Jul 6, 2005 14:18
19 yrs ago
14 viewers *
Russian term

nurse practitioner

Russian to English Medical Medical: Health Care Educational documents
В дипломе медучилища написано "специальность - акушерка", но девушка и ее канадский муж утверждают, что переводить это следует именно как Nurse Practitioner. Программа обучения 3 года со всеми возможными вариациями ухода за больными. Я посмотрел здешние программы и в принципе мне кажется что они похожи, кроме того буквальный перевод как midwife (которая часто вообще не является медсестрой) или obstetriacian (который звучит как врач) не очень подходит. Интересно услышать мнения коллег :-0

Proposed translations

20 mins

nurse midwife

Юра, я далека от американо-канадских реалий, но мне все-таки кажется, что nurse practitioner -- это широковато. В Taber's Cyclopedic Dictionary есть вот такие вхождения:

nurse practitioner, NP
A licensed registered nurse who has had advanced preparation for practice that includes 9 to 24 months of supervised clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of illness.
The NP concept was developed in 1965 by Henry Silver, M.D., and Loretta Ford, R.N. Most contemporary NP programs are at the master's degree level; graduates are prepared for primary care practice in family medicine, women's health, neonatology, pediatrics, school health, geriatrics, or mental health. NPs may work in collaborative practice with physicians or independently in private practice or in nursing clinics. Depending upon state laws, NPs may be allowed to write prescriptions for medications.
SEE: ¶nurse clinician; ¶nurse ¶midwife; nursing, advanced practice

¶nurse ¶midwife
A registered nurse who has completed specialized theory and clinical courses in obstetrics and gynecology and is certified by the American College of Nurse Midwives.
This person provides primary care to women who are experiencing normal, uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries.

Примерно то же дают Дорланд:

nurse-midwife (nurse-mid·wife) an individual educated in the two disciplines of nursing and midwifery, who possesses evidence of certification according to the requirements of the American College of Nurse-Midwives. Abbreviated CNM (Certified Nurse-Midwife).

и Вебстер:
Main Entry: nurse-mid·wife
: a registered nurse with additional training as a midwife who delivers infants and provides antepartum and postpartum care

А просто midwife в другом словаре, Стедмане, определяется так:
A person qualified to practice midwifery, having specialized training in obstetrics and child care.

Надеюсь, хоть чем-то помогла :)
Peer comment(s):

agree protolmach : Лена, замечательные ссылки, спасибо!
2 mins
Да не за что, пользуйтесь на здоровье :) Тейбер со Стедманом тоже где-то в сети лежат, только ссылок на них под рукой нет, потому что эти словари у меня стоят в компьютере
neutral Robert Donahue (X) : I'm sorry, but I don't think this works. : ( The links I looked at for "nurse-midwife" show that this is a registered nurse (that usually takes 4 years) who takes an advanced course over and beyond that.
12 mins
Спасибо за мнение! Я тоже сомневаюсь, что термин подойдет, однако он все-таки ближе к "акушерке", чем nurse practitioner
agree Vlad Pogosyan
14 mins
Спасибо :)
agree Dorene Cornwell : if you are going to translate it, this is the variant I would choose, but see my suggestion below
4 hrs
Thanks Dorene :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks everyone. I consulted with someone I know from the credentials evaluation outfit and decided to go with this version as it will be understood in the context of the Russian healthcare education system and recommendaitons for further training will be issued based on the curriculum. "
23 mins

Licensed Nurse Practioner- LPN in OBGN

In the hospital I am attending as a patient I spoke with a girl who has abbreviation LPN- Licensed Nurse Practioner she answered. May be it make sense to add --in OBGN.(Obsttrian and Gynecology) Americans like abbreviations in Medical area especially. Examples: ENT doctor-Ear Nose Throat, EM- Emergrncy Room, etc.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Jack slep : FYI: See Anglo-Russ. Mediko-Biol. Slovar Sokrashchenii, Nauka, Moscow, 1993 - 20,000 terms!
13 mins
disagree Dorene Cornwell : In the US LPN's have fewer qualifications than Registered Nurses, and I gather this woman has more training than a regular nurse, so even though she got her license with her degree. this will create confusion in English
4 hrs
Information for my respected colleague: In the USSR the diploma conferred by medical school was simultaneously a license. If a person had a break during the practical work 3 years, special test was holding to renew it. This person anyway will take test in
neutral Ann Nosova : не согласна с вашим предложением- это многовато титулов, но согласна с тем, что у нас не надо отдельной лицензии, если есть диплом медучилища
9 hrs
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29 mins

An offering

Below is a site defining various categories of nurses (USA). I don't know where акушерка falls in this classification but I doubt if it is Nurse Practitioner as that requires graduate studies leading to a Masters Degree and the акушерка's training program was only three years.

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40 mins

Midwife Practitioner

This is a tricky question obviously. I would refrain from using a title that implies either certification or licensing since these obviously don't factor in here.

Peer comment(s):

neutral Dorene Cornwell : "trained midwife" comes to mind as an option partly because midwifery exists across cultures without formal training
4 hrs
Right, I was trying to walk the tightrope between "certified" and plain ol' "midwife". I think this works. Thanks Dorene : )
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21 mins


Очень интересный вопрос. У меня за долгие годы так и не сложилось ясности в переводе licensed nurse, certified nurse, nurse practitioner, etc.

Note added at 48 mins (2005-07-06 15:06:47 GMT)

Может быть, Роберт прав. Можно попробовать, что-то типа graduate nurse specializing in midwifery. And, I agree with Robert that it is better to avoid words registered, licensed, certified ...
Peer comment(s):

neutral Robert Donahue (X) : I'm sorry, but I don't think this works. : ( The links I looked at for "nurse-midwife" show that this is a registered nurse (that usually takes 4 years) who takes an advanced course over and beyond that.
12 mins
thank you
agree Martinique : А я согласна и с вами, и с Робертом насчет избегания слов registered, licensed, certified
7 hrs
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4 hrs

registered (obstetric) nurse

Перед поступлением в институт я закончила медучилище в г.Николаеве. У нас была группа акушерок,я знаю, что собой представляет эта специализация не понаслышке. Это обычные медсестры(по уровню образования и кругу обязанностей/ответственности), только нацеленные на работу в родильных домах. Midwife здесь имеет несколько иное значение.
Вот обратите внимание - это к ней не относится:
A licensed practical nurse (L.P.N.) program involves one to one and a half years of nursing training at a state-approved vocational technical school or community college.
А это подходит:Programs last two academic or calendar years, combining nursing courses and supportive college courses, and award either an A.A.S. (Associate of Applied Science) or an A.S. (Associate of Science). Upon completion of a state-approved program, a graduate is eligible to take the state licensure examination to become a registered nurse.

Specialization. Nursing specialties exist in a wide range of areas, including oncology nursing, medical-surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, obstetric nursing, and critical care nursing. There are specific requirements for certification in nursing specialization that are determined by the particular specialty.
А вот что значит *nurse midwifery*:For some specialties, such as nurse midwifery, a combined R.N./master's program is available to non-nurses who have a baccalaureate degree.

At the advanced level, nurse practitioners provide basic, primary healthcare. They diagnose and treat common acute illnesses and injuries. Nurse practitioners also can prescribe medications—but certification and licensing requirements vary by State. Other advanced practice nurses include clinical nurse specialists, certified registered nurse anesthetists, and certified nurse midwives. Advanced practice nurses must meet educational and clinical practice requirements beyond the basic nursing education and licensing required of all RNs.
Исходя из всего того, что приведено выще, мне кажется, что Nurse practitioner - это слишком много люязанностей для медсестры, получившей образование медучилища,не предназначенной для того, чтобы самостоятельно принимать решения (такова роль медсестры ).
Но RN можно написать, не упоминая об акушерстве, если она не хочет( поэтому я заключила это слово в скобки). Греха не будет- они все получают приблизительно одинаковый объем знаний после медучилища (фельдшерско-акушерское отделение). Ей все равно придется получать лицензию, сдавать экзамены, поэтому Вы не рискуете при переводе.
Peer comment(s):

agree koundelev
5 hrs
thank you, George
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4 hrs

akusherka--just transiterate it

There are several problems here:

--Nurse practitioner and nurse midwife in the US both involve specific education and licensing processes. Whatever happens wherever the client comes from in not directly comparable.

--Nurse practitioners in the US can have a variety of specialties, obstetrics, anesthesiology, hospice.... so you need a term that covers this person's specific backgroun.

--Nurse practitioners in the US have more education than a nurse and less than a doctor. Some nurses actually do not have a bachelor's degress, and I am not sure of the precise educational requirements for nurse practitioners.

The variant I like best if this is to be translation and it reflects this person's academic background is "nurse-midwife." One reason I like this term is that it is suitably vague about questions of education, licensing and rights to practice which will be subject to specific regulations in other countries anyway.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Ann Nosova : она хочет избежать уточнения, кроме того, она просто медсестра, которая больше практиковалась в роддоме, работать медсестрой она всегда может
5 hrs
Thank you. So what you're saying is more like "labor and delivery nurse"?
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12 hrs


I would not follow the recommendations of девушка и ее канадский муж as they are not translators and this is a translator (not them) who is responsible for adequate rendering of the original. Especially with regard to medical field practitioners and relevant requirements which exist in Canada.
Translator can add a note in the certif. letter, but I believe 'nurse practitioner' is far more wider definition then qualification - "специальность - акушерка".

Note added at 12 hrs 41 mins (2005-07-07 03:00:02 GMT)

Re: Я посмотрел здешние программы и в принципе мне кажется что они похожи - well, as far as I understand, you are not providing assessment for educational credentials, matching them against the Canadian ones, but translating what was submitted. Based on the translation, the relevant federal\\provincial body which is empowered to do assessments for foreign medical credentials might do the relevant assessment, if required. I would not go into it as I am not medical, but a language professional, so medicine is not my turf :-).
That\'s how I see it and how I would proceed. Thanks.
Peer comment(s):

agree Robert Donahue (X) : Excellent points Vladimir.
5 hrs
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6 hrs

physician assistant / midwife

По-моему, наши медсестры соответствуют "medical assistant" или "physician assistant", но никак не Registered Nurse. Есть вот такая специализация: Physician Assistant Midwife.

"Physician-Assistant Midwife: A physicians assistant who has had additional training in midwifery. A physicians assistant is a health care professional licensed to practice medicine with physician supervision. Ordinary tasks include conducting physical exams, assisting in surgery, and writing prescriptions. Additional training may involve an 18-month to 2-year course of study in family medicine that includes extensive clinical training. They may work in hospitals, clinics, or private practices with direct or indirect physician supervision."


Note added at 20 hrs 38 mins (2005-07-07 10:56:43 GMT)

Лучше наверное, \"medical assistant/midwife\". \"Physician assistant\" - это тоже уже более серьезное образование и круг обязанностей.

\"Medical Assistants work under the supervision of physicians in their offices or other medical settings... The clinical duties of a Medical Assistant may include taking patient histories and vital signs, preparing patients for procedures, collecting and processing specimens, and preparing and administering medications as directed by the physician. \"
Peer comment(s):

disagree Ann Nosova : никак не соответствуют, требования совсем другие- наши медсестры-инструмент в руках врача, и только всего
4 hrs
Так и medical assistant как раз то же самое.
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