Jul 21, 2005 23:18
19 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Portuguese term

auriculeta livre

Portuguese to English Medical Medical: Cardiology echocardiograph
It's basically a list showing the results of an echocardiograph. Not much context, I'm afraid.
Are they talking about atrial free-floating thrombus? Meaning free from the atrial wall, moving within the cavity, etc?

I thank you guys for any help on this. Please no guesses.


Non-ProZ.com Jul 22, 2005:
More info:

AURICULETA. Ap�ndices das aur�culas, sendo freq�entes locais de forma��o de co�gulos (trombos) em condi�es especiais (fibrila��o atrial, estenose mitral).

"...INTRODUCTION � Imaging of the right and left atria and their appendages can provide important information, particularly in patients with atrial fibrillation who are at increased risk for thromboembolic events resulting from left atrial or atrial appendage thrombus. This topic will review the echocardiographic evaluation of the right and left atria and their appendages. The role of echocardiography in atrial fibrillation is discussed in detail elsewhere..."

Proposed translations

12 hrs

auricular appendage

A auriculeta é um apêndice do átrio (esquerdo e direito). É a estrutura anatômica que resulta da evolução embriológica do coração. Originalmente um átrio primitivo, ao final do desenvolvimento do feto ele se torna apenas uma estrutura acessória - an appendage. Em situações como a Síndrome da Veia Cava Superior, esse apêndice sofre abaulamento (hipertrofia) e é assim visível em exames de Tórax, como Rx.

Auricular appendage
Complete online version of The Encyclopaedia of Medical Imaging including text
and images from The Encyclopaedia of Medical Imaging's eight book volumes: ...
www.amershamhealth.com/medcyclopaedia/ medical/Volume%20II/AURICULAR%20APPENDAGE.asp

Note added at 13 hrs 4 mins (2005-07-22 12:22:18 GMT)

I forgot to add the translation of \"free\".

Livre here means \"normal\" or \"with normal anatomy\".


Auricular appendage with normal anatomy or

Normal Auricular appendage

Extracardiac reconstruction of anomalous superior systemic venous ...
Normal anatomy was achieved and recovery was uneventful. ... where they performed
the incision on the right auricular appendage to avoid the sinus node; ...
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you all very much. Thank you, Claudia. I've just confirmed your suggestion somewhere else too. I used "atrial appendage," though. More references for "atrial." Thanks again."
13 mins

free atrium

Sorry, but it is a guess.

Note added at 14 mins (2005-07-21 23:33:02 GMT)

Deduzo que \"auriculeta\" seja equivalente a \"aurícula\".
Something went wrong...
1 hr

obstruction-free atrim

I think it means free of any glop...hang on: and check this out"

O que hoje chamamos de átrio era no século XVII denominado "aurícula"; assim como o que hoje chamamos de aurícula era chamado de "auriculeta". Agradeço ao prof. dr. Eduardo Cunha Farias, prof. associado do Departamento de Histologia e Embriologia do Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da USP, pelo esclarecimento de parte dos termos anatômicos da época.

I beg forgiveness

Note added at 1 hr 31 mins (2005-07-22 00:49:53 GMT)

Check it out:
Cardiac Varix in Relation to ***Right Atrial Free Wall*** Presenting as a Mass Compressing the Right Atrium and Mimicking a Pericardial Cyst ...
ats.ctsnetjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/78/6/e96 - Similar pages

hubba, hubba?

Final: right atrial free wall..

Note added at 1 hr 32 mins (2005-07-22 00:50:10 GMT)

correx to any answer: atrium not atrim
Peer comment(s):

neutral António Ribeiro : why right and not left?!!! And, why free wall?
1 hr
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