withholding tax?
Types of services that are subject to withholding tax: -
a) Consultancy
b) Designs, written materials, lectures and dissemination of information;
c) Lawyers, accountants, auditors and other services of similar nature
d) Sales persons, arts and sports professionals and brokers including insurance brokers and other commission agents
e) Advertisements and entertainment programs for television and radio broadcasts
f) Construction
g) Advertisement services
h) Patents for scientific and intellectual works
i) Rent for lease of machineries building and other goods including computers
j) Maintenance services
k) Tailoring
l) Printing and
m) Insurance
Who is the withholding agent/contribution payer?
If a non-resident employee is employed by a (sub)contractor based abroad who has contracted for work from a Netherlands-based entrepreneur, the foreign (sub)contractor will qualify as the withholding agent/contribution payer in any case in the following two situations:
if he has a permanent establishment in the Netherlands (e.g., an office, factory or quarry);
if he has a permanent representative resident or established in the Netherlands.
In addition, the non-resident (sub)contractor himself may request to be regarded as the withholding agent/contribution payer in the Netherlands.
In the following situation, a foreign contractor himself may request to be regarded as the withholding agent/contribution payer in the Netherlands. He executes a building commission in the Netherlands with a duration of nine months. This period is not long enough to bring about a permanent establishment (this would require twelve months). Consequently, the contractor is not a withholding agent/contribution payer. His staff, however, are taxable in the Netherlands: they work and/or sojourn in the Netherlands for a period longer than 183 days. They will have to register with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration and apply for a tax and national insurance number ('SOFI number'). Subsequently, they should pay the tax owed in the Netherlands themselves. The employer may elect to register in the Netherlands and to pay wage tax and contributions. This will make things a great deal easier for the employees: usually, there will be no need for them to pay an income tax assessment in the Netherlands or apply for a refund of tax already paid in their country of residence.
Withholding agent is any person with a tax collection obligation as provided in the income tax proclamation N0 286/2002.
5. Who are withholding agents?
Organization or any company Government Owned Enterprises, Share Co, private Limited Co, partnership, etc incorporated under the law of Ethiopian or abroad, private non-profit organization and Non Governmental Organization (NGO) having legal personality.
6. Obligations and records of withholding agents
Ø Issue serially numbered official receipt to persons and organizations from whom tax is withheld;
Ø Fill in a form provided, taxpayer identification number (TIN), total payments and tax withhold.
Ø Transferring the tax withhold to the tax authority within ten days from the end of month of transaction.
Ø Withholding agent shall maintain and make available for inspection, records in relation to each fiscal year for payments made and tax withheld.
Ø The withholding agent shall keep the records for five (5) years after the end of the fiscal year to which the records relate.
7. Which types of services are subject to withholding tax?
Types of services that are subject to withholding tax: -
a) Consultancy
b) Designs, written materials, lectures and dissemination of information;
c) Lawyers, accountants, auditors and other services of similar nature
d) Sales persons, arts and sports professionals and brokers including insurance brokers and other commission agents
e) Advertisements and entertainment programs for television and radio broadcasts
f) Construction
g) Advertisement services
h) Patents for scientific and intellectual works
i) Rent for lease of machineries building and other goods including computers
j) Maintenance services
k) Tailoring
l) Printing and
m) Insurance
Who is the withholding agent/contribution payer?
If a non-resident employee is employed by a (sub)contractor based abroad who has contracted for work from a Netherlands-based entrepreneur, the foreign (sub)contractor will qualify as the withholding agent/contribution payer in any case in the following two situations:
if he has a permanent establishment in the Netherlands (e.g., an office, factory or quarry);
if he has a permanent representative resident or established in the Netherlands.
In addition, the non-resident (sub)contractor himself may request to be regarded as the withholding agent/contribution payer in the Netherlands.
In the following situation, a foreign contractor himself may request to be regarded as the withholding agent/contribution payer in the Netherlands. He executes a building commission in the Netherlands with a duration of nine months. This period is not long enough to bring about a permanent establishment (this would require twelve months). Consequently, the contractor is not a withholding agent/contribution payer. His staff, however, are taxable in the Netherlands: they work and/or sojourn in the Netherlands for a period longer than 183 days. They will have to register with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration and apply for a tax and national insurance number ('SOFI number'). Subsequently, they should pay the tax owed in the Netherlands themselves. The employer may elect to register in the Netherlands and to pay wage tax and contributions. This will make things a great deal easier for the employees: usually, there will be no need for them to pay an income tax assessment in the Netherlands or apply for a refund of tax already paid in their country of residence.
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Miomira Brankovic
: Izvinjavam se, ovo mi je prvi put da menjam svoje mišljenje, nothing personal. Malo sam bolje proučila predmet, pa mi je sada jasno da postoji razlika između taxpayer i withholding agent. Detaljnije objašnjenje u mom odgovoru.
20 mins
withholding tax je " income tax withheld from employees' wages and paid directly to the government by the employer", pa treba podvuci razliku.Da, naravno da ima razlike i ja sam to ovim komentarom i napomenula. Kakogod, rec je o poreskim obveznicima.
agree |
Jelena Bubalo
4 hrs
agree |
Tamara Sinobad
4 hrs
disagree |
Kornelija Karalic
: obveznik je hrvatska rijec
16 hrs
uz duzno postovanje, ali nauka o jeziku Vam nazalost nije jaca strana, a izgleda ni zakonodavstvo; uz to kada iskazujete neslaganje po Kudoz pravilima trebalo bi to necim da argumentujete
agree |
Dusica Cook
: apsolutno da....
1 day 4 hrs
hvala najlepse, Dusice!
agree |
Tanja Abramovic (X)
1 day 10 hrs
hvala najlepse!
disagree |
Maja Čaprić
: to nije obveznik, nego agent koji oduzima od obveznika i daje drzavi
2565 days
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement."
31 mins
poreski sluzbenik...
kompletna definicija ovog pojma prema EU-terminologiji glasi:
...a person charged under tax legislation with the collection of tax by deduction or withholding at source...
osoba koja je zaduzen da naplacuje porez odbijanjem ili zadrzavanjem na (samom) izvoru
...a person charged under tax legislation with the collection of tax by deduction or withholding at source...
osoba koja je zaduzen da naplacuje porez odbijanjem ili zadrzavanjem na (samom) izvoru
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
Miomira Brankovic
: Ne radi se o poreskim organima niti poreskim službenicima, nego o isplatiocima određenih naknada koje podležu porezu po odbitku. V. čl. 40 u ili 221/
7 hrs
disagree |
RINA LINGUISTIC SERVICES, Katarina Radojevic- Mitrovic
: slazem se sa Miomirom
7 hrs
disagree |
Zlatomir Zivkovic
: slazem se sa Miomirom
9 hrs
agree |
Veronica Prpic Uhing
6 days
agree |
Maja Čaprić
: ja se slazem s Sherefedinom, osoba ili ustanova koja prikuplja porez ili ga oduzima od odredjenih izvora i prosljedjuje poreznoj upravi, cini mi se
2565 days
1 day 2 hrs
vidi komentar
generalno, mislim da je u pitanju
poreski obveznik / obveznik PDV-a
a isto tako mislim da se radi o nerezidentnom poreskom obvezniku
poreski obveznik / obveznik PDV-a
a isto tako mislim da se radi o nerezidentnom poreskom obvezniku
Peer comment(s):
agree |
RINA LINGUISTIC SERVICES, Katarina Radojevic- Mitrovic
: mislim da ne mora biti nerezident; jer nalazim u zakonskim tekstovima i rezidente "withholding agents"
2 hrs
hvala. i ja sam misljenja da ne mora biti neresident, ali u vecini stranih tekstova koje sam ja pregledao do sad, nailazio sam na non-resident, te sam stoga i stekao takav dojam.
1 day 8 hrs
poreski platac
Poreski obveznik je poreski dužnik koji je obavezan da plati porez, odnosno sporedno poresko davanje.
Drugi poreski dužnici su:
1) ...;
2) isplatilac prihoda poreskom obvezniku (u daljem tekstu: poreski platac) koji je dužan da obračuna i po odbitku plati propisani porez na taj prihod, u ime i za račun poreskog obveznika, na odgovarajući uplatni račun;
3) poreski posrednik koji je dužan da sa računa poreskog dužnika (poreskog obveznika ili poreskog placa) na osnovu njihovog naloga za prenos sredstava obustavi i po odbitku uplati utvrđeni porez, u svoje ime, a za račun poreskog obveznika, odnosno poreskog placa, na odgovarajući uplatni račun;
Zakon o poreskom postupku i poreskoj administraciji, čl. 12
Na primer, kod obračuna poreza na zarade zaposlenih koji padaju na teret zaposlenog (jer jedan deo pada i na teret firme), poreski obveznik je zaposleni, a poreski platac je preduzeće, ustanova itd. koji prilikom obračuna zarade odmah obustavlja i uplaćuje porez.
Note added at 1 day 23 hrs 0 min (2005-07-27 19:59:39 GMT)
Withholding agent
If you pay wages or benefits to an employee or a benefit recipient, you have to withhold wage tax and national insurance contributions (together also known as payroll tax) from these wages, and pay them to the Tax and Customs Administration. If you have to withhold and remit payroll tax, you will be known as the *withholding agent*. You are also obliged to withhold and remit payroll tax if you made staff available, i.e. if you are a seconder, supplier, etc.
Withholding agent. The term \'\'withholding agent\'\' means any person required to deduct and withhold any tax under the provisions of sections 1441, 1442, 1443, or 1461.
ZOP ... nije utvrđivao da li je poslodavac, odnosno drugi isplatilac prihoda, kao *poreski platac*, obračunao i uplatio porez za svakog pojedinačnog zaposlenog, odnosno drugog poreskog obveznika.
Mislim da je iz ovih primera jasno da je - pojednostavljeno rečeno -poreski obveznik (taxpayer) pravno ili fizičko lice koje ostvaruje neki oporezivi prihod, dok je poreski platac (witholding agent) isplatilac tih prihoda koji je dužan da obračuna i odmah obustavi i plati porez u ime poreskog obveznika, tj. isplaćuje neto sumu umanjenu za porez.
Primer sa zaradama je svima možda najbliži, ali isto je npr. sa porezom na prihod od kamata: ako imate novac u banci i na to dobijete kamatu, vi ste poreski obveznik na prihod od kamate, ali taj porez ne plaćate sami, nego ga banka odmah obustavlja i uplaćuje poreskim organima u vaše ime, te je banka u ovom slučaju poreski platac, ali nije poreski obveznik.
Drugi poreski dužnici su:
1) ...;
2) isplatilac prihoda poreskom obvezniku (u daljem tekstu: poreski platac) koji je dužan da obračuna i po odbitku plati propisani porez na taj prihod, u ime i za račun poreskog obveznika, na odgovarajući uplatni račun;
3) poreski posrednik koji je dužan da sa računa poreskog dužnika (poreskog obveznika ili poreskog placa) na osnovu njihovog naloga za prenos sredstava obustavi i po odbitku uplati utvrđeni porez, u svoje ime, a za račun poreskog obveznika, odnosno poreskog placa, na odgovarajući uplatni račun;
Zakon o poreskom postupku i poreskoj administraciji, čl. 12
Na primer, kod obračuna poreza na zarade zaposlenih koji padaju na teret zaposlenog (jer jedan deo pada i na teret firme), poreski obveznik je zaposleni, a poreski platac je preduzeće, ustanova itd. koji prilikom obračuna zarade odmah obustavlja i uplaćuje porez.
Note added at 1 day 23 hrs 0 min (2005-07-27 19:59:39 GMT)
Withholding agent
If you pay wages or benefits to an employee or a benefit recipient, you have to withhold wage tax and national insurance contributions (together also known as payroll tax) from these wages, and pay them to the Tax and Customs Administration. If you have to withhold and remit payroll tax, you will be known as the *withholding agent*. You are also obliged to withhold and remit payroll tax if you made staff available, i.e. if you are a seconder, supplier, etc.
Withholding agent. The term \'\'withholding agent\'\' means any person required to deduct and withhold any tax under the provisions of sections 1441, 1442, 1443, or 1461.
ZOP ... nije utvrđivao da li je poslodavac, odnosno drugi isplatilac prihoda, kao *poreski platac*, obračunao i uplatio porez za svakog pojedinačnog zaposlenog, odnosno drugog poreskog obveznika.
Mislim da je iz ovih primera jasno da je - pojednostavljeno rečeno -poreski obveznik (taxpayer) pravno ili fizičko lice koje ostvaruje neki oporezivi prihod, dok je poreski platac (witholding agent) isplatilac tih prihoda koji je dužan da obračuna i odmah obustavi i plati porez u ime poreskog obveznika, tj. isplaćuje neto sumu umanjenu za porez.
Primer sa zaradama je svima možda najbliži, ali isto je npr. sa porezom na prihod od kamata: ako imate novac u banci i na to dobijete kamatu, vi ste poreski obveznik na prihod od kamate, ali taj porez ne plaćate sami, nego ga banka odmah obustavlja i uplaćuje poreskim organima u vaše ime, te je banka u ovom slučaju poreski platac, ali nije poreski obveznik.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Tanja Abramovic (X)
: hvala na linku - vrlo je koristan, mada nisam sigurna da li je ovo pravo resenje; razmisljam, kako li su uopste smislili tu rec (ocigledno bukv. prevod od "taxpayer"), pa je jos menjaju i kroz padeze ("placa"), kao da se radi o nekom placu (zemljistu);
2 days 10 hrs
agree |
6716 days
20 hrs
zastupnik za povrat poreza
''to hold back'' ili ''restrain or check'' .
Da ima vise objasnjenja o kontekstu lakse bi bilo.
Note added at 20 hrs 45 mins (2005-07-26 17:44:34 GMT)
Mislim da i ova stranica bas otome govori, s tim da to moze kako tamo kaze to biti i jedna osoba a i agencija. Ovisi o kontekstu.,...
Note added at 3 days 1 hr 37 mins (2005-07-28 22:36:16 GMT)
Rečnik Internet Krstarice
Englesko-srpski | Srpsko-engleski | Naručite englesko-srpsko-engleski
Nemačko-srpski | Srpsko-nemački | Naručite nemačko-srpsko-nemački
Unesite reč ili frazu na engleskom jeziku:
Engleski jezik Srpski jezik
agent senzal
agent prouzrokovač
agent komisionar
agent faktor
agent agent
agent supstanca
agent pretstavnik
agent posrednik
agent sila
agent pokretač
agent otpravnik
agent oficir za vezu
''to hold back'' ili ''restrain or check'' .
Da ima vise objasnjenja o kontekstu lakse bi bilo.
Note added at 20 hrs 45 mins (2005-07-26 17:44:34 GMT)
Mislim da i ova stranica bas otome govori, s tim da to moze kako tamo kaze to biti i jedna osoba a i agencija. Ovisi o kontekstu.,...
Note added at 3 days 1 hr 37 mins (2005-07-28 22:36:16 GMT)
Rečnik Internet Krstarice
Englesko-srpski | Srpsko-engleski | Naručite englesko-srpsko-engleski
Nemačko-srpski | Srpsko-nemački | Naručite nemačko-srpsko-nemački
Unesite reč ili frazu na engleskom jeziku:
Engleski jezik Srpski jezik
agent senzal
agent prouzrokovač
agent komisionar
agent faktor
agent agent
agent supstanca
agent pretstavnik
agent posrednik
agent sila
agent pokretač
agent otpravnik
agent oficir za vezu
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Miomira Brankovic
: Obveznik nije samo hrvatska reč, nego i srpska, pogledajte srpski/Zakon_porez_dobit_preduzeca.htm kao i bilo koji drugi poreski zakon Republike Srbije, a kontekst je jasan onome ko zna šta je withholding tax.
5 hrs
neutral |
Maja Čaprić
: zastupnik ili agent ali za odbitak poreza
2564 days